Friday, December 9, 2016

Return of the Hero part 1

The Dark Magicain's army has fallen at the battle of the Stronghold near Clinton. The forces of good head to the city of Conway to confront Dark Magician. When they arrived at his shabby apartment, they see their friends, Trickster and Prankster leaning their backing on a wall with some sort of white sticks hanging out of their mouth.

Beardguy walked up to them and said, "We been looking for you guys since you were abducted near Stuttgart, and what do we find? You two are lazing around and smoking."

The two looked at each other puzzled and quickly pulled their suckers out of their mouths. Trickster said, "We're not smoking. We just enjoying Dark Magician's secret stash of candy. Anyways, we met some hippies that help up defeat Dark Magician and they burned down hia crappy apartment."

A hippie walked up to them and said, "That mean magic dude, like after we burn his pad for all the bad things he's doing lately. We grabbed him and threw into a closet inside a another nearby apartment. He's totally locked in there. He ain't a danger to you guys or the planet by cutting down poor trees."

Magician looked puzzled and knew his old friend-turned-enemy wasn't a tree cutter but quickly notice that Prankster was waving his arms and putting a finger on his lips behind the Hippie's back.

With Dark Magician imprisoned, they knew he wasn't a threat anymore. They started to walk back to Horsey Ranch that's nearby Greenbrier to discuss their next plan...


The forces of good turn to the sound and saw Dark Magician standing on top of the roof the nearby apartment. He said to them, "So what, you think I'm not important anymore like I am a minor character or something? You can forget it."

The good guys pulled out their weapons to challenge their foe. They were ready to climb the apartment but stand back when they saw several figures approach Dark Magician from behind. It was Mean Butler and the Pyro guy from the caves.

The Pyro guy said, "Look, I know burn people alive but I have standards you know. I don't burn down where people eat and sleep. Seriously, you hippies are evil." Dark Magician gave a puzzled look on what the Pryo guy said.

Mean Butler said in a sad tone, "Now look what you uncivilized hippies have done. How am I going to say this to my land owner? My poor poor China cabinet with my beloved tea set is gone."

Dark Magician rolled his eyes, "No one cares about your tea set, Mean Butler." The servent was shocked and angry that the magic user didn't care about his tea set. The servent quickly grabbed the magic man's wand out of pocket when Dark Magician was turned to the good guys, not knowing about the theft.

The corrupted magic user said to them, "I shall perform a magic trick that will grant my revenge and..."

He gasped like he got stabbed in the back. It is because Mean Butler activated the needle at the tip of the magic wand that shoots out a paralyzing drug.

The frozen man than lost his footing and felled off the roof of the building. His body crashed into the ground while the heroes turned their heads before he hit the ground. They soon heard, "Oww, that hurts".

A few minutes has passed and Magician told the others that he wrapped Dark Magician in straitjackets, boxes, and chains and mailed him to Abu Dhabi. He wouldn't be a problem again. Trickster said, "That's good. Imagine he be back again at the end of the journey. He may cause chaos in my homeland and enslave my villagers."

The gang then return back to Horsey Ranch. They settled down to discuss their next plan. Pretty Boy and Beardguy had a drinking contest who can chug the most root beer. Pretty Boy won.

Magician set down near Chris, the 2 short guys from Hill Area, and the Head Rancher and his family. He pulled out a bag and told them, "After I mailed away Dark Magician. Mean Butler told me this was a gift he got from Evil Dude. It was nice for Mean Butler to help us like that, such a pleasant fellow. Anyways, I believe the gift is a communication device."

He pulled a black ball out of a bag. Chris said,"That's obviously a magic 8 ball." Magician glare at him and said, "Quiet, I know what it is. This thing is evil. It must never be used." He got up and put the ball in the bag. He took it to his bedroom. Chris rolled his eyes and whispered to himself, "You got to be kidding me."

Later that night when everyone is sleeping.  Prankster sneak around and went to Magician's bedroom. He pulled off the magic user's covers to retrieve the magic 8 ball from his hands. The short guy jump back when he saw Magician with his opened eyes, starring right at him, then he continued snoring with his eyes open.

Prankster sigh in relief that Magician was sleeping with his open eyes somehow. The short man slowly grabbed the ball from his hands. He then went to a corner.

He asked the ball if Evil Dude plans an attack. The ball reads, IT IS CERTAIN. Prankster asked if Hill Area is going to be his target, the ball reads, VERY DOUBTFUL. Prankster remember his old friend Swordguy I and asked if Russellville be Evil Dude's target. The ball reads, YES.

