Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Two Apartments part 1

The Friendship Of The Copper Ring That Came From A Coin Machine That Was Made From The Waters Of Petit Jean Mountain(TFOTCRTCFACMTWMFTWOPJM) has now split up. Magician has disappeared, Swordguy was killed, Trickster and Prankster were captured, Chris, Beardguy, and Pretty Boy were chasing Neo-Red Coats, and Kind Boy and Gardener went off on their own.

Kind Boy and Gardener were on their way to Petit Jean Mountain to throw the copper ring into the mountain’s waters. They made camp nearby Scott, AR.

That night, when out of nowhere, they were attacked by a weird impish looking guy. Gardener grab a butch of shoestrings that were tied together like a long rope. A gift he got from the Vulcan fans in Pine Bluff. He wrapped it around the imp guy’s neck. He screamed, “It smells! Too many smells of nasty shoes! Get it off me!”

Kind Boy aim his glow in the dark butter knife at his neck and said, “I release you if you promise you won't attack again.” The weird mutant nodded and the shoestrings were released.

They learn he’s been following them since they entered the Ozarks caves. He wanted his cheap copper ring that came from a coin machine back.

Kind Boy said, “Magician told me about a fishermen who killed his best friend for a piece of jewelry that only cost 50 cents. He had it for many centuries till Uncle Old Guy took it from him.”

Gardener said, “I guess after wearing the cheap jewelry for so long. The special type of detergent that the ring is made out has deformed him to his ugly appearance.”

Mutant Fisherman told them that he swears loyalty to the new welder of the copper ring. He will help by being their tour guide to Petit Jean Mountain.

Trickster and Prankster were captured by Genetically Engineered Neo-Red Coats and were they were heading to Dark Magician’s apartment in Conway. Chris, Beardguy, and Pretty Boy track them down. They followed them from Stuttgart to Bebee, from there, then they turned west.

On top of a hill, Pretty Boy sees them at a distance and said, "They are taking those short guys to Conway. They are taking those short guys to Conway. They are taking those short guys to Conway. Conway Conway." Chris walks up to him and smack him upside of his head. Pretty Boy said in pain, "Don't ruined my hair." Chris asked, "Why are you singing all of a sudden?"

Evil Cave Dwellers approach the Neo-Red Coats. They tell them they need to bring the two short guys to Evil Dude’s apartment in Morrilton while the Neo-Red Coats told them they need to bring them to Evil Magicain's apartment.

They haven't made their minds yet but continue walking and talking about many things. A Cave Dweller talks on how he saw a funny gif on the internet the other day.(Yes, they have internet inside caves) An angry Neo-Red Coat shoot a mean glare and said, “It’s pronounced Jif you idiot.” The cave dweller said, “Then why is it spelled Gif.”

Just then, they all start killing each other for the sake of a pronunciation of a word. They didn't pay attention to the two short guys as they were breaking free from their ropes. Trickster said, "Come on, let's get out of here." And so they left.

Meanwhile, Dark Magician was in his apartment room and pulled out his cell phone and made a call. He said, "Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Conway and Morrilton. To stand against the might of Evil Dude and Dark Magician. Union of the Two Apartments. Together my lord Evil Dude, we shall rule all of Arkansas." Evil Dude replied, "That's nice and all but did you really have to make a speech like that just to call me?"

The three hunters known as Chris, Pretty Boy, and Beardguy trace the Neo-Red Coats' steps but when they got to the end, all they found the remains of a battlefield. They saw few men on horses standing there watching as well. The three approached them and one of the horseman said, "Howdy folks. When I already got here, they already killed themselves." Chris asked, "Who are you?" The horseman replied, "I'm from a farm not far from Greenbrier. Well Ah was till mah uncle kick me out. He been actin strange since he got sick shortly after he got that new helper fella from Conway."

Chris thinks about this and said to his allies, "It's possible that Dark Magician is involved somehow."

The three now plan to check out ranch and continued heading west.

Trickster and Prankster were in the middle of a forest after fleeing from the battle. They mention they got lost and don't know the way back to Hill Area.

