Friday, October 5, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 8: Dactyls are my new least fav

View part 7

Three main missions down, three more to go.(As well as the emergency missions that come after)

We're in the jungle setting again. However our journey here is going to be brief. Like the gassing raptors mission, your only out here for a few minutes till you get to the main setting for the level.

In our brief tour of this place, there are raptors here, ready to jump into your face. The good news is that this is the only place in the entire level you have to deal with these lizards.

Time to enter the mountain area.

I mention in the previous part the game suddenly became a platformer. However that was one pit in the entire level. Here in this level, the game is actually became one because you be jumping from rock to rock.

Watch for falling boulders. You can destroy them but they fall very fast before you have a chance. If they are falling directly above, you can actually have the chance to destroy.

Behold my new least favorite enemy in the game.

Pterodactyls spawn like no tomorrow. They are very weak and go down in two or three hits from your uncharged cattle prod. They are the flying version of the compies, however I prefer the ground version. At least with them, you can see them on the edge of the screen if you slow down and fire while they sit still.

When these dactyls do touch you, it doesn't seem it affects your health much but be careful. You may fall from where your standing and lose health.

For some reason, it's hard to do a jump to another platform while your cattle prod is fully charge. It's like the system didn't register I press the jump button. 

There are larger pterodactyls here but they don't do much. All they do is hover up and down. They are only a threat if you walk directly under them.

Good gosh, that's a large nest.

At the edge is hard to reach ammo that this level wants to tease you with.

Going to that nest was a dead end. Time to go another way. 

Are you kidding me!? How am I suppose to avoid these annoying birds.
My character is in the pic but he briefly vanished when getting hit.

They rock formation will break apart soon you touch it.

We are getting high enough where we be seeing snow on these rocky walls.

Got to the exit to this area.

I bet some are you wandering about that ammo from earlier?

You can't really see it till after you drop down. However trying to land on the right platform requires luck. Honesty I see it as a waste of time since your more likely to lose health.

The doorway led us to inside a cave area.

Great both annoying overspawning weak monsters are here.

Out of the cave area.

Quickly shoot up or your brains is bashed Grant.

In the above pic, there is a crossroads. Go left or right. Let's check right first.

The right pathway lead to a cave.

These can be stalamites blown up. Ready they do not but block your path a little.

Just drop down. You can't hit Nedry's killers from here.

Are you kidding me!?

The end of the right pathway led to some ammo and health. Was it worth it, I let you be the judge when you guys play the game.

Time to check the left pathway.

I'm at the end and nothing here.

Normally your gaming gut instinct tells you to go to the highest platform. It's is a little bit lower on the left pathway, so keep your eyes open.

Hmm, should I go up or left.

Up leads here.

Well a dead end with some nice ammo and health. Problem is those annoying birds will suddenly appear while jumping.

Time to take the left path.

Hmm...What's up there.

Seems I arrived at my intended location.

Biosyn agents are here. Time to switch the ammo.

I wonder if Reptile from MK is a secret boss here?

They shoot downwards sadly. Either killed them quick or outrun them.

They will respawn when they go offscreen, so you may have to kill them again when you get to the next level.

Great, I see what I'm facing 

Standing on the edge is the only way to see this guy to take him out. Unfortunately, it's within his throwing range.

I'm surprised DK ain't up there throwing barrels.

And of course, a pyro is here.

However he's barley can reach you

Seeing the dish is up there, seems I'm at the end. Better mowed down these losers quick.

I climbed up and...
This guy respawns. Better take him out and...
What!? What are doing? He's going to kill you. Get off of your communication devise.

What are doing? Kill the guy or you are dead.

I guess this game goes by Goldeneye video game logic where Bond looks at his watch in the middle of enemy fire and they just stand there patently waiting.

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