Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Heroes vs Baddies: Battle of the Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball part 2

View part 1

Sometime later after being abducted by those SWAT looking guys, we heard it's ok to remove the paper bags over our head. They remove the bags and the first thing I notice is that we're in some elevator leading deep underground. The elevator has stopped and the guards lead us out and into a place full of hallways. They took us across the halls and led us to some room with a table in center of the room with chairs and a bowl on top. Inside the bowl was sour cream and onion potato chips. On the other side of the table was the small group of ROTC students who helped us in the war.

The guards told to sit down as they leave the room and lock the doors. The ROTC students told us of the Baddie named Ammo attack them and he send a Giant Mutant Insect to hunt them down. They were later pick up by a black van that brought them here.

After waiting for a few minutes, one of the doors opened and a man in his 40s entered. The Sophomore boy saw him and got up his chair and said, "Dad, why are you here?" The man replied to him, "Hello son. I work for a secret agency that's been around since the founding of Cabot. Our purpose is to protect the city from major threats. For the past week, there been reports of you being followed, possibly trying to find our place."

I told the boy's father, "No, we're the good guys. We're trying to find an object that we lost two years and a group of bad guys are also after that and we're trying to get it before they do. You see there was..."

I told him everything war and how it ended, As I was finishing,"...and the reason we been following him is because Medic's machine told us that his body has high amounts of glowing energy."

After hearing all of this, the man started to speak, "Well two years ago, we have heard rumors of a giant monster attacking the high school. When our group got there, there were no evidence of the incident ever happen besides two things we have discover that day. We believe one of them is this Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball you guys mention."

He told the guards to release our cuffs and he told us to follow him. We went upstairs and went to inside a room. In the middle of the room was a display case of the Glowing Tennis Ball. We finally found what we're looking for.  I turned to the secret agency father and ask him, "You said two things that you discover that day. What's the other?"

He told us to follow him and we went to a different room. Inside was a couple of prison cells. Inside one was a man laying on a table hooked to an I.V. The secret agency father told us, "He's been in a coma since the day we found him."

I recognize him and said, "It's him...It's Villain." Rapper asked, "Hey dude, I thought he was Supervillian at the end you know." Medic scratched his chin and said, "It's possible that he reverted back to Villain after the Giant Winged Demon was destroyed."

I let out a sigh of relief and said, "Well he ain't going anywhere and the Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball is locked up in this secret area. It seems we don't have to worry about anything now."

I turned to the Sophomore's dad and said, "For a big organization for protecting Cabot, you guys missed alot things like the war two years, the Giant Winged Demon's attack, or when the Evil Elf King was turning everyone into an elf."

Before he could answer, the entire place shook. When the shaking stopped, the intercoms turn on with Traitor's voice going through the speakers. "ATTENTION ALL HEROES! SURRENDER NOW AND GIVE US VILLAIN AND THE GLOWING TENNIS BALL!"

We heard the door behind opened and saw five goblins running towards us. The secret agency father step in front of us and kill the goblins with his Nerf gun. He said to us, "Your weapons are in the armory down the hallway. Take the Glowing Tennis Ball and get out of here." He headed upstairs to fire at any goblins that are coming from the entrance.

We did as the man said and grab our weapons and the glowing tennis ball. We rode the elevator to the surface. As we got there, we notice we were behind the Fred's store. I put the Glowing Tennis Ball in my pocket and said my others, "They don't know exactly who has the ball, so we need to split up and regroup at the High School. I see you guys there." We all head off in separate directions.

Meanwhile in Secret Agency prison area. Villain's eyes opened. He got up and ripped I.V. out. He shouted, "I AM VILLAIN!" He quickly pull his prison bars like they were nothing. He step out of his cell and saw two guards. Villain grabbed one guard and threw him into the other. He then went to the armory and saw his Nerf cannon and jetpack mounted on the walls. He takes them and puts them on.

