Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Retaliators chapter 2

View Chapter 1

Whatever that grabbed Eris has set her down at a random mountain-like area of Otto, Arkansas. She looked up at her attacker, she sees that he has now become visible before her when he took off his metal helmet, "You will surrender and go back to Olympus to face your punishment."

But he hear from another direction, "You can take her but we need her to find the cube and undo our brainwashed friends."

They turned and saw that Copper Man standing there with Nerf weapons trained on them. The mysterious man said, "This woman is the property of Olympus. She shall be hath brought to there for her crimes."

The rich man is surprised on his dialogue and decided to copy off of him. "Does thy mother know thee wear her drapes."

This angered the new warrior and said, "Thee dare make insults of my own mother. The last person who I didn't like that tryeth to mess with her, I turned that man into stone for all eternity."

He started what it seems to be flying. Copper Man notice his flight came from his winged footwear. He charged to the rich man with a fist outward. Copper took flight into the air to avoid the blow and fire a few rounds of Nerf missiles out of his armor. The mystery man pulled out a metal shield to block the attacks and use a knapsack to grab one of the missiles and flung it back towards the armored man. This armored man couldn't react in time and was knocked off his feet.

Me and Cap landed down between them. He said, "Let's calmed down and put down the weapons." The attacker said, "Thou want me to put down the weapons." He pulled out a metal sword that glowed yellow and had ruins. He held it up and lightning came down, covering the weapon with electricity. I said, "Wait a minute, I recognize that sword, it's..."

I couldn't finish because he started swing down the weapon at us. Luckily, Captain Arkansas blocked the attack with his sheet of cardboard. This caused a massive shockwave that destroyed all the trees in the area.

He calmed down and asked, "Youd shield, what's it made of for that would somehow block my own attack?" Cap replied, "It's made out of a rare tree found in Southeastern Arkansas. The tree is made of the toughest and most durable wood. The legend says that the tree grew from the soil of a meteorite that crash thousands of years ago."

I asked Cap, "Do you like telling big stories of where your weapons come from or something?"

I stare at the warriors' sword for a second and then told him, "Let's just meet at Director's airship. We're not enemies. If you want the evil Goddess, you can have her but she's has info we really need." It seems he is willing to listen to what I was saying and put his weapon into his sheath.

We all sat at the table in the airship. Eris is locked up in her cage while her apple is put in a display case.

The mysterious warrior sat up and said, "You may of heard stories of me. Of a man took down a monstrous snake woman and who saved an Ethiopian from a dragon. I am Perseus. There art other tales of what became of me like I was slain by a swordman or a man covered in ashes. Nay, those were tales told long after. Due to being half-god, I have longevity. I had notice that my wife and children were getting older while I was staying the same age. At which the time the first generation hath passed, I sought an audience with the Olympians. Some of them feel sadden for me. Especially my father, Zeus. They did gaveth me a job and I became one of their servants."

"Over the centuries, I took down criminals who escaped Tartarus. One criminal we never captured was the Goddess Eris. At which the Trojan war have ended, she vanished into different realms. She did came back to thy world every now and then, just to make chaos. We could not be able to track her down. In recent history, rumors told that she madeth comments about something about monstrous trolls on what youd mortals called the Internet. When she was spotted in these lands this past week, I was assigned to hunt her down."

As the ancient warrior was telling his story, Spy Lady went on her own to visit Eris' cell. "Is there a way that will reverse what you did with Archer and the others." Eris laugh and told her, "You really want to save one man?".

Spy Lady replied, "Ah was an enemy to Arkansas. Ah did thangs Ah ain't proud of. Archer found me and Ah defect to their side." Eris again laugh and told her, "You little hussy, when I'm free, I make him kill you slowly, then I release him to see what he done, while he is screaming in agony, I split his skull."

Spy Lady brakes down in tears, "You a monster." The goddess smirk and told her, "No, you brought the monster to the ship." The spy stops fake crying, "So that's y'all's plan."

She met up with the others. "Guys, y'all need to hear that.." Copper Man interrupted her, "Glad your here. I found some interesting news." He turned on a nearby monitor that showed a collection of Nerf guns. "The Secret Agency are making Rubik's Cube powered Nerf guns." We all turned towards Director on this. Brute asked, "Why are you making WMDs?" Director turned his eye to one person, "Because of him." I said to everyone all looking at me, "Wait, what!?"

Director told them, "You should of seen the scrap he faced. Dude faced 50-foot demons, centuries-old terrorists, gods, invasion armies from other universes. We thought our agency was fine and all and then this dude shows up with all the weird adventures he had, it like like we don't know Felgercarb." Hearing all this, I smiled awkwardly.

