Table of Contents
A. Maul in Solo
B. Maul in Clone Wars Season 7
C. Somehow Palpatine Return in The Rise of Skywalker
D. The Mandalorian about Boba Fett, Ashoka, and Thrawn.
E. Boba Fett and Cad Bane's relationship
A. Maul in Solo
Did you guys enjoy Book of Boba Fett? Anyways, I be talking about how Star Wars somehow expects you to know certain things and your confused because of it.
The biggest one is from the Solo movie
At the end, when Han Solo's ex-girlfriend Qi'ra leaves and meets with her mysterious boss of Crimson Dawn, who turns out to be Maul.
How are you alive?
I mean you were cut in half.
Han's movie was set 10 years before A New Hope while Maul's Death happen 22 years before Solo. So how is he alive without an explanation?
Well the answer is in the show The Clone Wars.
Maul's return to life was clearly explained in this.
They found Maul hooked up to robo-legs and mentally insane. He used his hate in the force to keep himself alive till evil force witches completely restore him. He did get better legs where they look more human like.
The problem is that not everyone watches the TV shows. Some only stick to the movies, and only the movies. Some see animation aimed for kids and don't want to be seen with it. Yes, kids is the target audience but it is very mature that adults can enjoy, tho I admit the 1st season wasn't great.
So Solo somehow expects you that you see a 7-season animation show.
So Solo somehow expects you that you see a 7-season animation show.
B. Maul in The Clone Wars Season 7
Speaking about Maul and The Clones Wars. They did it again with confusing unexplained references.
Once upon a time, when Season Five of Star Wars was halfway done airing on Cartoon Network, Lucas sold his franchise to Disney.
The Clone Wars Suddenly ended once Season 5 was finished.
It did briefly came back in a 6th season, mostly due to several episodes in development were mostly done. It was aired on Netflix and later released on DVD. Then it got cancelled again. There were plenty of stories in the planning stages. Scripts were written, storyboards were made, animation was in it's beta stages, but due to the show being cancelled it wasn't meant to be.
The last we saw of Maul at the time is when he took of the planet of Mandalore and took over several crime syndicates.
The ruler of Mandalore
He was about to ruined Palpatine's 1000 year plan for the Sith to take over and derail it. Unlucky for him, Sidious came over for a visit to clean up this mess.
What we have is one of the coolest fights ever.
Yes Mandalorian viewers, Maul is carrying the Darksaber.
Yes Mandalorian viewers, Maul is carrying the Darksaber.
The battle ended with Maul losing as he is on the floor, begging for mercy as the dark lord of the Sith fry him with lightning. He told the defeated man, "I'm not going to kill you, I still have a use for you."
Then Clones Wars got cancelled and Maul's ultimate fate was unknown.
We did get another animated show called Star Wars Rebels set a few years before A New Hope. Maul was shown up to be alive and well, long after the Clone Wars. So we know he never died from back then. He was on a quest to have revenge the Empire and Obi-Wan who at this point is an old man on Tatooine.
In 2020, 7 long years after Clone Wars got cancelled, a wonderful surprise that we will be getting a whole new season years after the show ended.
The problem that confused people, well Maul is back on Mandalore and out of Darth Sidous' clutches with no explanation.
Wait, where is Palpatine?
The answer is told in a 4-issue comic series, Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
During the time long before Disney+ gave us Season 7. Some planned stories did end up in some form of entertainment. Some got released in a novel, some were story reels with beta animation shown at a convention, and some in comics.
So yes, Season 7 somehow expects you to know to know about a 4-issue comic series that was made during the years when the show was in hiatus.
C. Emperor Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker
Enough about Maul, let's move on to a different villain
The final movie of Disney's Sequel Trilogy had no idea how to end it, so they brought back Palpatine. However within the movie itself, it never explained how's he's survived being throw into a bottomless abyss before the Death Star exploded.
We did get an official explanation a few months later but long before then, we had a very good theory how he survived.
