Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Return of the Hero: Behind the scenes, facts, and deleted material

If you haven't read the original story. Click here.

Here is the behind the scenes of the final story of the Copper Ring saga. If you guys haven't figure out what the story is a parody of, it's Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. At lease there was a few month difference between these two Chapters rather than a decade.

Dark Magician telling off on the heroes that he shouldn't be treated like he isn't the main feature is based on a scene in the 3rd movie. In the theatrical cut, Treebeard told the good guys that Saruman is locked up and no longer a problem anymore. In the extended cut, Saruman actually appears to them and soon gets stabbed by his lackey and falls to his death.

I can understand why majority of the scenes got cut for time but you think the secondary villain be wrapped up better rather than be treated like he's unimportant figure that's only explained in the background.

Trickster said, "That's good. Imagine he be back again at the end of the journey and causing chaos in my homeland."
That was one big reference to one of the major differences between the films and the books. The book had a chapter where after Sauron was defeated and the hobbits head back to their home. Once they got there, they find out that Saruman has taken over the place. He was killed being backstabbed from his servant. The film on the other hand wraps ups the entire Saruman story at the beginning of the film.

The underground city was originally suppose to be a city somewhere south of Atkins but according to the map on the interwebs, there's only a small town that's actually within Petit Jean Mountain. They don't need to be on the mountain this early in the story. I had to create an underground story real quick.

Some people criticized my treatment towards Swordguy 0. Maybe it's true that I was too harsh. The guy is based on Denethor. In the movie, he was too mean and cruel. He didn't care about his younger son till he all of sudden believed to be dead. From what I heard, he was more complex in the novels. It's been a while since I read them and I mostly remember the main differences. I remember Faramir was a tons more nicer to Frodo and Sam in the book.

In a medieval or fantasy world, lighting fires to send messages across nations works but within my story takes place in modern Arkansas. A simple text would do.

Since I originally begin writing the Copper Ring Saga a decade, that's when the story take place. I also threw in some joke about how cell phones had limited text space it. I could throw in more jokes of that era like boys having dyed spiky hair tips or other stuff but there's no way to fit it in the story.

I so wish I had the female Vulcan cosplayer made when I 1st wrote the 1st chapter of the Copper Ring saga. I had no intention of writing romance scenes and I quickly wrote her in the 2nd chapter to make a funny scene on getting the Cowgirl getting green eyed while Chris was clueless on what's her problem.

So yes, just like J.R.R Tolkien, "Arwen" was a last minute idea.(Whose role greatly expanded in the films) I would of made a scene where the Female Vulcan Cosplayer was kind of disappointed that Chris was more of a Star Wars fan than Trek. Sadly, I couldn't fit the scene anywhere and wasn't seen again till the very very end and the story needed to be wrapped up.

Since I started writing the 2nd Chapter, I always intended to make the Ghost people somehow related to the Halloween Freaks.

Speaking of the Halloween Freaks, they were originally just a simply one time gag villains that attack Kind Boy in the 1st Chapter but as I was continuing writing Chapters 2 and 3. The Halloween Freaks kept coming back and I figure I sort of expand on these villains by sort of giving them a backstory of them and the history of their cult.

Since I started writing the 2nd Chapter, "Shelob" was suppose to be a tiny spider.

Even back then, I wish I did more "magic trick" attacks when I was writing Magician. Thankfully, I wrote some of this stuff in the battle of Russellville.

The feathered dinos were just going to be regular featherless ones but I been joking in the past year how Jurassic World is a terrible movie, simply because there's no feathered dinos. That's a silly reason to hate the movie. I figure why not on making the dinos in the story have feathers. Plus it's funny on how bright and colorful these frighting enemies are.

Gardener's giant white radishes is based on the ability from Super Mario Bros 2. It's fitting since he is after all, a gardener.

Myspace was a thing in back then. I would could put in more jokes like the Cave Dweller looked bored while throwing gang signs or a pic bored looking female Cave Dweller lending over. However I didn't want to overdo it and wanted to quickly write the scene.

Yeah, I included the silly yet catchy song from the animated movies from the late 70s/early 80s. Kind Boy and Gardener would comment on their cartoonish attitude that clashes the with seriousness in the books/live-action movies.

The WWII pilots multiple excuses why they couldn't help the good guys earlier is based on everyone's questions on the eagles in the novels/films. Everyone asked why they didn't help the gang sooner or why they didn't transport them to Mount Doom right away. There were several excuses that were told over the years. Even J.R.R. Tolkien himself explain a little and said they're not a taxi service.

Mutant Fisherman's silly death been planned in my head I 1st wrote the 2nd Chapter.

Sauron's tower falling after the ring's destruction made sense within it's story but within the Copper Ring saga, Evil Dude's place is simply a shabby apartment in modern day Arkansas. His place collapsing wouldn't make sense. I had to thrown in the fireworks cannon to destroy his place.

If you haven't notice, I been teasing on the idea that Kind Boy and Gardener were lovers. It's because they were based on Frodo and Sam. They're suppose to be straight and Sam got married to a girl at the end. However, the way they acted to each other seems like your watching a hobbit version of Brokeback Mountain. Alot the viewers joked on this. Even in the animated movies, there was a scene where the two looked deeply into each others eyes after hearing a romance story. The novels didn't help with it's very dated dialogue where words like gay, queer, and faggot had a completely different meaning back in the day.

I'm not a slash fanfic writer or whatever but two very much seem that they're into each other. Fanfic writers would say otherwise but I never once thought Kirk and Spock as lovers in anyway. It's like comparing Final Fantasy female/female couples. Tifa/Aeris is simply fanfic parings. Fang/Vanille on the other hand looks very believable, even tho nothing about them being lovers has been officially stated.

Chris complaining that Beardguy is a joke based on the ending of Star Wars Episode 4.

I even poke fun of the the movie's endings on top of endings. At four different points, the screen fades out like it ended. Than suddenly we're on a another scene.

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