Villain flew straight up and busted out surface. He chose to land on Sonic's rooftop. He saw Traitor in the air and he was landing down to meet him. He lifted his arms, praising Villain and said, "Our great leader has return, now we finally crush the Heroes and-" Traitor couldn't finish his sentence because Villain threw a fist into his face. As Traitor fell back on the rooftop, the Baddie leader planted his foot on top of Traitor's face. He said to him, "I thought I killed you after you left me rot in the grassy wilderness?" Traitor replied while having Villain's foot on his face"I'm...I'm sorry. The Evil Elf King brought me back to find you a few months ago before he was truly defeated. I..I..I won't betray you again."

Villain lifted his foot off of Traitor's face and look down at him, "You better not do that ever again." Traitor got up on his feet and take few breaths. He said, "Sir, the Heroes have scattered and one of them may have the Tennis Ball. We think they are regrouping at the High School." Villain smile and said, "Then let us meet them there."

Meanwhile, I was the courtroom's parking lot. I'm about halfway to the school when I saw a man running towards me. It was a former member of the New York's Buffalo football team. He threw a football at my head. I duck to avoid it and still see the guy is still running towards me like he was getting ready to tackle. I backed up to a dumpster. As he was getting close, I pulled out a pencil and stab it into his shoulder. The football player step back and grab his shoulder in pain. With him being detracted by the pain, I quickly picked him up over my head and threw him into the dumpster. I wasted too much time with this guy, I needed to hurry up and get to the High School.

Meanwhile at the school, Gunner, Medic, and Rapper met up between two trailers near the flagpole. Rapper asked, "Hey dudes, where's Chris?" Gunner replied back, "He may of been distracted by a Ba..." Gunner stop as he notice something in the air, "LOOK OUT! IT'S TRAITOR!"  The Heroes turn around and see Traitor with his jetpack flying towards them with two sticky Nerf bombs in his hands. He threw them at the two trailers the Heroes were in between. The good guys try to flee as the bombs went off and blew up the two trailers.

When the explosion die off, Rapper opened his eyes and got up to his feet. He saw debris from the remains of those trailers all over the ground. Gunner and Medic were no where in sight but he did see two Baddies ahead of him. One is the mean officer that Chris fought earlier while the other is a man in very thick armor all over his body. Rapper said to them, "Well look who it is, it's Evil Cop and what's your name again? It's Cyclops right?" The who he called Cyclops got angry and slam his foot on the ground. He said, "Do I look like a giant one-eye monster to you? My name is Armor."

Rapper threw several dodgeballs at his opponents. Evil Cop duck to avoid them while the dodgeballs bounce off of Armor's body. Rapper said to himself, "Why didn't dodgeballs kill him?" Rapper heard footsteps from all over the place, he notice that ten more Baddies were surrounding him. The Hero said, "If I'm going down, I'm taking every one of y'all with me!"

Rapper threw dodgeballs at any Baddie that got near. Just then, a dark shadow appeared over Rapper. Rapper grab a dodgeball off the ground plan to ram it into the guy's chest...but the shadowy man smack the dodgeball out the Hero's hand and grab him by the neck. He lifted him to his eye level and Rapper saw who it was...It was Villain. The leader of the Baddies said to him, "Such heroic nonsense". Right after, Villain snapped his neck and than drop his lifeless body to the ground.

The Baddie leader looked around the area and said, "Traitor, answer me this. What is all these trailers doing here? There's a ton of them from the Gym's entrance to the ROTC building." Traitor walk up to his leader and answer, "The High School is in the beginning stages of a big remodeling. It will be finished in a few years." Villain thought to himself and said out loud, "Hmm...Interesting."

Villain turn to his group and said, "Baddies, hunt down the rest of those puny Heroes and bring me the Glowing Tennis Ball." The Baddies saluted by waving their arms to their chest. The shouted, "YES SIR!" They scattered out in different directions.

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