Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Dodgeball Universe Characters: Evil Elf King Saga

2.Evil Elf King
3.Credit Card Dude
4.President of the French Club
5.President of the French Club's girlfriend
6.The Water Twins
7.The Dude in White

Profile: Chris is the main character in every story. He has saved Arkansas multiple times from Evil Elf Kings, terrorists, ancient forgotten god-like beings, evil Greek gods, dark magicians, empires from alternate universes.

Appears in: Every story

Affiliation: Heroes, The long name group(that has 22 initials), The Cabotian Army.

Abilities: Dodgeball throwing, Nerf gun skills, hand-to-hand combat, toy sword skills, cardboard shield, jetpack skills.
As Super Armor Chris: Super jetpack that can fly in 100 mph in a millisecond, shoulder-mounted Nerf cannons, hand-held automatic machine Nerf gun, and a long toy lightsaber that's twice as long as a normal one, super laser cannon, can lift the entire pole for the Home Depot sign, glowing energy sword.

2.The Evil Elf King
Profile: The Evil Elf King is the main villain of the entire Dodgeball trilogy. He plots to conquer all of Arkansas by forming an army in Cabot High School.

Appears in: Dodgeball, Dodgeball 2, Dodgeball 3, Heroes vs Baddies: Battle of the Glow in the Dark Tennisball(flashback)
Mentioned in: Heroes vs Baddies, The entire Copper Ring saga.

Affiliation: Leader of the Evil Elf Army

Abilities: Hand to hand combat, dodgeball throwing, can turn humans into elf slaves, flight, toy sword skills, protective goo, kunai on rope, can retract arms to form giant blades made of bone, fireballs, can transform into dragon, can send people to the astral world, can resurrect people, can awaken people from comas.

Character summary
*Dodgeball 1*
He summon Chris to school to challenge him. He was "killed" in battle when his guts were ripped out of his body.
*Heroes vs Baddies*
His "death" at the end of the 1st Dodgeball story made many of his loyalists to form an army called the Baddies to invade Cabot High School and soon, all of Arkansas.

*Dodgeball 2*
It's revealed that he survived by using magic to return his guts back into his body and heal himself from his wounds. He went into hiding for a while.

During the disappearance of the the Credit Card Dude, The Evil Elf King reveal to Chris that he is alive.

Shortly after his "death", he gained the magical ability to turn humans into elves that are extremely loyal to him. With his new found powers, he plans to turn all of Cabot into elves and soon, all of Arkansas.

*HvsB: Battle for the Glow in the Dark Tennisball*(flashback)
During the time when he was believe to be dead after his 1st "death", he resurrected the Baddies 2nd-in-command, Traitor. He tasked him on rebuilding the Baddies and locate the missing leader,Villain.

*Dodgeball 3*
He successively turns every citizen of Cabot into an elf and unleash an army of Giant Robot Spiders to Austin. Chris and his friends mange to stop the invasion and killed the Evil Elf King. All of his elf minions were reverted back to humans with no memories of being an elf.

*HvsB: Battle for the Glow in the Dark Tennisball*
His ghost came back to help awaken Villain from his coma. By inject a part of his spirit into Villain, this give h a boost of strength and power as well as having his voice sound similar to the evil elf.

*Other info*
He has a twin brother who is nothing like his evil brother. He assisted the very long name group to destroy the Copper Ring.

3.The Credit Card Dude
Profile: He was a man who had to skill to create credit cards. He knew the location of the generator that powers the hideout of the Baddie Remnant.

Appears in: Dodgeball 2

Affiliation: Works solo mainly but he is willing to help Chris and the others.

Abilities: Easily create credit cards, pick locks with cards, knows how to drive a motorcycle.

Character summary
*Dodgeball 2*
The President of the French Club soon capture the Credit Card Dude. Word got to Chris about his imprisonment. He was freed shortly after. He was last seen flirting with two girls in the S building at Cabot High.

4.The President of the French Club
Profile: He is a man obsessed with France. He eats French foods all the time and speaks in a French accent despite the fact he simply a regular American student that never went to France.

Appears in: Dodgeball 2+3

Affiliation: President of the French Club, Boss of the French Mafia in Cabot, Baddies Remnant, owner of secret fancy French restaurant, and owner of a secret BDSM-theme dance club.

Character summary
*Dodgeball 2*
He denies that he has the Credit Card Dude locked up. Chris discover his underground secret weapons museum in the J building at Cabot High. The Credit Card Dude was freed.

*Dodgeball 3*
He has a secret fancy five star French restaurant and a BDSM theme dance club underneath his house in Cabot. The dance club is connected to an underground subway that leads to Austin, Arkansas.

Chris and gang had to make a deal with him to use his subway.

5.The President of the French Club's Girlfriend
Profile: She is the Girlfriend of the French President. However she may not be loyal to him.

Appears in: Dodgeball 2

Affiliation: No one

Character summary
*Dodgeball 2*
She helps Chris on telling him the location to the entrance to the underground weapons museum for getting back at her boyfriend for kissing another woman. She was last seen storming out of the room after messing up her boyfriend's plans.

6.The Water Twins
Profile: The elite bodyguards of the President of the French Club.

Appears in: Dodgeball 2

Affiliation: French Mafia in Cabot.

Abilities: They can turn into water when attacked.

Character summary
*Dodgeball 2*
Soon as the Credit Card Dude was freed. The Water Twins gave chase across Main Street.

They were killed when trapped in an exploding car, reducing them to steam.

7.The Dude in White
Profile: He is man that watches over the generator room that powers the hideout of the Baddie Remnant. He likes staying in a room full of hundreds of TVs.

Appears in: Dodgeball 2

Affiliation: Baddie Remnant

Abilities: Tells useless nonsense.
*Dodgeball 2*
He told Chris there there are two doors. One leads to the generator room that powers the hideout of the Baddie Remnant, the other leads back to outside. He also likes to tell useless nonsense.

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