Thursday, June 8, 2017

What makes a Final Fantasy Hero: Part 2.3: Big Players

Part 2.3 is going to poke fun at the main characters from the modern FF games. I haven't played the MMO games so I be skipping FF11 and FF14. I also have yet to play Type-0 and 15 so I won't mention them. I may update them if I ever do play them.

I posted this as a joke to friends a long time ago but now sharing on my blog. One thing I notice is that most of these characters is they somehow have alot girls pining over them or guys pining over the female lead.

Be warned, there are major spoilers in every game I mention. So if you haven't played a certain Final Fantasy that you plan to play in the future. Skip the character entry.

Final Fantasy 10 has the star blitzball ace called Tidus

So how big a dreamer is he? Well he made out underwater with the summoner lady, Yuna.

In one part of the game when the gang was discussing about Yuna marring Seymour, Lulu was telling Tidus don't fall in love with her and Rikku teasing Tidus he should steal Yuna from her new fiance. You had an option, to say, "No your my type." to either of them. They then started to flirt back with him.
He did showed interest in them before, he peek at Lulu's low cut dress with his binoculars and had a dream of taking Yuna and Rikku to a boat.

The sequel, Final Fantasy 10-2 has summoner/treasure hunter, Yuna.
Yes, her going from a priestess getup to Lara Croft in the sequel is kinda jarring to some fans. 

She was the secondary main character of that game in FF10, whose on a journey to find magical creatures to summon to defeat the Godzilla-like monster. In FF10-2, she became a sphere hunter(basically a treasure hunter)

So how big of a *Has a hard time looking up a positive word for a female player*... Anyways, moving on.

Well Off Course, there's her main love interest, Tidus.

In the middle of the game before she and Tidus got together, she was engaged and later married one of the game's main villains, Seymour. However, the blue-hair guy wanted to used Yuna for his goals while Yuna was aware of his evil plans and plans to get close so she can to put an end to him.

Since Tidus was "dead" in the sequel(he came back at the end), She had several suitors. There her lovestick cousin named Brother.(No really, that's his name) He's basically the Jar Jar of the series in my opinion.

Gippal wanted to have an interview with her.

Before the game started, the son of the chairman of fchurch of New Yevon wanted to hook up with Yuna. When she arrives at the New Yevon temple, she seems a little disappointed that her suitor wasn't Baralai who just now replace and took over.

Final Fantasy 12 has the street orphan, Vaan
Vaan is a orphan who lost his older bro two years ago and hates the empire. He dreams of being a sky pirate.

So how big a womanizer is Vaan? Not much. He basically has his childhood friend Penelo and that's that. He did end up with her in the DS sequel in the ending.

However there are times she's more into Balthier when she burrowed his handkerchief. When she return it, he said, "I shall wear close to my heart."

Also a young peaceful prince seems to steal her away from Vaan from time to time.
Excuse me Vaan, can I steal away your childhood friend for a while

Many many years later in the 2nd Dissidia game, He saved Terra from Kefka and was protective of her. But yeah, he's not much of a player

Maybe this 35 second video explains why he doesn't have alot female followers
Even the Dissidia games, he asked the same question towards Ultimecia, Shantotto, Prishe, and Cosmos. What a jerk.

You know, I kinda of wonder if Vaan is the main character? He doesn't do anything worthwhile after he forgave the captain and learned he wasn't the one his killed his bro very early on.

Some people say the main character is one of these two people.

1st we have the sky pirate, Balthier
Balither is a sky pirate that like to hunt for treasure and take jobs for money. He likes calling himself "The Leading Man". He's basically a Han Solo/James Bond type character. He was hired by Ashe to help her on her quest to stop the empire and restore her country.

So how big a smooth talker is he? As I say earlier, he's the James Bond type of character. His "partner" is this bunny girl that follows him around. However partner means like business partner like Han and Chewie.

He also "kidnaps" a princess and try to use his James Bond-like charms on her.

He also lets Penelo burrow his handkerchief.

The other main character of FF12 is the fallen princess, Ashe.
Ashe was the princess of a kingdom before the empire came. She lost her husband, her father, and her country. She's taking part of a rebellion and on a journey to find a magical stone that can defeat the empire.

So how big a err.*coughs* Anyways?

Well she was engaged through arrangement with another prince. Surprisingly, they were happy. How often you see a happy arranged marriage in fiction. Sadly, he pass away in the very beginning of the game.

Balither is use his charms on her(she didn't return). Al-Cid who is a prince from another country and a huge ladiesman like Balither. He told her when the war is over, he wants to take her to his gardens.
After he leaves, Balthier rolls his eyes. He must be jealous that someone else rivals his womanizing skills.

