I originally had teammates in the Mini-Gym but I found out they were nowhere to be found during metal detector scene. They just randomly appear during the battle.
After firing the 2nd floor with the Automatic Machine NERF gun, I rescued a bald black dude. Back in the day, we rarely had black people in high school. Someone at school guess it was a certain student in our school since there wasn't that many in school. I simply made up a guy based on Morpheus, not an actual student.
Me rescuing “Morpheus” later ended up becoming “some guy from the Simon commercials”. At the time, the electronic Simon memory game had a commercial and it had a guy based on Morpheus in it. Imagined how many people at my school actually seen that commercial? As the months passed by, the commercial was forgotten very quickly. Normally nowdays, I looked up the commercial on youtube and post it to show it to everyone but the commercial is so obscured, it’s not even on there.
There was a scene where two random people watching me survive the helicopter crash and said, “He is the One”. The One what? Neo was a prophesied dude to free humans from being batteries, I simply a student surviving from dodgeballs. The One doesn't make sense in the story
The Evil Elf King was originally a generic guy. Some of my School buddies was wondering who he was. I had to quickly rewrite him into a actual character and ended up becoming a fusion of Agent Smith and Elrond. Who was 2 of the most popular movie trilogys that was showing at the time.
The ending was that I put a dodgeball in his stomach and he exploded.
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