Monday, July 21, 2014

The Friendship Of The Copper Ring That Came From A Coin Machine That Was Made From The Waters Of Petit Jean Mountain part 1 of 2

In the beginning, three rings from a coin machines are worn by rich, smart people with pointy ears
 Seven by people who never learn to shave their facial hair
 Nine by normal average boring people
 And one ring worn by a man named Evil Dude. 

In ancient times, in the land that would one day be called Arkansas. Evil Dude forged the ring from the waters of Petit Jean Mountain and it was later put in a coin machine. One of Evil Dude’s minions pay the coin machine and return the ring back to him. Evil Dude plan to rule all of Arkansas with his ring.

A massive war was waged across the land of Arkansas. During the battle, some guy was fighting Evil Dude and knock his ring off his finger. This average boring person took the ring to Arkansas River and he and one of the pointy ear people argue what to do with the ring but the average boring guy accidentally drop the thing and it fell into the Arkansas River.

The ring traveled upstream and wasn't touch for many centuries until two fisherman found it. One of the fisherman wanted the ring for himself and killed his friend. He did all this just for a piece of jewelry that only cost 25 cents. The murderous fisherman had the ring for a long time till he lost it from a short man called Old guy who took the ring from him and ran away. 

In modern day, in the Ozark mountains in an place called Hill Area. This is a land full of short people that are somewhere are below 5 feet tall.

Old guy was sitting at a tree near a road. He was looking forward on what he plan to do at his birthday party tonight. He heard horse steps coming, so he look up and saw a carriage on the road. The driver was an old friend of his, called Magician. They talk about old times about an adventure they had when he kicked a small lizard off of Mt. Magazine. They talk more about their adventures and discuss about Old Guy’s upcoming party.

That night, Old Guy’s party went on it was a blast. The whole town celebrated while Trickster and Prankster fire fireworks into the air. By the end of the party, everyone gather to hear Old Guy’s speech as he tells them he doesn't like half the town. Just then, he suddenly vanished. 

In less than half an hour, Magician visit Old Guy’s home and saw him packing. Old Guy told him that he’s going on an adventure and leaving his stuff for his nephew, Kind Boy. Magician asked about vanishing act since he didn't do with a curtain like most Magicians do. He notice Old Guy was obsessively holding on to this boring-looking ring. Magician asked him to give the ring to his nephew but Old Guy told him no and acted crazy like he was a druggie. Magician yell at him and did a magic trick that made the lights dim. Old Guy gave up the ring and put it in an envelope that he leaves for his nephew. 

The next morning, Old Guy took a vacation to get his mind off of cheap jewelry. Magician told Kind Boy that he believes that the ring is the very same one that once belong to Evil Dude. He told him to keep the thing safe while he goes to the library in Conway to do some research on the copper ring. He told the short man if he isn't back in a week, go to a bar near Harrison where one of Magician’s friends are. 

The next day, Magician arrives at Conway’s library and enters. Inside he saw one of his old friends sitting on a table and reading books. He is called Dark Magician. Magician grab some books off the shelf and sat down with his friend as he opens them. He told Dark Magician the news that he has found Evil Dude’s ring at Hill Area.

Reading through the books, he found out the only way to destroy the ring is to throw it in the waters of Petit Jean Mountain because the ring is made of some special detergent that only the mountain’s waters can dissolve it. 

Magician closes the books and get ready to leave when a giant curtain appeared in front of him. “Your not going anywhere, instead destroying the ring, we should join the winning team.” said Dark Magician. Magician was surprised that man like Dark Magician wants to join with Evil Dude. Dark Magician took off his hat and release five birds out of his hat. The birds flew to Magician and attack him from all sides. Busy being distracted by the birds, Magician didn't see his former friend from behind with a magic wand in his hand, with a needle poking out of the wand. The evil man stabs him from behind causing Magician to be paralyzed. He said him, “I injected a paralyzing drug into you, you be like this for about an hour.” He took Magician to his lair as he wraps a straitjacket on him as well as chains. He than put the wrapped up Magician in a box and wrap the box in chains.

It’s been a week since Kind Boy last heard of Magician. He decided to take his advice and go to Harrison. He took some his friends on his journey like Gardener, Trickster, and Prankster. They head westward and stay at a pub not far from Harrison.

