Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Friendship Of The Copper Ring That Came From A Coin Machine That Was Made From The Waters Of Petit Jean Mountain: Facts and Deleted Material

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Like the others, this story had rewrites

I never did finish the Copper Ring saga and only made 1st part of the story. Hopefully I get to finish one day.

During the prologue, it said that the rich, smart people were fans of Spock. How would they know who Spock is in ancient Arkansas? Did they have ancient magical TVs that pick up signals from the far future?

The story of the guy who knock off Evil Dude's ring, the fisherman, and Old Guy was laughably brief
"The person wanted the ring but it fell into the Arkansas River.A few years later, a short man found it and kept it for a few months until another short guy call Old Guy steal the ring and ran away." 

Sounds like ancient Arkansas doesn't sound that ancient judging by the sentence above.

Hill Area takes place in some random location in the Ozarks.

Hill Area was originally in the Ouachita mountains but it sounds weird they journeyed far north to Harrison like that.

The short man were originally midgets. I was worried I would offend some people so they been changed to short people that were below 5 foot.

Old Guy and Kind Boy were originally Old Midget and Main Midget. I notice in the 1st draft, Main Midget/Kind Boy's name went back and forth like I couldn't make up my mind what his name was.

Old Guy and Magician talking about kicking a lizard off of Mt. Magazine is a reference to the Hobbit. Remember, the Hobbit movies weren't out and I decided to throw a reference in from the book.

Trickster and Prankster was originally called, Prankster 1 and Prankster 2. Actually it was Pricklier 1 and 2 but it was a stupid typo according to 1st draft.

Magician and Old Guy discussing about the cheap ring was expanded. I added Magician telling Old Guy he didn't use a curtain to disappear at the party or leaving the ring for his nephew.

In the early versions, Magician said he was going to Books-A-Million in Conway. I used Google and I couldn't find a Books-A-Million in that city. I changed it to a regular library.

Dark Magician learns about the ring and battles Magician but the winner of this battle was the Dark Magician.
... Kind Boy woke up and sees Magician standing there. Magician said that he was able to escape from the Dark Magician.
Kind of lame how brief I wrote the battle and later, Magician's escape. Figure I show the two Magicians using tricks to fight and than show Magician being a escape artist.

It said that they went to the Harrison Pub. Does Harrison have a pub? Is Harrison in a dry county? Well I use the internet and it said Boone County is a wet county with dry spots. I wasn't sure about the place so I rewrote it as a bar not far from the city.

Chris (Me basically) was called Swordsman or Swordguy since I couldn't make up my mind on the character name was in the 1st draft. Since all my stories have me in it, I figure I rewrite Swordguy. There is no way in Middle-Earth that I wanted to be a hobbit, so you can forget it.

Chris was suppose to join them right away in the pub but where is that cool mysterious figure we saw in the movies before he reveals himself. I added that part in.

Remember, Nintendo DS or PSP wasn't around yet. I must of been playing either Metroid Fusion or Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

There was meant to be a scene where Chris asked the four short man why they didn't take the long way to Harrison because they would of seen a weird singing man. It's a reference to the books where the one of the biggest differences to the movies I notice is that they took a very long path to get out of the Shire. The movie just simply takes them straight to Bree where they met Aragorn. I decided to not add it because it would confuse people.

The scene where Chris asked about if Kind Boy and Gardener love each other wasn't in the early versions. The scene is based on the animated version of LOTR were they acted they're very much into each other.

The scene where Halloween costume wearing people stabbed Kind Boy was at some Indian ruins. I did a Google search for Indian ruins in Arkansas. According to my search, it doesn't seem to be any between Harrison to Ft. Smith for all I know. It got changed to generic ruins of some type.

His teammates manage to save Kind Boy. Wait a minute, what happen to the Halloween freaks? Did they teleported to Ft. Smith Hospital or something?

Pretty Boy was originally called Girly Boy.

If Chris was Swordguy(Aragorn), then what was Swordguy(Boromir) called? He was called Swordguy II.

The Evil Elf King was based on Agent Smith mix with Elrond. Hugo Weaving played both characters. These stories were made when both the Matrix and Lord of the Rings were the two biggest movies in the early 2000s.
When I decided to make a parody of LOTR and I got to the council scene. I found out I was in a dilemma, so I quickly made him the Evil Elf King's twin bro who is on the good side.

The scene where Beardguy failed to destroy the ring with a toy ax wasn't in the original. It was based on a scene that happen in the movie and I recently added to the story. It's to poke fun that everyone in all these stories never bother to wield actual weapons.

The long name people believing that blizzard came from Evil Dude or Dark Magician was recently added because the story took place in late Spring/early Summer and why would there be a blizzard at this time of year. When I notice I had a plothole, I needed to patched it up.

Magician shouting Eggroll over and over to open the door was based on animated version where it sounded like Gandalf was actually saying Eggroll. The Open Sesame line was still from the early versions.

Genetically Engineered Neo-Red Coats were called Genetically Engineered Neo-Confederates. You every now and than hear about Neo Nazis, so I try to be silly and create something that would not exist in today's world. According to internet, Neo-Confederates actually do exist.

The Neo-whatevers were based on the Uruk-hai which were genetically engineered monsters. The Neo-Confederates were going to be in the cave battle but I realized in the movie, the Uruk-hai doesn't show up till the end of the movie. I had to change it to evil cave dwellers.

The fight in the cave was told briefly and Kind Boy getting stabbed wasn't in the early versions.

The scene of the men forming into a giant cyclops wasn't in the early versions. It was based on the giant cave troll from the movie and a reference to the Cyclops that Chris saw in Heroes vs. Baddies.

When the story randomly takes them to southeast Arkansas, none of the gang mention why it took them way past their destination. It also said they sailed down the Arkansas River and end up in Pine Bluff. Why are they going away from their destination?

I extended the scene of explaining what the long title people got from the Trekkies.

The area near Stuttgart was originally where routes 79 and 49 meet up. That's a very random location and I doubt most people know where that is. I guess "Rohan" was intended to be West Memphis or something but I don't remember that far back.

Swordguy just simply die with no epic on verge of death fight or everyone saying their goodbyes to him.

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