Monday, March 9, 2015

Cabotians vs. The Lonokeon Empire: Attack of the Searcian Airship Fleet

Here's the sequel to Cabotians vs. The Lonokeon Empire. Yes, it's a parody of a certain movie alot with a few other things. Well enjoy.

It's been two days since we killed the Evil Lonokeon Emperor and send his troops packing. Me and my allies got together and ate out at Golden Corral in North Little Rock for celebration of our victory. 

During our feast, a group of Beebeians enter the restaurant to join with us. I saw one man and said, "Hey your the Hero of Beebe as I heard. Why not come and sit down here at this table." The guy smile and sat down across me. I got up and said in a excited tone, "Let me get us cups of root beer." After getting our drinks, I sat back down at the table. He said, "Thanks, I have something I need to to you." I quickly said back to man, "Yeah, I need to hear your battle. I heard you defeated the enemy leader of the group that was attacking Beebe from the northeast." He said nervously, "Well that's what I was't going to tell you but alright, I tell my tale of the battle against the Lonokeans"

The Hero of Beebe told me while Cabotians and Jacksonvillians fought against the Lonokeons from the south, there was a separate group of their forces marching from the northeast. The leader of this group was called The Duke of Searcy, who serves under the Emperor of the Lonokeon Empire. I heard from the guy how he and several other Beebeians slowly ran towards their opponents while the Lonokeons did the same. I look at the man weirdly and asked, "Why did you guys ran slowly?" The Hero replied in a excited tone, "Because it was cool-looking! Even our own horse move slowly in battle, and it looked totally awesome!" Still looking at him weirdly, I said, "Your lucky that they move slowly as well or they take advantage of your slow speed and stab you with their foam swords."

The Beebeian continued on with his story. He said he saw one of the Lonokeons' dart guns laying on the ground. He looked up and saw an airship parked on the ground. The Beebeian closes his eyes and fired somewhere on the airship. Lucky for him, the dart hit The Duke of Searcy in the chest, it killed him. The commander of the airship fleet named Evil Lonokean Swordwoman witness the death of the Duke. She gave a shout to all the troops to retreat.

All of the Imperial army got on airship and the vehicle took off. By killing the Duke, this man became the Hero of Beebe.

I looked at him and I was surprised and laugh a little, "Wow, you became the hero due to luck itself." I started to remember something the man said earlier. "You said you need to tell me something, correct?" The young man answer, "Yes, well you see is that last night, Evil Lonokean Swordwoman and a few troops came to our group with a white flag in their hands."

I asked, "What did they want?" The young man answer, "She wanted me, the Hero of Beebe, to come to her airship alone. When we got to her quarters, She discuss her plans. She said she gather all the troops that retreated from all the battles that happen two days ago and she is planning an attack on all of us for revenge of of the death of their Emperor. She said she has a huge fleet of airships coming tomorrow at noon."

Hearing this, I said, "Well we be ready for those losers, they will think again if they ever plan to invade Arkansas again. So what else happen at the meeting?" The Hero continue his story, "She said she won't attack if we surrender. She wanted me to tell everyone that we should let them take over all of Arkansas. The next thing I know is she was rubbing her hand on my chest."

I said, "Well any brave Arkansan like you would say no to her." I took a sip of my root beer as the Beebeian said, "What are you talking about? I went ahead and had sex with her." My eyes widen and made me spit out some of my root beer. I looked at him with my jaw wide open and asked, "Did you say you had sex with the commander of the Lonokean Airship Fleet? The man gave a big smile and said excitedly, "I totally did! I'm planning to go to collage next semester. No way I'm going to collage as a virgin. I be loser by then and besides, she was hot. There was no way I'm not going to say no to her."

I asked him, "You know she's the enemy right? Don't tell me you betray all of Arkansas for sex?" The man started to look guilty, "No, I only went ahead just to have sex, I was never planning to surrender. I figure I tell you the news of the coming the invasion." I shoot a mean glare at this so-called hero. 

