Thursday, October 4, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 7: Whose bright idea is it to put a puzzle at the end of a hard level with a strict time limit

View part 6

Time for another emergency mission.
I guess Biosyn undid the generator from my 1st mission of the 1st SNES game.

The annoying compies and raptor are back

It's so fun I can hurt them but not me.

Sadly, this guy will hit you until you get directly above him.

If you want extra ammo, stay on the top walkway. This isn't a Mario game where you can jump high, so if your on the ground, your missing out. Remember time is crucial. It's up to you if you want to skip it or need it to quickly blast your enemies away without worrying of losing ammo.

At the end of the 2nd room, you come at a crossroads. They both lead different rooms but at the end of them, they led directly to the room that comes after.

I'm going to check the 1st door.

Use shotgun, one of the three bullets will hit him and you don't have to worry about jumping up and getting hit.

Now this game suddenly becomes a platformer. If you fall, you respawn where you were last standing but you lose a ton of health.

Two dactyls appear right after so be careful.

And right after, this guy shows up. You have very little room to move or jump.

This is where the 2nd door of the lead to. Honesty I prefer going through this door. It's a little more easier to go through. Plus you don't have to worry about that pit.

As I said, it's a little more easier. Don't mean it's a safe trip on the way.

As you see, both doorways lead straight here. Your not missing much if you go one doorway or the other.

*Singing* You can't hurt me.

Right of the 1st metal walkway is a platform with some health. You kinda need it since your trying to blow through this real quick since you are on a time limit.

More annoying raptors on the way.

As soon you get on top, don't go to the platform with the compies. It's a dead end.

Time to cross this thing.


Ahh!! Oh my gosh!! Move it!!

I guess karma is hitting me in the back. We need to go downward and there is no way I can hit those pyros underneath. The best thing I did is quickly run and jump away from their sights.

Three or four weak Biosyn agents were hiding behind this. What is this, a clown car?

As you drop down, one of those blue guys with tons of health is here. He's a waste of time. There's nothing here. You can quickly go left and pretend you never notice this guy.

That's one of the two pyros that try to burn my feet on top level.

There is two on level you are on. You can ignore the on the left and quickly duck and shoot on the platform underneath.

This isn't the actual exit of the room. It's a few feet to the right. Inside of it is a small room.

One side of the room is ammo, the other is health. Both sides are guarded by spitters. 

I passed the actual exit of that big room. Be careful of that spitter on the blue drum.

How in the world did that thing get stuck between those two pits?

After crossing those pits and passing some compies. You be in a tight little hallway with three of Nedry's least favorite dinos. Either keep your taser charged or fire your gas rockets.

Arrived in another big room.

Now we got the light brown raptors. The ones that takes three gas rockets. It's going to be harder from here.

Some are stupid and fall to their death

On the far right of the 2nd metal walkway is much needed health.

On the 3rd walkway, ignore the right ladder, nothing but dead ends.

Got to the top, climbed across and...

This guy appears.

Running low on time. You can press jump and down and you can drop to the walkway below. I would do it right after you climbed across those bars and you can pass that pyro. Soon as you land, you be nearby by man with rockets. Be careful.

I keep dropping down over and over till I get to the bottom.

It's funny his grenades can't hit me due to that platform above our heads.

Same with this guy.

On the bottom floor. There's two raptors. Either pass them or blast them.
Kept your shotgun ready. Pyros comes right after, blue guys, compies, weak Biosyns agents. I quickly fired my gun and...I bump into a puzzle and time was up.

I had to redo the entire level. It's bad's that this is a hard level. It's worse your on a small time limit. It's even more worse that you have to quickly do a puzzle you have to figure out in the span of the remaining 5 seconds you have left.

Soon as you get to the final room. Quickly blast the two light browns raptors.

The arrow points the first button you need to fire on, it won't show you the next set you need to fire on. You have to do these buttons in a certain order. They will reset itself if you get it wrong. It's easy to solve with little bit of trial and error. I just wish it didn't come at the very end of the level with a strict time limit.

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