Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Heroes vs Baddies: Battle of the Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball part 1

Here it is, the sequel to my Heroes vs Baddies story. Yes it's based on/parody of a certain movie with a few added scenes. Well enjoy the story.

Two years ago, Heroes and Baddies fought over Cabot High School. The war ended with the destruction of the Giant Winged Demon. Most of Baddies were killed or flee the area when the Giant Winged Demon attacked Cabot High School.

A small group of Junior ROTC students were sitting at a campfire in the woods that is several miles away from Cabot. They were roasting marshmallows, telling random romance stories and sometimes horror stories when they suddenly heard a twig nearby snapped. They looked at the direction of the noise when they saw a strange man carrying a large backpack on his back that contains Dodgeballs, Nerf guns, Nerf bombs, Nerf rockets. He also had two giant shoulder-mounted Nerf guns.

He said to the group, "My name is Ammo. Reports have told me that your small group has assisted the Heroes during the war. For that, you shall die for the glory of the great Baddie army." Ammo reach in his backpack and pulled out two Nerf rockets. The students quickly got up and try to flee as Ammo fired everything in he sees in sight. He caught the sight of one of the students who fell back on the ground and prepare to fire his Nerf rocket launcher at him.

Out of nowhere, a stun bomb hit the left side of his face. While blinded from the bomb, Ammo fired his Nerf machine guns at the direction of wherever the stun bomb hit. When his sight return, he fire a dozen rockets out at all the nearby trees. He stopped and watch around the area as the smoke clear. He presses a button on his watch and a video pop up on his timepiece. The video reveal a man who most people believe to be dead, a man named Traitor.

Ammo said to Traitor, "The small group of allies that helped the Heroes have been attacked but I fear there may be survivors." Traitor grinned his teeth and said, "You should may sure you killed every single one of them." Traitor sighed and continued, "Send out a Giant Mutant Insect to track down and kill the survivors. We will destroy all the Heroes and their allies. We will restore our glorious army and conquer all of Arkansas." Ammo replied back, "Don't forget, your're temporarily leader till we find our true master." Ammo turns off his communication device and started to remember how Traitor return to the Baddies.

A few months ago...

Ammo with an urn in his hands walks down on a stairway, leading into a dark cellar. As he enters the area, he saw candles all over the area and magic symbols on the ground. In the center was a robed-man. It was the Evil Elf King. The elf asked, "Is that his ashes?". The Baddie nodded yes. The elf king grab the urn out of Ammo's hand and poured the ashes on the floor symbols. He than pour a vial of blood on those ashes as well as some odd potions. He said, "It took me a while to find and anchor his soul in the underworld, I shall begin the ritual."

The Evil Elf King put his hands together and perform a chant that lasted over a minute. As the chant ended, the ashes floated to the air and a light was forming around those ashes. They turn into bones, than those bones grew muscles and blood veins. As the spell ended, what was ashes... is now a man in the flesh. Ammo quickly threw a sheet on the newly resurrected man to cover him.

The Evil Elf King said, "Welcome back to the land of the living, Traitor." The newly resurrected man took a few breaths and look up at the Elf King. He asked several questions, "What happen? Did I die? Didn't you die too Evil Elf King?" The elf replied, "Let's just say I pulled my guts back together and leave before anyone notice I was still alive. As for you, I brought you back from the dead just recently. After you left your master to die in the grassy wilderness, he came back and killed you."

Traitor started to remember what happen, he than asked, "What happen after?" The king of the elves answered, "Shortly after, A Giant Winged Demon attacked the high school. Many of the Baddies were either killed or flee the school from the event. A small group of Heroes went inside the monster and used a Glowing Tennis Ball to destroyed him. The very last sighting of your master was inside the demon. I sense he is alive so I doubt he's dead like you was."

Hearing the news, Traitor smile and said, "Than let him stay missing, I shall rebuild the army and retake the school and..." Suddenly, Traitor was grabbing his head like he has a major headache. The elf king said, "When I was getting ready to do the resurrection spell, I did a countermeasure to make you won't back out on finding your leader. The headaches will go away once you recover your leader. You can go ahead and build your army and hunt down Heroes or whatever, but remember this, finding your leader is your main goal. Your Baddie army will be my back up plan to invade Cabot if I happened to be killed or something."

The Elf King started to leave the cellar when Traitor asked, "Where are you going?" The Evil Elf King smiled and said, "I'm going to visit a guy at the flagpole, to show him I'm still alive and to show him my new powers I gained after my so called "death". Something you actually that happen to you." He laughs as he leaves the room.

Present time...

The next morning, A few survivors from Ammo's ambush exit the woods. They stop running and started to catch their breaths. One of the ROTC students spotted a pay phone a few feet away. He went to it and dial taxi service and ask for a ride to pick him up and his friends. He hung up the phone and went to his gang.