Later at night. Me, "the Hero", several other Cabotians, Beebeians, and Jacksonvillians enter a dark forest. I asked the horny man, "You said you met up with the swordswoman in this forest with a small group of airships is parked here, correct?" The man told us that is correct. He lead us to the parked airships with several guards standing by. Me and few others sneak behind the guards and cover their mouths as we stab them with our foam swords.

With them dead, I wave my hand in the air and all the troops follow me as we enter some of the ships. Me and a small group searched for the captain's quarters. After looking around for a few minutes, we spotted one of the crewmates walking in the hallways. He saw us and ran screaming, "INTRUDERS ON SHIP!" Soon, several doors open and Lonokean soldiers came out of those doors. Luckily for us, these men aren't fully prepare and wearing their pajamas.

We fought against them while the man who announced our presence headed up upstairs. After the men in their PJs were gone, a loud bell was ringing throughout the ships. I sigh and said, "So much for a sneak attack." Me and the others charge to the captain's quarters. We cut down any Lonokean that dare attack us. Soon as we found the captain's room, we busted in. We quickly aimed our weapons towards his neck. We told him to step out on the deck.

When we got to the surface, we heard the sound of propellers moving. I turn to the rest of the ships and saw half of them taking off towards the Northeast direction. As I watch them leave, I was wondering about the rest of the troops who boarded several other ships. I pulled out my walkie talkie and activate it. 

"How are you guys doing?" I heard one voice from the communications device said, "I manage to steal one of the ships." Soon after, I heard a few more voices that said the same thing. I smile at the news that we score what seven ships. Sadly, Evil Lonokean Swordwoman was on one of the ships that escape. I turn towards our prisoner, the ship's captain and said, "Now about you."

A few minutes later, the captain was stuffed into a barrel with his head sticking out. We loaded the barrel on a catapult. One of my allies did a 3-second countdown. Each second, the captain's face was getting more and more nervous. Once the countdown ended, the barrel was flung high into the air.

The next morning, all the ships we capture has taken a course to somewhere near Searcy. After ten minutes of flying, a huge fleet of airships was waiting for us. Their numbers seems ten times the size of what we have. We have engaged the enemy.

A group of small airships were coming towards us. I quickly turn the airship's wheel to face them sideways. I gave a shout, "FIRE THE GRAPESHOT!" Soon, hundreds of red and green grapes were fired from the cannons. The pieces of fruit smash into their propellers, causing them to stop running and made their ships fall to the ground.

Our flight to the enemy continue till we encounter something new...Our ship was being boarded by flying eyeball monsters. I turn my head towards "The Hero of Beebe" and shout, "Hey Pervert! Your in command of the ship while I fight these goons." I pulled out a black-colored toy lightsaber and slice at flying eyeball monsters. 

After they were done, a new group of enemies were coming... soldiers in some sort of advanced jetpack armor. Several others join me as we fight against these new foes. As my allies slice through the enemy. I put away my toy lightsaber and equip myself with exploding cards. I threw the cards at the flying enemies and watch as the cards destroy their jetpack armors. The perverted man asked, "Hey, your coping off that guy from X-men." I look at him and said, "Not really, I copy off another guy really who happens to have similar weapons."

We continue our battle and bring more ships down. The other airships we capture are also fighting their best. Sadly, we have lost two of our ships so far. 

I looked ahead and saw a huge airship parked sideways. The man from Beebe said, "That airship looks heavily armored, I don't think our cannons can destroy it." I replied in a smug tone, "Oh but there is one weapon that will. There's a button on the center of the wheel. Press it!"

He did what I asked and the front of the airship began to open. The front side opened all the way and reveal a giant drill. I pointed my foam sword at the Imperial ship, "FULL SPEED AND CHARGE!" Our ship straight ahead while avoiding their fire. We now then pound into the enemy's ship and drill right through it, breaking the airship into two.

We would smile on our smashing victory but in our view, ahead of us was a large metal airship that was five times the size of ours. As we got nearer and nearer to this behemoth, we heard noises that sound like motorcycles. Our guess turns out to be true because about eight motorcycles jumped from the giant airship and landed on our deck. They pulled out their toy-lightsabers and drove by to chop our heads off. Me and the others pulled out our weapons and counterattack these bikers. We knock them off their bike and stabbed them.

