Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Two Apartments: Behind the scenes, facts, and deleted material.

If you haven't read the story, click here.

Well it took me several years to write a sequel to the 1st chapter of the Copper Ring saga but I finally continued.

I did had plans and ideas over the years of the 2nd chapter whenever I did get back on Copper Ring saga.

The gang was suppose to split up at where routes 79 and 49 meet up when I wrote the 1st draft. That seems a random location to write and I doubt most people know where it is. It's been so long since I wrote the 1st draft, I wasn't sure what "Rohan" was intended. It's possible that "Rohan" was meant to be West Memphis since it's the biggest city on that side of Arkansas. I think when I wrote the 1st draft, I just pulled random major Arkansas cities and made them locations of the story. As I was writing my story for my blog, I try to make more of a path towards Petit Jean or any other major location instead of going random places in Arkansas.

"Rohan" was always intended to be a ranch. With Petit Jean Mountain, Conway, and Russellville are the major locations of the story that was established in the 1st chapter, it be obvious to put the Ranch somewhere in central Arkansas.

Look up on youtube, "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard", if you wonder why Pretty Boy was singing.

I try for nearly a half an hour of what the Neo-Red Coats and Evil Cave Dwellers were fighting about. . I wonder if I should make a Kirk vs Picard argument. I already made a Mario vs Sonic joke in the Lonokean Empire saga.

I never did figure out a title for the 2nd chapter of the Copper Ring saga till recently. I thought be funny the most deadly forces in Arkansas are living in cheap apartments

The "Ents" were always planned to be tree hugging hippies.

Some of you who read the story in the 1st few hours that the story was posted saw Gardener gave Kind Boy a can of Coke-Cola Vanilla. I had to change it to a Pepsi Twist real quick because I misread that Coke-Cola Vanilla was a discontinued drink. It was but reintroduced later and still in shelfs. Since the story takes place back then, might as well thrown some references to that era.

"Arwen" didn't exist at all and I had no intention of writing romance scenes. I quickly wrote her as I was getting ready to post my story. I thought be kinda funny to make a scene of the Cowgirl getting green-eyed

In the 1st draft of the 1st chapter, "Aragorn" and "Boromir" were Swordguy and Swordguy II. As I rewrote Swordguy to Chris, Swordguy II lost his 2. Swordguy's bro ended up as Swordguy II

One of the biggest differences I noticed between the book and movie is Faramir was alot more nicer to the Hobbits. Book nerds should be happy that Swordguy II didn't desired the cheap copper ring that came from a coin machine.

I recently added an entry on the 1st chapter that Swordguy's body was put on a boat and sailed upstream. Otherwise,  Swordguy II never learn of his bro's death.

Gardener having giant radish pulling powers was something that I came up as I was writing the sequel.

Hopefully it won't take a another decade to write another sequel to the copper ring saga.

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