Perseus just now remembered something, "Yes, I now hath heard of thee, thou art the one who got Zeus sealed, there been arguments in recent times on who rules what in the Olympian counsel thanks to thee".

This annoyed Copper Man and said, "Oh please, you know my armor has built-in weapons that can take care of all these threats that your all worried about." This now annoyed Captain Arkansas, "Your no hero, all you care about is yourself, take the armor away and what are you?" Soon everyone in the room is fighting. I heard words like, Your mom, Star Trek is better than Star Wars, X-Box sucks, Batman is better than Superman, something about Obama.

We stopped when we notice that The Brute is hyperventilating and mumbling, "I..I c-can't take tis this. I need to to eat a salad to calm me down." However, we knew that was a bad idea because a single bite of a green veggie will changed him into a berserk beast.

I notice a man outside of the door was shooting a light towards our area and hitting the nearby case of the golden apple, making it shine brighter and brighter. Spy Lady had a sheet of foil wrap with her and covered up the apple. We grabbed the man and pulled him to the room. Perseus said, "This man is using a special flashlight on the apple, it triggers negative waves across the area, causing everyone to fight." Spy Lady told us that Eris' goal is to awaken the beast within Brute and wreck havoc on the ship. This must of been the reason one of her brainwashed workers was messing with the apple.

Suddenly, the entire ship shook. The intercoms came on, "ALERT! ALERT! THE AIRSHIP IS ATTACKED!

This freaks out The Brute and went to the nearby fridge and dug out a fully made bowl of salad out and started eating. He now grew twice as tall and four times as muscular and his skin turned green.

Cap told me to assist clear the bridge with Director, Perseus and Spy Lady will try to calm down The Brute, while he and Copper will check outside of the ship for damages.

Me and Director went to the bridge and saw Archer leading a group of brainwash people. He fired several rounds from his crossbow dart gun. We took cover to dodge his attacks. Since they are innocent, we set our dodgeballs and Nerf guns to stun and start counterattacking.

Meanwhile, Spy Lady was being chased down by the hall from The Brute. He swing a fist at her but Perseus jumped in and blocked the attack from his shield. He blocked several blows from the beast. He thrust his shield forward to knock back The Brute. He pulled out his sword and use it to shoot a powerful lightning attack. This sends him flying through the walls and outside of the ship. His body was now falling down hundreds of feet.

Outside, Copper and Cap went on the ship's deck and saw a hole in the ship's giant balloon. The rich man told Cap to guard the deck while he be gone in a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Spy Lady was heading down to help the others at the bridge but she was stopped when she saw Archer at the end of the hall, facing towards the bridge.

He notice her behind him and fired a few shots. She dodged them and engaged him in hand-to-hand combat. He then got the upper hand and slugged her hard enough that knock her to the ground. She started getting back up on her feet and notice there was a mop bucket full of water sitting there. She grabbed it and splashed it on his face. He started blinking and asked, "What happened?"

The Mississippian sighed in relief that he is back to normal. She ran pass him and told me and Director how to wake up the brainwash workers. We went to the closest sink and fill buckets of water to free our allies.

Cap was still fighting brainwash soldiers outside for a few minutes. They stopped and looked up to see Copper Man is back with a pair of 20-foot long band-aids and applied them to the giant hole at the ship's giant balloon. The ship is now repaired.

Perseus walked into one room and saw that a freed Eris with a brainwash worker is grabbing on to her golden apple out of a display case.

He said, "Hold it!" She swing her pool noodle at him but he block it with his sword and changed blows until she manage to disarm him.

She was about to do a killing blow but stopped when she heard," Freeze!"

She turned towards the door and saw Agent standing there with a Rubik's Cube powered Nerf bazooka.

She teleported out of sight and than re-teleported right in front of Agent. Before Agent can react, she jabbed the pool noodle right into his stomach.

He looked down as she removed the weapon and saw blood on the tip of the weapon. Before he can pass out, he fired a blast out of his bazooka.

In less than a second, she pulled up a force field to protect herself. The blast thrown her shielded body through a wall.

Peresus got up to his feet and walk to Agent's body, "You fought greatly in your last moments." He sat down to his level to help closed his eyes.

In other room, Eris got up to her feet. See saw she was at a weapon display room. "I need to get out of here." She went to a jetpack sitting on the shelf put it on. She activated it and flew pass her enemies and got to the deck where she was able to escaped.

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