They smiled that they be heading home soon but they stop when they felt a large rumble from ground. Suddenly, a Giant Mutant Insect bust out of the ground they were standing on. The bug took a big chop at one of the students. The rest of the students step back and look at the monster. One of the students started throwing dodgeballs at the insect but did little effect on it. The man said, "Why isn't dodgeballs killing him." Soon, the other survivors grab dodgeballs and threw them at the bug.

After a few minutes from getting hit by dodgeballs, the Giant Mutant Insect was finally dead. The students worn out and sat down on the the ground. They gave a lite smile at their victory when they just then heard a vehicle coming. The group got up to see their ride coming to pick them up. However, they notice it wasn't a taxi that's coming, but a armored black van.

Meanwhile at the High School. I was sent to secretly watch over this Sophomore Boy. There been reports of Baddie spottings in Cabot lately. From what we heard, they're looking for their lost leader as well as the Glowing Tennis Ball. I remember ripping the ball open and releasing the glowing energy but I assume the ball was gone. According to New Captain, the ball will reform itself if it's ripped open like that. Sadly, it was never to be found after the Giant Winged Demon's destruction. I wish New Captain will help me more but he is stationed elsewhere in Arkansas, in case the Baddies show up elsewhere.

It's lunch break already and I see the Sophomore Boy meeting up with his girlfriend near the cafeteria. The reason I'm following him is because a machine that Medic gave me said that the Sophomore Boy has high amounts of glowing energy around him. He or somebody he knows must be in contact with the Glowing Tennis Ball.

I saw the couple leaving the area and heading east. I watch them past the Mini-gym and the Fine Arts building. They went to one of the locker rooms near the football field. I look to my left and saw a mean looking cop was following the couple as well. I step back and hid myself to make sure the officer didn't see me.

Inside the locker room, the couple was beginning to make out but they stopped when heard a noise from the entrance. They saw a mean looking officer standing there. He said, "My name is Evil Cop and you are under arrest for possession the Glowing Tennis Ball." The boy scratch his head and ask, "Wait, what are you talking about?" Evil Cop was getting angry and pulled out his handcuffs. He said, "Don't play dumb with me boy. You will surrender the ball."

Little did he know that I sneak up on him. I ram my shoulder into his back and slam him against the lockers. He turn around and said to me, "Freeze you hero scum!" He pulled out his nightstick and swing it at me. I dodge several of his swings. He swung horizontally and I ducked from his attack. I quickly saw an opening and delivered an uppercut on his chin. After that, I quickly delivered a right hook and than kick him in the stomach. Already, he was looking fazed from my attacks. I jumped up and dropkick him and watch as he fell into an open locker. I slammed the locker door, stuffing him in.

With him out of the way, I look at the couple who were confused of these recent events. I said to them, "I meet up with you guys at the bus parking lot near the water tower at five this afternoon. I will explain everything that happens."

Later that day at the bus parking lot. The couple was walking around and waiting till he saw me and three others. I said to them, "Hello, my name is Chris. We are part of a group called the Heroes." One of the Heroes wave to the couple and said, "Hey man, what's up? Everyone here calls me Rapper. How you doing?" Another one with a Nerf gun on his arms said with a very noticeable southerner accent said, "Hey, mine name is Gunner and the guy over there with the gadgetry is Medic." Medic wave at them and said, "While Rapper is a veteran from the war at the high school back at the beginning of the war. Me and Gunner recently join the Heroes to avenge the death of our cousins, Southerner and Doctor."

The couple looked confused and the boy asked, "Wait a minute, a war at the high school?" Seeing him like this. I told them the story about the war between the Heroes and the Baddies as well as the Giant Winged Demon's attack on the school.

As I was finishing up telling them everything, "...And the last time I saw their leader is when I threw him through him out of Giant Winged Demon's inners. After that, I ripped open the tennis ball and assume it was gone after that."

The boy asked, "Why are they after me?" I gave the boy an answer, "Because your body has high amounts of glowing energy. Meaning you or someone you know must been in contact of the ball. If the Baddies find it, they may of find their missing leader as well. With the Glowing Tennis Ball in their possession, they will use it's powers to easily conquer Arkansas in a few days."

The boy came up with an idea and said, "I take you to my house. Maybe one of my neighbors have it?" He went to his car and drove off as we followed him.

We were halfway to the sophomore's house till we saw a bunch of cars parked sideways in the middle of the road, blocking our access. We stopped our cars and looked at the roadblock. Just then, we heard the sounds of moving tires everywhere behind us. We looked behind and saw five armored black vans coming to our direction. As they got near, they stop their vehicles. About 25 men jump out of back of the vans who look like they belong to some SWAT team of some sort. Every single of them was armed with Nerf gun aimed towards our head.

One got in front who seems to be their leader said, "Hands up, your coming with us!" Seeing we had no choice, we raise our hands. They cuff us and put a paper bag over our heads. They force us to get inside their vans.

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