Once upon a time, long before Disney had the rights to Star Wars. There were a ton of comics, novels, games, etc. that took place outside of the movies. When Disney bought the franchise, all the stories outside of the 6 movies and The Clone Wars were flushed away and rebranded as Legends as it's an alternate timeline, unconnected to the main Disney Canon.
Released in 1991, the story of Dark Empire took place 6 years after Return of the Jedi. The story is that Emperor is back and planning on conquering the galaxy and unlike The Rise of Skywalker, they actually explain how he came back. He told Luke and the gang that before he died he used the Force to transferred his consciousness with into a clone body he had stored elsewhere.
This comic story far superior than the very loose adaptation known as Rise of Skywalker. It actually explains how the Emperor came back, it's not a rushed last minute idea. Yes, both stories ruined the prophecy about Anakin with the Emperor coming back but the comic came out years before the Prequels and it be silly to hate on that. Also, Luke did turn dark but he recovered. It's not like they killed him off right after he got back to his senses.
However, the comics thing is guessing from old sources, not official info about the movie. We did finally got an answer on the film's novelization. It did reveal what we assumed, that Palpatine is indeed a clone. It also told other stuff like his "son" was an fraternal clone, Snoke was an experiment from cloning labs, and unpopular lore breaking retcons like the Rule of Two was created to hope to create two Siths with a Dyad.
So yes, Episode 9 excepts you to either read old comics that's been long rebooted, or wait several months for the novelization.
D. The Mandalorian about Boba Fett, Ashoka, and Thrawn.
Dark Empire also told how someone else came back from the dead within it's story.
Gave a quick throwaway line to explain.
And yes, The colors on this comic was the norm.
The Mandalorian had several characters and references that weren't explained at first.
I'm alot more forgiving on this than anything else in this article. The Mandalorian is setting up future seasons and spin offs while Rise of Skywalker was the grand finale of the saga and it never bother explain how the Emperor came back.
Boba Fett did show up alive years after his supposed death in the Sarlacc with no explanation, but we were given a tease in the season's post credits, announcing that Boba will be getting his own spinoff. We knew that the former bounty hunter would have his survival explained once it aired, and it did.
Ashoka originally appeared from The Clone Wars and Rebels as one of the main characters with Anakin and Obi-wan. This was long before her live-action debut in the Mandalorian. Thankfully, the show only gave you need to know info and didn't give 50 thousand confusing references, so casuals don't have to worry.
Thrawn is the man that Ashoka is looking for. When you asked the most popular Expanded Universe character is, the 1st answer is this Grand Admiral. Other results is Mara Jade, Starkiller, Darth Revan, Kyle Katarn, etc. Thrawn made the jump in Disney's canon and appeared in several novels and one of the major villains in Rebels. He was last seen in his ship as it was thrown in the far side of the galaxy.
Several Star Wars TV shows have been announced since the end season 2 of Mandalorian. One of them is Ashoka, so her quest to hunt down Thrawn may happen in her own show.
So yeah, I'm alot more forgiving towards everything that came out of the Baby Yoda show, cause alot of this is building up to the later seasons and spinoffs.
E. Boba Fett and Cad Bane's relationship
One last thing is about last few episodes of the Book of Boba Fett. The untold relationship between Boba and Cad Bane.
You can tell that they had a history and he knew the daimyo when was a kid.
Season 7 did resurrect Clone Wars but they only did three planned story arcs. Everything else was not aired. There was a few clips of the one of the unaired episodes of Clone Wars in beta footage had the two bounty hunters. We don't know much but there was some story arc about them. It seem Bane knew Jango and help mentor Boba. One of the clips had them go at a duel for some reason. Their blaster bolts hit each other. Boba got the dent in his helmet while Bane was shot in the head. So that was the end of Bane...
Or was it?
He appeared in the new show, The Bad Batch, set during the early years of the Empire. Notice he has a metal plate on his head where he got shot.
And some say he survived his supposed death in the new Boba show because some say they saw a button on his chest blinking. Who knows?
So yes, The Book of Boba Fett expects you to know about some clip from some unaired episode, just so you can know the full details of their relationship.
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