The shadow of the giant airship soon engulfed ours and we were underneath the behemoth. We witness two cargo doors open from the ship's underside. What came out was a large crane that ready to grab our ship. I told the so-called Hero to avoid those claws. We fired our cannons at them but did little to no damage but I did notice something. One of the crane's joints looked a little shiny. I told everyone on the ship to fire on that spot. All the cannons were loaded and fired on that one location. Soon, that crane brake apart. I smile at this and told our ship's pilot. "Take us above their ship."

Our ship went up high above the giant metal ship while avoiding their fire. I put on a parachute and prepare to jump but before I could, the so-called hero asked, "I want to come too. I need to redeem myself and earned the name the Hero of Beebe, I go ahead and let one of the troops take the wheel." I tell him, "Well come aboard then." He put on his gear and jumped off our ship.

We release our chutes land on the giant metal airship's deck. I told the Hero, "We need to find the engine and destroy it. I believe your "girlfriend" is also on this ship so be prepare." We ran across the deck. Sadly for us, the place is built like an obstacle course. We had to dodge flamethrowers, human-sized bullets with angry faces painted on, and human-sized wind-up soldiers. It took us awhile to pass this obstacle course but at the end of the deck was stairs leading down.

We ran down the hallways and entered the engine room but there was a man waiting for us. It was a cyborg assassin. I told the Hero, "Leave this guy to me." The cyborg throw a dodgeball at me but I block the hit by using a sheet of cardboard. I use the cardboard itself as a weapon and threw at him but the cyborg dodged. He pulled out a butter knife attack me. I dodge the attacks and pulled out another cardboard sheet and block his weapon. I than rammed my cardboard into his head. With him fazed, I grabbed his arm and broke it. He dropped his butter knife the ground. As he was getting back up, I grab his weapon and jabbed it into his heart, killing him.

With him out of the way, I pulled out a Nerf Bomb and install it in the generator. I told the Beebeian, "It's set up ten minutes. Let's get out of here."

We headed back out to the deck but when we got there, we saw Evil Lonokean Swordswoman waiting for us in the air with her flying clown car. She sent the clown car down to slam us but we rolled out of the way in time. Her car flew back into the air. She then threw several human-sized wind-up soldiers at us. I deliver a kick into one of them and it cause to stop working. Thinking of a way to stop the evil woman, I grabbed the wind-up toy that stopped working and threw high in the air, however I missed hitting her. I repeated what I did with another toy and threw again. This time it did hit her and knock her out of the vehicle. With no driver, the clown car fell to the ground and crash into the remaining toys.

Evil Lonokean Swordswoman asked, "I thought you agree to surrender?" The Hero of Beebe replied, "I never agree to surrender to you, I just went ahead for the sex itself." I rolled my eyes hearing this. The woman shouted, "THEN I WILL KILL YOU FOR YOUR TRAITOROUSLY!" She pulled out two foam swords and fought against us. We begin in epic sword clash. 

She kicked me in the stomach and cause me to fall down. She then went back to slice at her "boyfriend" and he avoided her blows. She then use a nasty trick by slicing her two foam swords together to create sparks which blinded the Beebeian's eyes. While temporarily blinded, he swung up his foam sword, hoping to kill his opponent. The evil woman block his attack but the might of his swing knock one of her swords out of her hand. She than plan to do a killing blow to his neck but another foam sword block the attack. She turn her head and saw me. She went back to fighting me then. I block her attack drove her sword upper. I saw an opening and drove my weapon into her stomach.

We watch her fall to her knees and die. I pulled out the walkie talkie and told told everyone the commander of the Airship fleet is dead. In one minute, our airship came to the side of this giant metal one. Me and The Hero of Beebe ran to the side and took a large jump. We landed back on ours.

Soon, most of the enemy ships were destroyed and the remaining ships went back to their universe. Failing to invade us twice in a row, the Lonokean Empire learn they were no match for the might of Arkansas. Me and the others raised our foam swords in the air for our victory. We celebrate by getting ice cream.

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