Friday, January 30, 2015

Cabotians vs. The Lonokeon Empire Chapter 1

I wrote this story a few years ago that is a part of the same world as my Dodgeball stories. Yes, it's an obvious parody of a certain movie. Well I hope you guys enjoy.

I was sitting on the roof of Cabot's city hall, enjoying my day and eating seasoned fries I got from Arby's. I stopped eating when I saw this weird man who climbed up to the roof of the building. He brougth some stuff with him to the roof. It look like he was setting up a T.V. and a weird devise that looks similar to a DVD. I asked him, "Who are you and what type of devise is that? It looks kind of like a DVD." He looked to me and said, "I'm a messenger and I was told to show this to the first person I saw in the center of Cabot. This device is called BLD, which is short for Betamax Laser Disc."

I gave the man a weird look and asked, "You are aware that nobody nowdays uses Betamax or Laser Discs? Heck, the Betamax lost to VHS tapes back in the 80s so I don't understand how you got a newer version of these devises?" The messenger replied, "Well I come from a very different land where some stuff happen differently like the VHS lost to Betamax instead. Anyways, I need to show you the video."

I watch him insert the disc as I was scratching my head on how VHS lost of Betamax. The video on the T.V. pop up. On the screen was a man with in expensive robes, a golden crown, and alot of gold jewelry all over his body. He started to speak, "Hello citizen of Cabot. I am the Emperor of the Lonokeon Empire." I looked at the messenger and ask, "Since when Lonoke was..." Before I could finish, the weird man pointed towards the T.V. or I miss out what this "Emperor" saying.

"I come from an parallel universe where the Louisiana Purchase never happen. My ancestor fought against the French Empire and won it's independence. We established a new empire in this region that you Cabotians called Arkansas. Our empire is in-between New France, both the United States and the Confederate States, as well as the Republics of Texas and West Florida."

This Lonokeon Emperor continued, "We have studied some things about your universe like your history or your technology like how you don't have BLDs. Many things are different here like they make Mario games on the Sega Zii and that system's biggest competitor is the Phillips CD-I Three. In our world, James Cameron's Avatar bombed badly while The Last Airbender was a huge success. Anyways, I need to tell you what I want from your area is some earth and water." The video stop.

I listen to everything the man said on the video but what got me thinking were end where the emperor asked for earth and water. I looked up and saw the messenger grabbing all the stuff he set up on the roof and prepare to leave. He said, "I need to show this to other people." I quickly said, "HOLD IT!" I pulled out my foam sword and aim the tip to his neck. The messenger back up to the edge of the roof and looking scare. I said to the scared man, "Earth and water. That was a phase from two thousand years ago, it means this emperor wants us to surrender to him."

The expression on his face change from scared to kinda scared but with evil happy look. He said, "Your right you pitiful Cabotian! The Evil Lonokeon Emperor has opened a portal south of here between the cities of Cabot and Lonoke. He had gather an army and he is heading on his way to conquer Cabot and soon all of Jacksonville, as well as Beebe, Searcy, Maumelle, Conway and finally, Little Rock. You should know that it is best that you surrender before him."

I replied, "Then I formed an army to stand against the Lonokeon army and defeat the Evil Lonokeon Emperor." The messenger looked surprised and said, "Defeat our Emperor? You can't put a stop to his awesomeness. This is madness." I said back, "Madness? THIS IS CABOT!!!"

I kicked the man off the roof and watch him fell into the water fountain below. When he landed into the waters, I heard, "Oww, that hurts."

Later that day, I took the messenger to a secret underground area not far from Fred's. I took the man to an interrogation room and tied him up to a chair. Two of my allies came in to help. One is Storyteller, a man who works at a bookstore and he loves to tell stories. The other is Metal Guy, a guy who has limited telekinesis on metals.

Storyteller grab a bucket of water and threw into the messenger's face. The man woke up wide-eyed from the splash. I said, "Good, your up." Storyteller grab the light from the ceiling and aimed it toward's the Lonokeon's head. He sort of close his eyes from the bright light as Storyteller asked, "So how many soldiers are there?" The evil man replied, "About 800 of them, but you show fear, for they will crushed this city if Cabot doesn't surrender when they get here, heh heh heh!"

Hearing of this, Metal Guy lost his temper and pull out his Nerf gun aimed it towards the messenger's head. I try to stop him and shouted, "METAL GUY! NO!" It was too late because he already pulled the trigger....Except it didn't fire. Metal Guy was puzzled as he looked at his gun. "It's loaded with Nerf bullets, it should of fired."

"Heh heh heh!" We turn our heads and looked at the Lonokean. "Our empire knew there be some resistance so they set up an anti-Nerf gun energy field within 50 miles of where our portal is." Still mad at the messenger, Metal Guy storm out of the room. A few seconds later, he came back with a dodgeball in his hand and threw towards the Lonokean. To our surprise, when he threw the ball, it didn't fly across the room, but somehow float in the middle of the air. Storyteller look spooked and said, "What sorcery is this?" The messenger smiled evilly and said, "Our energy net also prevents dodgeballs being thrown at us."

He even got more mad, Metal Guy grab a foam sword and repeatedly stabbed the evil man through the chest. As messenger's lifeless body fell to the table, I looked at Metal Guy and smack the backside of his head. As he was rubbing his head in pain, I said to him, "I need him alive to get more answers and besides, your not suppose to kill the messenger." I gave a sigh while still glaring to Metal Guy.

We went out to to recruit people for an army to fight back against the Lonokeon Empire. With projectiles now useless, we have to use hand-to-hand combat tools. Storyteller ask me about getting the Heroes to join but I told him that most of them are either retired or working with New Captain elsewhere since the Baddies are now gone.

Worried that we may lose the battle, I called a psychic hotline to tell me the outcome of the coming battle but all they told me was nothing but crap, so I hung up.

Within the next hour, I visited the Princess of Cabot and asked her to help me gather an army. She said she will try her best and make some calls but she said that no one is going to believe that something like an army from an alternate universe is coming to invade.

Me and my allies did our best to recruit. The next day, we only manage to get 30 Cabotians to fight the Lonokeon Empire. Storyteller came to me, "Hey Chris, I don't know why our army is in civilian clothes? We should give them uniforms. I did do a sketch of one we can use while I was recruiting." He pulled out a notepad and showed me his drawing. After seeing it, I looked at him weirdly and asked, "Why do we need to be half-naked? It's late winter, we be dying from the cold before we reach the Lonokeans. We be a laughing stock to all the cities of Arkansas." The man looked a little sad that I decline his request.

After I was done with him, I gave my troops the order and we march south towards where the Evil Lonokeon Emperor's army is.

During our march, we encounter a group of Jacksonvillians. They told us they heard of the news of the coming army. Several other cities are also forming groups to oppose the Lonokeans like Bebeeians, and Searcyians. They head off to a different path to fight the army from another world while we continue southward.

After nearly half an hour of walking, we came across a burning farm. We notice a kid nearby looking at the farm. I asked him,  "What happen here?" The kid said that he was wondering around a few minutes from his home when he saw some mean-looking people that were called a scouting unit appeared. They told the kid to show this burning farm as a message to anyone heading south.


We turn to who said that and saw an angry farmer. "I reckon y'all did this to my farm." He pulled out a Nerf shotgun and fired at us but nothing came out. The farmer looked puzzled about his gun, "What did you fellas did to my gun?" He threw his gun into the ground and stomped the ground several times. "That's it, I'm getting my pitchfork." Me and my troops quickly leave the area before he came back to attack us with his pitchfork.

The kid who witness the burning farm went back to his house as we continued our march.

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