 They sat down and drink some sparking champagne for a while when a mysterious hooded man drops a rolled up ball of paper on their counter. As the guy leaves through the front door, Kind Boy picked up the rolled up ball and unfolded it. The writing on the paper said, “I see you guys in room 103 on the hotel across the street.” 

After they finish their drinks, they went the hotel and enter the room the paper told them where to be. Inside the room was the hooded man sitting in a chair playing Game Boy Advance when he notice the four from Hill Area enter the room. He turn off his game and lay it on the counter. He threw off his hood and said, “Hello, my name is Chris. I’m a friend of Magician and he told me that we’re going to meet up in this town. Sadly, I don’t see Magician anywhere. I guess he was taken prisoner.” He looked at the four short man and saw their faces were filled with shock and sadness. Chris continued, “We need to get moving because Evil Dude’s forces are searching for you guys. There is a safe haven in Ft.Smith with more of Magician’s friends there.” 

They got on horses and journey westward to Ft. Smith. They stop for the night and made a campfire. They roasted marshmallows and Chris told the some random romance stories. As he finish, he notice Kind Boy and Gardener looked at each other in the eyes in an a certain way. Chris whisper to Trickster and Prankster and said, “Are they?” Trickster shook his head and replied, “No, Gardener has a girlfriend back in Hill Area.” Chris scratches his head and said to them while still having a confused look, "Well OK then."

The continue their journey to Ft. Smith till they took a rest and visited some ruins. In the middle their break, they heard horse steps coming. Chris told them to hide and everyone hid behind some rubble while Kind Boy put on the ring and went invisible. The horseman approach the area and jumped off their horses. They look like they were still wearing their Halloween costumes at this time of the year. One of them walk to Kind Boy’s location like he can easily see him. He stabs a cursed butter knife into Kind Boy's shoulder. The three from Hill Area pulled out their butter knifes and attack the men in the costumes. Chris also comes out of hiding and pulls out a toy lightsaber and swings it at his foes. He manage to kill a few of them and the rest retreated because they're wimps.

The wounded Kind Boy took off the ring. Everyone gather around him and look at his shoulder wound. Chris said to the others, “They stabbed him with a cursed butter knife, he will die in days. We need to hurry and get him to the hospital in Ft. Smith. Their medicine can undo the curse in his shoulder.” The team got on their horses and continue to head west to heal their friend. 

Kind Boy open his eyes and see he was on a hospital bed. At his side was Magician sitting in a chair, reading a book called, “A Guide to Magic Tricks.” The short man asked, “Your alive, what happen to you? Why weren't you at the bar.” Magician explains how Dark Magician plans to join the bad side and how he imprisoned him. Luckily for Magician, he also a talented escaped artist. He escaped from Dark Magician's lair by pulling a giant dove out of his hat and ride the bird to take him to Ft. Smith. 

As soon as Kind Boy started to feel well, the gang leaves the hospital and went to a nearby Star Trek convention where they see a lot people dressed up as Vulcans. They went to a closed off room with several people gathered there. There are Vulcan fans, men who never shaved in their life, and average boring people. One of the people that Kind Boy saw his uncle, sitting down in one chair. Old Guy told his nephew that his vacation is going well and that he is writing a book about his adventure of how he kicked a small lizard off a mountain. He gave his nephew his favorite weapon, a glow in the dark butter knife. 

A few minutes later, an actual Elf enter the room. He sat down in one of the chairs and said to everyone, “I’m The Evil Elf King’s twin brother. Do not worry, I’m nothing like my brother. Anyways, let us begin this meeting and discuss the fate of the ring.” 

The ring was put on a stool in the middle of the room. One of the guys who never shave got out of his seat and hammered his toy ax to destroy the ring. The toy ax bounce back and the ring was unscratched because destroying something with a piece of plastic is impossible and stupid.

The man with the toy ax sat back in his seat. The discussion went on for a few minutes as Magician told everyone about his research on that only the waters of Petit Jean can destroy the thing. The Evil Elf King’s twin brother said there must be a small team to journey to Petit Jean to destroy the ring or all of Arkansas be covered in darkness. 

The four from Hill Area, Magician, and Chris were already selected to be part of the team. New additions were Pretty Boy from Ozark National Forest, Beardguy from the Ozark caves, and Swordguy from Russellville. Together, they form... The Friendship Of The Copper Ring That Came From A Coin Machine That Was Made From The Waters Of Petit Jean Mountain. 

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