Saturday, October 6, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 9: Only go right

View part 8

Well this level is very straight forward. Basically the level is like Final Fantasy 13 but without the cutscenes.

Grenadiers usually easy and can barely hit you since they can throw in a arch. However it's different in this level.

They are protected by the rocks and you have to be in a certain position to fire. Step too far away, bomb in your face. Try to get too close, same thing. Try to ignore him and run away, another strong enemy shows up ahead and you get bomb in the back of your head.

I use the shotgun where one of the three bullet will hit it's head.

Better be in a good position where the flames won't hit.

Say goodbye to your ankles.

See those bumps in the ground. Those are landmines. Just be careful you won't step on it.

What? What's this helicopter and what's it doing.

Ok, it drops three boxes.

It's never shows up again and it's never explained. 

Maybe it's the drop ship from the debriefing and it lost it's cargo.

I wish The Fury from MGS3 was this easy to kill.

Found the only ammo in this level. I switch from machine gun to shotgun for the remainder of the level.

Oh come on!! How am I suppose to avoid these guys.

The ammo area spawns a dozen of enemy agents all over the place. There is no end in sight. I just hit and run at this event. You can't kill them all.

At one point, a guy shooting rockets was here.

Luckily the shotgun from here can hit him.

Duck down to mowed down this guy.

Oh come on!! How am I suppose to get pass this?

This is extremely tricky to pass. I had to make the risk an lose some health. What I did is get on top of the boxes on the left, quickly kill the bomber, and high tail it.

Had to switch to machine gun for this guy. Had to jump out of the way when he throws a bomb.

Ok, I'm at the very end of the level and they are now giving me a medkit.

We got a new non-lethal weapon, Super Gas Rockets. However you need to find ammo laying around before using it.

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