Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cabotians vs. The Lonokean Empire Saga: Behind the scenes, Facts, and Deleted Material

I wrote the 1st draft of the story a few years ago so there is some differences. If you guys haven't found out what the story is a parody of, it's 300. I was planning to post this story a few months ago but at the time, I saw the 2nd movie on my Netfilx and wondered if I was going to write a sequel when I post it. The movie isn't a year old so this is the 1st story I posted on this blog that's not based on an old draft that I written years ago.

The opening had me eating Taco Bell's cinnamon twists on City Hall's roof instead of eating Arby's curly fries. I don't really eat cinnamon twists as much as I did as a kid.

If I was going to have a parody of 300, the enemy must be from the southeast and the 1st thing that came to my head is the city of Lonoke but it be weird an entire city wants to invade Cabot, Jacksonville, Beebe, etc. I figure make it an empire of an alternate universe with Lonoke as the capital.

The messenger had a Betamax instead of BLDs (Betamax Laser Disc). I wanted toy around with the alternate universe and make the loser in certain product wars be the winner in their universe like Sega and Phillips CD-I are the top video game consoles or the Avatar movie based on the cartoon was a smash hit. I felt it was stupid that the Betamax from the 80s was still around and yet they have next-gen game consoles. I rewrote to BLDs as their universe's DVD or Blu-Ray.

All the countries that surround the Lonokean Empire wasn't in the original. The original draft had the United States itself with a separate country in the middle of the southeast area. I found it silly and decide to have more fun making this universe and thrown in former countries that once existed.

Yes, all the countries around "The Lonokean Empire" actually existed. Like how the south wanted to separate from the US that led to he Civil War. Texas was it's own country before joining the US. The southern coasts of Mississippi, Alabama, and part of Louisiana was it's own country called West Florida. Sadly, the US didn't recognize them and West Florida only exist for two months. France once owned the middle portion what is now part of the US.

Yes I let the messanger live a little longer than the movie I was parodying. Killing the messenger is looked down on people and plus, Chris and the others need to get more info of this invading army.

Metal Guy and Storyteller weren't in the original. I figure I need allies with names. I based them off of two characters in the movie. I found out recently that the younger Magneto in the X-Men movies is the same guy in 300 and sort of based him off the X-Men guy as well. I gave him limited control of metal or otherwise he be too powerful and quickly kill the entire Lonokean army in seconds.

Since my story was a parody of something with swords instead of guns. I had to put in the energy net to explain why we fight in hand-to-hand combat.

Me calling the psychic hotline is based on oracles.

The 1st draft never did poke fun at the lack of clothing or the slo-mo moments.

The entire burning farm scene never happen. I didn't know how to do it since it is a dark and depressing scene. It doesn't help there's no decent size towns and cities between Cabot and Lonoke. I decide to put it in and make it a comical moment.

The whole eating lunch never happen

All the weird enemies like Ninjas, dark mages, and T-rexs were in the 1st draft. I added Vikings and Centaurs.

The entire meeting with Evil Lonokean Emperor never happen. We just went straight to him and fought.

I never had the traitor. I didn't know how to write him at the time. I try to think why would someone betray Arkansas. I figure make him a extreme Sonic fan.

Yes the ending was completely different than what happen in the movie. You can forget it about me getting killed off. Remember in the 3rd Dodgeball story that based on last Matrix film? Same thing happen.

Most of the 2nd movie was mostly navel combat and they didn't fight that many weird enemies like the 1st one. Arkansas isn't the greatest place for navel combat but I remember playing Final Fantasy games and remember all the airships. I figure throw in a bunch references from anything that has to do with ships.

Examples: Zelda The Wind Waker(Captain in a barrel)
Assassin's Creed(Grapeshot),
Mario(Airship courses and the flying clown car),
Captain America(fighting the cyborg assassin in engine room),
Final Fantasy(Eyeball monsters and drilling from 4, jetpack armor soldiers from 6, motorcycles from 8. The giant metal airship was based on the Dreadnought from 2.)

I have a feeling my readers believe the exploding cards is from Gambit from X-men. No, it was based on FMV ending of FF6 and I actually explain this within the story.

Yes, not only I poke fun at the slo-mo(seriously, even a horse was having a moment in slo-mo), but the sex scene as well. Seriously that was like the most random sex scene ever. The main character of the movie went ahead and have sex with the enemy commander but said no on the deal of surrendering. o.0 So he only went ahead on half the deal because he was feeling horny or something.

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