Just then, they hear, "Like dudes, who are you?" They turn around and see a hippy in the middle of the woods. The two tell him of their tale and about the war coming to the land of Arkansas. He said, "Well I need to tell the other dudes in my committee about this thang." He got up and walk off. They started following him.

Kind Boy and Gardener traveled west from Scott and passed Little Rock. They headed north and stop at the Arkansas river. They got on a canoe to pass. Half way there, Kind Boy was so tired from all the traveling, he fell asleep and fell into the water. Gardener quickly pulled him out of the water. Kind Boy was in this "I'm awake, I'm awake" reaction. Gardener reached into his backpack and gave a Kind Boy a Pepsi Twist to help him wake up.

Kind Boy said, "I'm not a fan of lemon flavored drinks. They may discontinued these drinks in a year or two. Well anyways, thanks for the drink."

They pass the river and ended up between Conway and Morrilton. They started heading west towards Morrilton but the Mutant Fisherman said with worry in his face, "No, don't go to that city, Evil Dude lives in there." The two shrugged and decided to walked around the city of Morrilton.

The three hunters travel west to find the ranch that is possessed by Dark Magician. On the way, they see a guy in white clothes that resembles Dark Magician. Beardguy said as he pulled out his toy weapon, "I knew it, your messing up the ranch up ahead, aren't you." The mysterious man said, "I have nothing to do with that ranch."

He steps out of the sunlight and they can easily see who he is. It is...Magician.

Beardguy said, "But, But, you vanished?!" Magician replied, "Did you guys ever thought of look for a trapdoor? Seriously, why didn't you guys stay for a while to look for me?"

The three asked about the Pyro guy who also disappeared. Magician told them that he's in a straitjacket and some chains. He was mailed to Dark Magician's apartment.

Beardguy took a look at stage performer's new outfit and asked, "So did you use one of your magic powers to change the color of your clothing?" Magician gave him a sarcastic look and said, "It is, I used a special potion called bleach."

The four now head farther west. Magician told them don't worry about Trickster and Prankster because they are in the company of some friendly hippies. This came to a relief to the three others.

They arrived at Horsey Ranch's front gate. Several angry farmers appear to meet them. Magician told them, "We heard that the head of the ranch's birthday is later this weekend. I'm here to celebrate by putting on a magic show." The angry farmers scratch their heads and lift their arms up in confusion.

As they get inside the main household, they saw a mean looking butler nearby a sick looking man. The butler said, "We didn't welcome any guests?" One of the farmers said, "These fellas say it's the Head Rancher's birthday this weekend." Mean Butler told them, "You fools, his birthday won't be around for a few months."

Magician walks next to the butler's side and said, "Then we celebrate early." Soon a needle poke out of one side of his magic stick and he jabbed into Mean Buster's side. Magician whisper, "I take care of the guy while the needle paralyzing drug keep you still."

He walked over the sick man and take off his hat. Magician reach in and pulled out a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. He feed it to the rancher and the color suddenly return to his face.

The head of the ranch got up and said angrily to the Mean Butler, "Get off of mah ranch you sorry sucka." And so, they threw him out. He landed on his head with his feet in the air.

The Head Rancher sat back down on his sofa. A young cowgirl walked by and give a quick hug to the man. She said, “Blessed my stars and stripes, glad you're back to your old self mah uncle. I knew that scoundrel was controlling you”

The Head Rancher said, “Ah can't believe that someone like Mean Butler was controlling me like that. Someone like this Dark Magician fella told us that Mean Butler would be a great help to mah place.”

Chris said, “I knew it. Dark Magician really was behind all this.”

Just then, some beaten and battered farmers enter the front door. They told us that Dark Magician has an army and started to burning down farms left and right.

The Head Rancher told everyone they need to grab all the people and all the horses and git out of this ranch. He said he knows a stronghold that will protect them that's nearby Clinton.

Meanwhile, the two short guys and mutant avoided Morrilton and plan to enter Petit Jean Mountain from Atkins.

On the way, they encounter a few men. One of them said, “Are you spies from Morrilton ” Before they could answered, they were knocked unconscious.

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