Final Fantasy 13 was said that it didn't have an actual main character. It was like FF6. 1st, I will talk about the spotlight character. Member of the Guardian Corps, Protector of the Goddess Etro, and The Savior at the End of World. She is Lightning.

She has a younger sister that was branded with an tattoo from the enemy side of a war 500 years ago. She tried to save her but she and her allies got branded and were hunted by the government. She soon went on a quest to save the world and her sister.

In the sequel, she was summon away to protect a goddess. The ending of that game ended with the goddess dying and time itself in the physical world went haywire.

The 3rd game has her as the actual main character who is tasked by another god to save as many souls as she could before the world ends and anything gets transfer to a new world.

Yeah, there alot to write about in her 3 different games.

She doesn't have much romance in the games. She went on a date as a sidequest in her 3rd game with a minor character and than there's that entire funny scene with Firion in Dissidia.

Some say these two ladies are the main characters of FF13. These Aussie-accent monster hunters are Fang and Vanille.
Alot people say they're lesbian lovers...or not. Some say they're like sisters who grew up in the same village. All we know is that they care for each other and tear the world apart if anything bad happens to each other. There is speculation of these two are lesbians and I don't mean it came from the heads of horny teenage fanfic writing fanboys, I meant from actual fans who simply playing the game and not ones looking for fanfic ideas. One thing for sure is that Fang has no personal borders, she look at Vanille's magical tattoo(located on her upper thigh), which is a ticking timebomb that turns her to a crystal zombie if she don't complete her task. In the early development of the game, Fang was intended to be male. That would make the whole thing with the two Aussie-accent alien invaders a little more interesting.

He may not be a main character but I should mention Hope. He crushing on the scantily clad redhead Aussie and follow Lightning around for a while who is a much older woman. In the sequel, he has his assistant/backstabber, Alyssa.

 In 13-2, the main character of the game has this kindergarten teacher known as Serah.
Serah is the younger sister of Lightning and engaged to a giant called Snow. She was frozen in crystal in the original game but released by the end of the game. In the sequel, her sister mysteriously disappeared and her fiance went out to find her. She later encounter a man from the far future who told her that he will help her find her sister and stop the end of time.

Before even the 1st game began, she's engaged to the giant, Snow. They haven't wed yet after 3 games and 1000 years has passed in the series.

In the sequel, while Snow left on his own a few months ago to help Serah find her missing sister. Suddenly, a mysterious man from the distant future named Noel says he will take her on a journey to find Lightning. All of Serah friends say, "Don't worry, we won't tell Snow."

However, Noel is more obsessed with another girl called Yuel from his time.

From Final Fantasy Type-0 is Class Zero
The world is at war and Rubrum's last line of defense a magical school training child soldiers. Class Zero is a class that was secret to the school itself till they went public at the start of the game.

Ace is normally has the spotlight of the game but really, he gets as much screentime as his classmates. The two new recruits, Machina and Rem get more screentime and character development compared to the others.

Machina and Rem are pretty much the main couple who been childhood friends and reunited when they ended up in the same class. Other than that, there's very little romance asides the cheesy high school comedy "What If" ending.

World of Final Fantasy has the twins, Lann and Reynn.
They with no memory of their past life, they were sent into the world of Grimoire to collect mirages(basically the FF version of Pokemon) and save the world.

There barely any romance in the game. A man-hating penguin/human hybrid monster thing was defeated by the twins and afterwards, she's flusters when in the same room as Lann but other than that, not much. Edger will flirt with Reynn but he flirts with any female.

 Final Fantasy 15 has Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum who tried to restore his recently fallen kingdom.
So how big of a prince charming is he? Well at the very start of the game, he's engaged to Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.

She was a princess from a different kingdom and they were childhood friends. One day, the empire conquered her kingdom. Years later, the empire wanted to make peace terms by making the prince marry the former princess from their territory.

She's also an oracle. She can heal people and talk to spirits.

At 3/4 in the game, just when she finally sees Noctis for the 1st time since they were kids, she dies from the hands of Noctis' ancestor's cast off brother.

Next you got Dragoon merc, Aranea Highway. When she 1st fought Noctis, she called him "Pretty Boy".

However when the empire and Noctis were teaming up briefly for a mission, she drop the act of flirting and acted casual to them. I guess it's something she does to her enemies. She later on stop serving the empire and started our heroes when she saw how more and more evil the empire was becoming.

Then there's Iris. Gladio is one of Noctis's friends and trained him in combat. His little sister became friends with Noctis when they were kids. It's clear she's crushing on the young prince. Gladio is aware of it and gave Noctis a sidequest to find a flower for her. One time had her gave the prince a tour of the city and joked that it's like they are on a date. However her feelings are one-sided and Noctis is already engaged. Plus, she won't be legal for a few years.

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