Saturday, July 5, 2014

You will Cry!!! 2012

Here's a list of silly movie threats from 2012

I'm going to make you watch the Avengers....You will cry...You will cry...When you see the Hulk...Played by a 3rd actor.

Why can't you just stick to one actor?

Note- Well the 1st Hulk movie in 2003 isn't really connected to The Incredible Hulk(2008) and The Avengers(2012). The 2nd Hulk movie could be seen as a sequel to the 1st one since bits and pieces from the 1st movie happen and that movie ends with Bruce Banner in somewhere in South America, where the green guy was in the beginning of the 2nd one. As far as Marvel and most people said, the 2008 is a reboot and alot people hated the 2003 movie. If you want to watch all the Marvel movies leading up to Avengers, you can skip the 2003 movie since it doesn't count and it's an awful movie.

I heard there was some conflict with Edward Norton and Marvel studios so they got him replace with a 3rd actor.

I'm going to make you watch, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Note- Like Aliens and Cowboys, the silly title says it all.

I'm going to make you watch....Magic Mike....It's a movie about male strippers. 
Ahhhh....No thank you. I'm not into girl movies like Twilight and Watchman.

Note- Never watch it. Some of my friends joke I need to see this movie. I heard it was a good movie despite the concept is about male strippers.

Here's the trailer. If your female, please don't drool on your keyboards.

I'm going to make you watch...The Amazing Spider-man....You will Cry...When you see....A blond Mary Jane.

How did you get her hair color wrong?

Note- I actually seen some people who complain about Mary Jane is a blond in this movie. Here's the thing, Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy are two different people. Peter Parker was with Gwen long before he ended up with Mary Jane in the comics. Some people are only familiar with the 1st movie trilogy and only know that Mary Jane as his main love interest. Dudes, look up facts before you bash the film. Gwen did had a small role in Spider-Man 3 as Peter's lab partner who Mary Jane was jealous of.

I'm going to make you watch The Dark Knight Rises....You will cry...You will cry...When you see Batman....Opening his mouth.

You cry...That this movie's villain connected to Mitt Romney and the Bain Capital.

Note #1- Christian Bale's take on Batman is very funny to listen to.

Note #2- Some radio talk show host named Rush Limbaugh claims that Bane is based on Romney and the Bain Capital. OK, a quick 5 second check on Google will prove you wrong.

Total Recall- You will cry...When you see... A three-breasted woman....WTF, there's no mutants in this movie. This cameo doesn't make sense.

Note- Seen the movie and it's very forgettable. I try to be open-minded and don't compare it to the 1990 version but, the movie is still forgettable. The whole "Is this a dream or not a dream" was quickly shoehorned in the last two seconds of the film. Two things I did like about this movie is the cool storm trooper bots and how Doug Quaid used his experience as a robot engineer to dismantle a robot. The guy been living a double life and he has been learning stuff besides being a secret agent.

The Expendables 2-You will cry...That Jet Li is only in the movie for a few minutes.

Note- Well I joke on the 1st movie that Arnold and Willis is in the movie for a few minutes. Well in this movie, Jet Li was only in the movie for 1st part because he was busy making a movie in China. If you only came to see him, well sorry.

Looper- You will cry...That this movie is complete different than you thought.

Note- Waring Spoilers. Move to the next thing.

I thought this movie was about Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis joining forces to take down the company that making the time-travel killings, not Bruce Willis going all Terminator on a young kid who will grow up being the Rainmaker while his younger self tries to stop all of this.

Skyfall- You cry...That the movie is audio for the blind is playing.

Note- I went to see the new Bond flick and I notice the trailers were silent. I saw Thor talking about enemy planes arriving on USA's western shores with no words coming out of his mouth.(Red Dawn) All of sudden I heard some monotone voice describing about the roaring loin for MGM and than the Statue of Liberty wannabe for Columbia Pictures. The movie starts and describing Bond's piercing blue eyes in a dark hallway as he explores a ransacked room. The movie was playing audio for the blind. The workers at the theater marked our tickets and said to come back and we will watch the movie for free.

Gee, I wonder if gremlins invaded the movie theater. I wish this guy was here that day.

You will cry...When you see... a young Q.

I think he is off by 20 or 30 years. Oh and that pic above is from Desmond Llewellyn's 1st role as Q, showing that the new Q is still off by several decades.

Also look at the remaining cast. *Warning. Spoilers for Skyfall*
 We got a Female M
 A black Moneypenny

 Felix is now black

And Bond is blond. WTF has happen to the 007 series.

Note- I admit I was a little set back that Q is young at first but he seems pretty much like his counterparts if he was younger. If you look at the old Bond films and look at the new ones, pretty much everyone looks different. Well there was a black Felix in the unofficial film, Never Say Never and the female M is not really "The M" but more of a legacy character.

Wreck-It Ralph-You will cry...When you see Zangief...As a bad guy.

Note-In the video game storyline, Zangief is just merely a Russian wrestler who wanted to participates in tournaments. He was never a bad guy at all. In every trailer, it showed Zangief in the bad guy room where he shouldn't be. Even the unfaithful Van-Damme adaption of Street Fighter was closer to what Zangief was simply because he didn't know who the bad guys were at the end of the movie.

I heard the writer of the movie said he always loses to Zangief when he played the games and that was good enough for him to see Zangief as a bad guy. If that's true, than Jigglypuff is an evil Pokemon who wants to rule the world simply because I suck playing as her in Super Smash Bros.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2- You cry...When you know that....Edward and Bella are not together in real life and watching them together in this movie is upsetting.

Note- The actors who play Edward and Bella are together in real life till photos of Bella having an affair with the director of Snow White and the Huntsman. The guy who played Edward was upset and left his girlfriend.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- You will cry...When you see...All these characters that weren't in the book. Who in Middle-Earth is the Brown Wizard and the Necromancer?

Note- Well the Brown Wizard and the Necromancer had minor mentions in The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books. They appeared more in the J.R.R Tolkien's other stories. I heard the female elf in the 2nd movie was an original character Peter Jackson made.

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