Prankster than heard, "You stupid fool! I said the ball must never to be used." Magician took the ball from his hands and shove it back into the bag. He asked, "I believe Evil Dude try to read your mind as you were using it. You put us in danger." Prankster replied to him, "But Magician, I found information from the ball that Russellville is going to be attacked soon."

The next morning, Magician and Prankster were outside of the ranch. The escape artist plans to take the short guy to Russellville to warn the city of the coming attack. Magicain took off his hat and pulled out a white horse out of it. They hopped on it and rode off to the city.

Meanwhile, Kind Boy and Gardener are heading south from Atkins to follow Mutant Fisherman towards Petit Jean Mountain. Gardener asked their tour guy, "So how are we going to get to Petit Jean Mountain when the Arkansas River is in the way? We leave behind our canoes when we cross the river back near Little Rock." Mutant Fisherman replied, "But I know a secret path. A cave that will lead you straight to the mountain." Kind Boy asked, "I hope this isn't going to take us to the other side of Arkansas like Beardguy's cave did." The tour guide told them it won't.

At the same time, Magician and Prankster arrived in Russellville and stop at this nice fancy house. Before Magician ring the doorbell, he turned to Prankster and whisper, "We're meeting the father of Swordguy I. His name is Swordguy 0. Please do not mention about his son's death who died from multiple hits from darts with suction cups."

They ring the doorbell and they were told to come in. Inside, they saw a man crying over a toy lightsaber. He is sad that his neighbors found Swordguy I's body drifting upstream on the Arkansas River. He then look up and started acting grumpy. "What you want? Can you see I'm grieving?"

Magician told him that Evil Dude is planning to attack the city and they need to summon reinforcements. They know that they have allies up in Horsey Ranch. Swordguy 0 replied, "I'm fine as I'm am. My other son, Swordguy II is guarding Atkins right and preventing the army of Morrilton from getting anywhere near here."

The two realized this guy is not listening and head off.

Kind Boy and his team were inside a cave and arrived at this underground city that no one knew about. Mutant Fisherman told them that is city of a evil cult are loyal servants of Evil Dude. They believe that Halloween should be celebrated everyday and they will stab anyone who doesn't celebrate.

Kind Boy grabbed his shoulder in pain and said, "It's them. The same Halloween freaks that stabbed my shoulder with a cursed butter knife near the beginning of this adventure."

Mutant Fisherman waved his hand to the two to follow him. They walk farther and farther away from the city, when suddenly, an announcement was all over the city's speakers. "Attention! Attention! Is this thing on? Well. *cough* Evil Dude wants us to attack the city of Atkins and than prepare the invasion of Russellville. So let's move out. Thank you."

Right after the announcement, an army of Evil Cave Dwellers marching out of the city, led by the Halloween Freaks as they rode on their 20-foot tall bats.

The three travelers were happy that the evil army didn't notice them. As they were on their way, Mutant Fisherman whisper into Kind Boy's ear. He was telling him that he notice that Gardener is eyeballing the cheap piece of copper and that he will want it for himself. Kind Boy's head is now filled about doubts of his best friend.

In Russellville, Magician told Prankster he has a task for him. He told him to go to a cliff and light a fire. That fire will be seen by someone else in the distance and than he will light a fire and someone else would repeat. It will go on till Horsey Ranch will see it and they will send reinforcements to help Russellville.

Prankster looked at him weird and said, "You know I can simply text Trickster and he will tell everyone." He pull out his flip phone and sent a text. Magician said, "Now that's done, we can..." Prankster held up a finger to give him a minute. "Sorry but my cell only can sent a limited amount of text. I have to send another one." He mumble to himself, "I hope phone technology get better in a few years where I don't have to deal with limited character space."

Meanwhile near Greenbrier, Trickster went up to the Head Rancher and told him about Russellville needs assistance. The Rancher said, "Well I be horn swallow, that city folk need mah help." He shouted to his fellow farmers to gitty up and head out.

The Halloween Freaks led an attack on Atkins. Swordguy II and his group was forced to retreat. The Halloween Freaks were now chasing down Swordguy II's army. Thankfully for the good guys, Magician arrive on his horse. The escape artist pulled up a giant sheet of glass in the air. The sunlight shined on the glass and sent out a powerful beam of light, blinding one of the Halloween Freaks. This causes him to lose control of piloting his giant bat and slams into another bat, this made them crashed into the ground. Swordguy II and his group was safe for now and they head back to Russellville.

When he arrived to his city, he thank Magician for saving him. He talking about he been defending Atkins for a while and he at one point, he encounter two short people and a mutant fisherman who are going towards Petit Jean Mountain. Magician put two and two together and he was delighted to hear the good news that Kind Boy was doing well and continuing his goal on getting rid of that cheap piece of jewelry.

