Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jurassic Park SNES LP part 9: Doing Missions that were only in the Novel

Well the mission to prevent dinos reaching the mainland been done. Let's see what's the next mission.

Gassing Raptor's nest and preventing the dinos reaching the mainland from boat doesn't sound like something from the movie. Well that's because it came from the novel that the movie is based on.

Let's see what the communication towers also say.

So I guess after you encounter with it when trying to steal embryos, you got a power up where you can go toe-to-toe with a T-Rex.*sarcasm*

Time to go through the maze again for the dozen time.

Time to revisit this place as a checkpoint for the dozen time.

Well I need to get nerve gas before I visit the Raptor Nest. The nerve gas is located at North Utility Shed. However there is a gate all locked up, blocking access to it.

Time to head to a random computer.

Gate 3 was where the game started. Gate 1 is the North Shed area while gate 2 is for the Raptor Nest.

Well on the left side of the visitor center. Avoiding these runners.

Oh come on, you can jump over that.

Yeah I have to shoot that gear mechanism to cross. There is some sort of invisible wall that prevents Grant jumping over the ditch. If it was fill with water, he jump over it for some reason. That's video game logic for you.

I found the gate that I unlock but I'm going to explore the outskirts of the area.

Another egg down.

Suddenly Tim warns me of the Triceratops will come marching. I quickly hit L or R to get rid of the pop-up.

Just barely made it.

On the other side of the locked gate. The gear won't move if you didn't unlock the gate.

Another letter for that contest that's useless to us nowdays.

At the bottom of the river takes us to the back side of the Visitor Center. Another egg down.

Behind the shed is another egg. Only three left on this fetch quest.

Here I am in this place.

Like the two other sheds, this is alot smaller and quicker to explore. The only thing that prevents you fully exploring is one door locked by not having Muldoon's card. Thankfully I got it from my Raptor Pen adventures. Clever guy for not making me go on a long round trip.

His card leads me to the room with the nerve gas is.
Now let's head out of here.

Went to the Raptor Pen to get the pathway to the Nest unlocked (going to a computer at the Visitor Center will also work)

Crossed gate 3.

Another pointless letter.

Gotta be careful, I got a pop-up warning me of a T-Rex and the music changes. So be careful...

or this happens.

The Raptor Nest has two entances. I come back to the nest later. I want to explore the remainder of the area.

Found another one.

Just one more. You know for someone as smart as Ian, he is sure is dumb to not remove the S when I only one egg left.

Time to enter this place.

These gates are nothing but backroom decoration. This place is alot like that one room at the bottom level in the Raptor Pen before I shove a wooden box in front of it. I'm guessing this place connected to that one room that Raptor used the elevator to reach the Visitor Center.

Ok, the secret room and this place. How are the staff want to put their logos on places they shouldn't know about.

If you guys thought the previous building were mazes, you see nothing left. You can easily get lost alot more here than those places.

So what's this?

Found a large nest of Spitter's balls of spit.

Actually is suppose to be a nest of eggs. They do look the same.

Ignore that, you can stay here for a long time or revisit this place. The nerve gas doesn't do anything.

All that's left for the game is to call a helicopter

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