This is April's channel 6 news crew. The guy in the pink shirt is Vernon who is currently played by Will Arnett . He's usually trying to hog away the glory from April. The overweight guy is Burne. He is April's boss. He's basically the TMNT version of J.Jonah Jameson, always thinking the Turtles are criminal scum. He's currently played by Whoopi Goldburg. Yes, they re-imagined him as a black woman. The woman in glasses is Irma and she's always dreaming about meeting the man of her dreams. She's currently voiced in the new cartoon by *Major spoilers ahead*, Gilbert Gottfried. She was secretly a Kraang spy disguise as April's friend.
The Punk Frogs were regular frogs in Flordia swamps that were exposed to ooze. Shredder found them and plan to make them the Anti-TMNT. Since Splinter named the Turtles after his favorite renaissance artists, Shredder named the frogs after his "heroes", which is Napoleon, Attila, Genghis, and Rasputin. The Punk Frogs quickly learn Shredder was the bad guy and not the Turtles and switch sides.
Zach is a Turtle fanboy. He dressed up as a turtle and tries to help them. The Turtles call him an honorary 5th turtle. He wasn't well-beloved to the fans.

Mona Lisa is a human turned into lizard mutant. She's popular with the fanbase despite only appearing in one episode. She's basically set up as Raph's love interest. She's in the new series as an alien salamander whose enemies with the Triceratons. She and Raph like to do Eskimo kisses.
Mondo Gecko is like totally early 90s skateboarding dude. He is the Venus before Venus was (un)cool because he came from the same bowl as the turtles but got separated when a gangster pick him. Other versions have him a rocking singer or teen skateboarder turn mutant gecko. He's currently voiced by Mikey from the live-action movies.
Lotus Blossum is the Karai before Karai was cool. She even predated Karai's 1st appearance in the original comics. Lotus was hired by Krang to help him and plans like she replace the Shredder. Leo quickly went head over heels with her despite she's the enemy(alot like how Leo is to Karai in the 2012 series). She did join the good side in the end. She only appeared in two episodes.
Ace Duck is a fighter pilot turned mutant duck. His action figure was popular with the fans. He appeared very briefly on the Turtles' TV. He was in the Archie comics as an intergalactic wrestler.
Metalhead is the robot version of the Turtles. He was created by the bad guys to destroy the Turtles. Donnie reprograms him and he becomes a good guy. He briefly appeared in one more episode and it was a quick cameo. Donnie pulls him out to vacuum the sewer floor and that's it. In the new cartoon, he's Donnie's invention.
The other Metalhead. He's a member of the Justice Force with moveable metal hair. He's in the old comics and 2003 series.

Mechaturtle was a boss character in the 1st NES game. He existed long before Metalhead.

Turtlebot was created by Baxter to stop the Turtles. He's also in the video games based on the 2003 series with a different origin. He was going to be in the Dreamwave comics with another origin but the series got cancelled. I don't think he's based on Metalhead, rather a similar concept. The 2003 series was trying to be like more of the Mirage comics and less of the original cartoon.
Muckman was a trashman who got mutated into a trash-like monster. He's usually with Joe Eyeball.
Mutagen Man was a mailman named Seymour Gutz(HA!) that fell in a pool of mutagen that turn him into a pile of guts in a jar full of mutagen. He did return to normal at the end of the episode. The 2012 version was far more darker. The Pulverizer try to be like the turtles, so he mutated himself. However, this causes him with his gruesome appearance. He hasn't return to normal and his mind has went berserk.
When the rumors the Turtles were going to be aliens in the 2014 movie, people act there's never been a entire planet of Turtles, actually there was. However that doesn't mean the Turtles have to radically change their origins.
Carter is a man who wanted to find Hamato Yoshi and study under him. He was surprised he is a rat. He joined very late in the series and became the 5th member of the team. There was a story arc where the Turtles mutation was going out of control and turn them into Hulk-like creatures every now and than. A sample of the ooze fell on Carter and he transforms into this mohawk chicken from time to time.
Now characters from live-action movies and tv show.
Danny Pennington is son of April's boss in the 1st movie. He was in the wrong crowd. He ran away from home and join the Foot. He gave away to Shredder he saw weird turtles at April's apartment. Feeling sorry how Shredder was beating up Splinter, Danny decided to change sides and help Splinter escape. At the end, he made up with his father.
Keno is a pizza delivery boy who ended up stuck in a middle of a fight between the Turtles and robbers. He became friends with the Turtles and help them find the Foot's new hideout.
Kenshin is a man from Feudal Japan that switch places with April when she traveled to Japan.
Mitsu was a woman who was in love with Kenshin. She helped the Turtles when they got stuck in Japan.
Whit is an English mercenary who works for the English trader, Walker. He was imprisoned with April. When the Jailbreak happen, he helped her and the Turtles out. He betrayed them and took the time specter to Walker. He changed his mind again and killed Walker in the end.
He is Casey Jones' ancestor and played by the same actor.
This is Venus. She's from the infamous short lived show, The Next Mutation. She is not loved by fans.
She came from the same jar as the other turtles but she got separate from the others and was raised by a Chinese man. She is the last Shinobi which is a person with magical powers. However in the real world, Shinobi is the same as Ninja and the show act like it's a separate thing. She quickly defeated the Shredder within her 1st encounter with him. Only in the live-action show states that the Turtles are not blood related only just so the show can pair her up with one of the Turtles.
One of the creators of TMNT hates her so much, she is never brought up at all. Even if you are making fun of her, you can't talk about her.Having a girl turtles destroys the Turtles uniqueness because they are the last of their kind. In the TMNT multiversal crossover, Turtles Forever, of all the universes shown, Next Mutation was missing when all the Turtle universes were shown.
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