Swordguy II visit his father but he was still in seriously grump mode over the death of his older son. The younger son left the house and talk to Magician. "I don't want to be around my dad for a while. I don't think he loves me. Well then, I'm forming a group to take back Atkins. If I push back the enemy, maybe my father will finally lighten up." And so, he rode out to take back the town.

Kind Boy, Gardener, and Mutant Fisherman were taking a rest in the caves. Gardener was cooking up a stew for the gang. The tour guide walked to the fat guy and whisper, "I heard that from Kind Boy that you are the worse cook he ever met. He said he rather eat garbage than to eat your crap." Gardener stopped and said, "He never said that before. That jerk!" He walked right up on Kind Boy and said, "So you don't like my cooking, is that right?" Kind Boy wasn't looking too kind and said, "I never said that. Oh I get it, you just want this ugly piece of jewelry to wear." Gardener replied, "Why I want to wear that stupid thing?" Kind Boy said, "Find. I don't need you. Come on Mutant Fisherman." He storm out while the tour guide followed while trying to hide his evil cackle.

The reinforcements from Horsey Ranch were halfway to their destination. They decided to set up camp for their lunch break.

In the middle of the break, the Head Rancher approach Chris. "Hey. There this fella in mah tent with dem ears wants to speak with you."

Chris got up and enter the Rancher's tent. Inside, he saw the Evil Elf King's twin brother standing there.

He said, "I heard you guys heading to Russellville to defend it from Evil Dude. How did you guys know of his plans." Chris explains how Magician and Prankster read a magic 8 ball. The elf responded, "It nothing but a simple toy. If anything, they're lucky they are heading towards the city even if they going to relied on a plastic ball."

The Cowgirl enter the tent and told them, "Don't worry about little old me, Ah just need to git somethang mah uncle forgot. You can continue whatever Y'all talking about."

The elf resume his conversation, "The young female Star Trek cosplayer back in Ft. Smith hopes the good luck charm she gave you is doing it's job."

"While that stupid stinking no good sorry excuse for a..." Chris and the elf turn to the Cowgirl as she quickly grab what she was looking for and storm out the tent with a huff.

The Evil Elf King's twin brother look at Chris all puzzled and asked,"What's with her?" Chris respond,"I have no idea. Well anyways, you think these reinforcements be enough to save Russellville from destruction."

The elf answered, "Not quite enough but there is a way to get more soldiers to join. There's a cave a few miles to the north. Inside is an underground city full of man who worship the warriors that fought in the great war that defeated Evil Dude in ancient times. They celebrate by dressing up as those warriors' ghosts. I'm good friends with the leader of this group."

"This weapon was forged from ancient and forgotten materials. The leader of the group knows my craftsmanship. This weapon be a sign that I sent you. Become the Hero of Arkansas again" He reached into his robes and pulled out a shiny toy lightsaber.

Chris said while amazed at his gift, "Thanks. So anyways, how come your not like your brother."

The elf shrugs, "I'm not sure. Since he's a king, you could say power corrupts. Maybe he's racist to you humans. It's possible he met Evil Dude and persuade him to the dark side. Anyways, I need to be off."

A few hours later, Chris, Pretty Boy, and Beardguy told the people of Horsey Ranch that they are getting more troops in a nearby cave. The farmers head out on their own and march towards the city.

The three warriors shortly afterwards found the cave and entered. Inside they found the underground city. After they were searching around, they were approached by nearly thirty man dressed in glow in the dark ghost costumes. Chris pulled out his new weapon and they realized he's their ally.

Chris asked, "You guys remind me of those Halloween Freaks I faced back." The leader of the group told him, "That is an offshoot of our group. They think it is Evil Dude we should honor and that by wearing our costumes nearly all the time, they started to believe Halloween should be celebrated everyday. We did not like them and kicked them out of our group."

He told them he will help the others in the upcoming battle. He pointed the direction of the cave's exit. The three followed his directions and left the cave. When they got out, they saw the Arkansas River up ahead but there was bad news. About ten pirate ships were sailing towards Russellville.

Magician and Prankster were nearby Swordguy 0's house and they were alot footsteps marching to the house. They look and saw a group of badly injured man were carrying Swordguy II's body with blood all over his shirt. The two that came from Greenbrier follow him into Swordguy 0's house. They saw the father falling to his knees and weeping.

Out of nowhere, two giant dodgeballs come flying and crashed into some nearby houses.

The two that came from Greenbrier went up to the Swordguy 0's roof to see what's going on. Magician told Prankster, "Hold still, I think there's something in the back of your ear." He reached in and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He uses them to see the outskirts of the city to the east. What he saw was Evil Dude's army. They were marching towards to the city. The Battle of Russellville has begin.

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