Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Assassinate the Assassins of the Lonokeon Empire chapter 1

Here's my another story about the Lonokeon Empire. Yes, it's obviously a parody of a certain movie. I was requested to make this parody. Well Enjoy.

I have no name, I'm simply a generic nobody. I am called...Untitled.

I am being transported in a limo to meet with the New Emperor of the Lonokeon Empire.

The Lonokeon Empire is located in an alternate universe. The empire stretches from Tulsa,OK to Springfield,MO, to both Jacksons(Tennessee and Mississippi), to Alexandria, LA, to Tyler,TX.

The capital is the great metropolis known as Lonoke.

We are surrounded by the borders of United States, Confederate States, Republic of Texas, New France, and West Florida.

Two years ago, The Empire traveled across dimensions and invaded central Arkansas. However, the citizens of that universe quickly formed an army and prevent the invasion of central Arkansas. The battle led to the death of Evil Lonokeon Emperor. Many people flee back into their own universe. Some stayed behind for revenge of the fallen emperor. Their attack was soon foiled.

Since that event, the empire been at civil war for the past two years. The fallen emperor had fathered many children and many of them seek the throne, causing wars all over the entire empire.

Things have settled down finally. New Evil Lonokeon Emperor now leads the land. His remaining brothers and sisters were forced to accept his rule. If they refused, they be beheaded by foam sword.

One of his siblings hired several assassins to take care of the new emperor and they attack him two months ago. It seems they plan to attack again and the ruler of the land would reward the person greatly for slaying these assassins. The Emperor is conducting an investigation on which sibling hired them.

I have put an end to these assassins just recently. For slaying his would-be killers, I am summoned to the his court to be rewarded.

I was presented to New Evil Lonokeon Emperor. His throne and the entire room was all black. He was dressed in leather jacket, sunglasses and a black crown. From what I heard, he likes to go on a different theme on his throne room every month. This month is "Cool".

I gave one of his servants a shoebox. He showed New Evil Lonokeon Emperor the contents of the shoebox. Inside was a tip of a silver-painted pool noodle, a icy blue toy foam sword, and a broken toy lightsaber. This is the proof that his would-be killers were slain.

His servants rewarded me with three gift cards with the currency of 50,000 Lonokes in each one. I sat down in front of his highness. His bodyguards poured us some sparkling champagne in our cups.

As the servants walked away, The Emperor said, "Thank you for taking care of those assassins. I can't believe they dare to attack me. With them after my head, how am I to reestablish order and expand my empire?"

He drink down his champagne and looked at me. "So tell me, how did you stopped these assassins? It's hard to believe you put a stop to them."

I told him that a few days ago, I was entering a chess tournament to that was outside of a storage building. I was there to confront the pool-noodlesmen named Mikey. His assassin code name is Strato.

I watch for a minute for him to finish his game. Once he was done, I asked him if he was the assassin. He said "Yes, I am." He grab his silver-colored pool noodle while I grab my foam sword and get in battle stance.

A bystander was watching us and played on his banjo. The light rain was falling and softly splashing on our heads. With the mix of the rain making us drowsy and the musician's relaxing music. Both of us fell asleep while standing up.

I was dreaming I was continuing our fight. For some reason, it was like the place had low gravity. When we jump during battle, it was like we were floating.

We both quickly open our eyes when the musician broke one of his strings, causing a sharp noise that release us from our sleep.

Now that we were awake, we went back to fighting. I charge straight at him with foam sword pointing towards him. He swing his weapon at me but I slice off the tip of his weapon and slash him across his chest.

To my surprise, he survive the blow. Maybe killing him with a toy weapon was a dumb idea. I asked him, "How you survive?"

Strato answered, "I have armor underneath my clothing."

He then kicked my weapon out of my hand. It was sent flying into an a small alley that leads to the inside of the building.

I ran to the alley to pick up my weapon, when all of a sudden, a wooden table was thrown in front. It perfectly landed on it's four legs. Strato quickly ran up to the table and jumped on top of it.

"If you want to retrieve your weapon, you have to go through me first." I did as he asked and I jump on top of the table. We then engage into hand to hand combat.

Unfortunately for me, this guy is very very fast. Every blow I throw, he blocks them and quickly counterattack. I was barely lucky to block some of his punches. I had think of another strategy.

I looked down for a second and decide to do something unsuspected. I slammed my foot into the table, breaking it into two. The half he was on was flipped upward. He had to jump off to regain his balance.

I wasted no time, I jumped off the table and went down the alley to grab my weapon. It was deeply embedded into the ground and couldn't pull it out. I turned my head and saw Strato coming towards me with a butter knife in his hand.

I had no choice but to brake the foam sword in half to combat my foe. We than clash our weapons.

Unfortunately again, he was super fast on blocking my every move and I was quickly ending up on the defensive side.

I had to do something unpredictable again and threw my broken foam sword at his face. He quickly blocked the attack. With him briefly distracted from my throwing knife. I entered the building

Inside was a storage room. I saw a collection of pool noodles inside a box. I look towards where I entered the building and saw Strato coming. Quickly, I grab one of pool noodles and attempted to stab him with it.

The man flipped several times to dodge my attacks. He quickly grab a 10-foot long wrapped piece of cloth sitting in a bucket of water.

With one swing of his weapon, it hit my pool noodle and broke 2/3 of it. He threw his new weapon at me like a whip and I rolled out of the way just in time. The tip of cloth struck the wall that was standing behind me and blew a hole through it.

I jumped into the air and perform a No Shadow Kick on him. Strato fell back but he quickly jump back to regain his balance.

The assassin than threw the cloth to wrap it around my neck and choke me to death. I held up broken piece of the pool noodle near my neck to prevent me be strangle to death. Very quickly, I dragged the sharp broken end of the pool noodle down the cloth, easily slicing it in half. I continue running down with the broken end of the toy till I got up close to him and slashed across his neck. Soon red blood coming out of it like rest mist.

The assassin known as Strato has fallen.

With one assassin out of the way, I plan to go after the other two. They are called, Slush and Broken Toy Lightsaber.

I heard that these two were lovebirds and they work undercover at a French writing class at a collage in a small town called Little Rock. In this universe, France never did sell it's territory to the US. In order for the people of the empire to trade with it's northern neighbors, it's best to learn their language.

The people at the collage take their writing classes very seriously. If a rain of arrows was on falling into their building, they will still be sitting in their classroom seats, taking their courses.

Like the Emperor's throne room, the people here like to have themes. Every month, they repaint their walls, the leafs of the trees, and they even pour large buckets of paint on top of a mountain to make it look like a certain colors.

The theme was blood red, which is fitting since two of undercover assassins.

I went inside and asked for a meeting with the two professors. When the meeting started, they ask me to sit at their table.

I pulled out a shoebox and told them, "I have a gift to show you." I opened it and show them the broken off tip of Strato's pool noodle. They look shocked and horrified.

I look to Slush and told her, "Right before he pass away, he told me the best date he had was with you last Friday."

Broken Toy Lightsaber quickly rose up from his seat and look angry and confused. "You did what? I can't believe this! After everything that happen with us?! You are ..You are a hussy!"

He storm out of the office in anger. Slush quickly got up and chase after him. She followed him down a hall.

Broken Toy Lightsaber saw a young professor named Luna passing by. She is Broken Toy Lightsaber's pupil being on trained as an assassin.

She said hi to him. He quickly surprise her by wrapping his arms around her and suddenly giving her a kiss. As he was kissing her, he open an eye to see if Slush was watching.

The female assassin got angry and stomp her foot into the ground and walk off with a huff.

Late at night, Broken Toy Lightsaber was in the kitchen, dressed with his pajamas and night cap. He was grabbing a small plate of cookies for his midnight snack.

He walk down the hall, heading back to his bedroom. Little did he know that Slush was behind him, dressed in red ninja gear.(Wearing black with these bright red walls won't be good camo). She pulled out a foam sword and stabbed he ex-boyfriend in the stomach.

The next morning, everybody in the collage found Broken Toy Lightsaber's dead body laying in the hallway. All the students and staff were surprised on this murder. Luna on the other hand knew full well who the culprit was. She walk to Slush and whisper to her to meet in a forest full of yellow leaves.(The collage only has enough money to paint certain areas.)

When they meet, Slush saw that Luna's eyes were red from all the crying and showing rage. Luna said, "You were mad that he profess his love for me yesterday and you killed him for it. For that, you should die for that."

She pulled out two green toy lightsabers and charge to the other assassin. Slush had a surprise to her attacker and pulled out two giant leaf blowers. With a powerful blast, it send large bundles of leafs to Luna. The assassin-in-training slashed though the leafs and when she got an opening on her foe, Slush fire a blast at the ground that sends her body to fly airborne like she was slowly floating.

She fired another blast and it send another swarm of leafs to attack Luna. The assassin-in-training slash at every single one of them. Once the coast was clear, she felt something pressed against her back. She heard, "You're finished!"

A shot from the leaf blower blasted a hole through Luna's body.

Once Luna's dead body hit the ground. Slush then fell to her knees and started crying. She said to herself in her tears, "How did it ended like this. All of us killing each other." She then came to realized something, "That's right, the man known as Untitled is responsible. He spread the lies of me being with Strato to make my boyfriend jealous. He will pay!"

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