Thursday, March 19, 2020

To Stop the Mississippi River Tour chapter 3

View Chapter 2

Water Witch used her powers to turn the entire Mississippi from my view into a giant tidal wave and ready to drop it down.

As quickly as I can, I ran away from it. I pulled out my phone on my pocket and clicked on an app. I press on some buttons and then hang up the phone. The tidal wave was getting nearer and nearer as I felt heavy rain starting to pour to me. I thought to myself, Please show yourself.

I looked towards the west and I saw it charging towards me. It was my remote control jetpack that's programmed to fly to my location when I used it's app. I grabbed on the devise and buckle in as the rain water was getting heaver and heaver. Wasting no time, I flew out of there.

Cajan saw this and told the sorceress, "Chere, sent me to the nearby warehouse. Maybe I can destroy his jetpack from there." She waved her hand and the bubble that's protecting them from the tidal wave was separated into two like watching two cells divide. His bubble was sent flying to it's location. She now turns to my location and used her flying bubble to hover towards me.

She turned the falling water into giant hands of water and reach out to grab me. I press a button on the side of the jetpack and it open two compartments, revealing two Nerf guns attach to it. I grabbed and turn towards her and fired at the giant hands. It causes the hands to scattered to pieces. I then fired my guns to her but her water shield block my bullets. Seems trying to kill her with a toy gun was a dumb and stupid idea.

She then used the destroyed hands to reform and turn into four giant 20-foot waterballs and threw them at me. I used my gizmo to fly away from the attacks. I fired my guns to destroy the last waterball.

I thought to myself, my guns won't get pass her shield, I got to do something more powerful. I came up with and idea and rocketed toward the ground. She threw several sharks made of water at me. I got to the ground and quickly planted a dodgeball to the surface. I flew away just before her attacks hit. I did the same thing again and planted another dodgeball to the ground while dodging her water kraken attacks. I did the same thing again as I landed in a area full of warehouses and planted my last dodgeball.

Suddenly, I saw a pool noodle coming to my face. I flew back and saw Cajun before me. He used his stick to the ground and sent an explosion to the end tip that sent him airborne. The man from the Bayou State was over my head and threw several punches at me. I block his punches, but some of them hit the jetpack, I guessing he missed. I threw a midair roundhouse to his face and he was knocked to the ground.

I flew back up and saw Water Witch up in the air, coming to me. I press at a small device and threw it at her location. She said, "What is thi..." Suddenly she saw three dodgeballs that I planted into the ground earlier were now flying towards her. She trying to moved out of the way but one of the three dodgeballs hit the side of her bubble and caused it to shattered to pieces. Before she could react to anything what's happening. She then saw me and I threw a fist into her face.

The punch sent her flying downwards to the empty warehouse area. She used her powers to create another water bubble to soften her fall right before she crashed into the ground.

Cajun ran to his grounded beloved and ran to her side. She seems weak from the fall, "Cajun, I too weak to use my powers again." He grabbed her hand and said, "Cajun, always love you ma chere." He gave her a kiss. He looked up to the air, "Don't worry, his days are up."

With her down, I now planned to defeat the swamp boy and...I now feel something behind my back that's building up energy. I looked at my jetpack and saw sticky playing cards attach to my jetpack. He must of put them there when his punches seem like they miss my face. I can see that energy was building up in the cards themselves.

I flew downward and pressed a button on the jetpack that ejected a toy lightsaber from it. I grabbed it and quickly unbuckle the machine. As I fall closer and closer to the ground, I can hear behind me that the machine burst into flames. With no time to waste, I used my toy lightsaber to stab on the edge of the warehouse building to prevent me from hitting the ground.

I pulled myself up the roof and watch as my falling jetpack crashed into the side of the one of the buildings and it started a fire. The flames spread around the four walls of the building and started reach to the next warehouse building and the next, soon in engulfed all the floor of the entire area. Thankfully it didn't up walls and only stayed on ground level.

There he was, The Cajun coming straight at me, full of rage. He swing his weapon at me but I used my toy lightsaber to block it's blows. Our weapons locked. The man from the Bayou State used his free hand to reach into his pocket and pulled out some cards. He sends kinetic energy into them and they started to glow. Not wanting him to plant another bomb on me like he did with my jetpack, I headbutted him. His grip on the pool noodle loosen and release from the weapons lock. I did a swing with my tool and sliced through one of his glowing eyes. He screamed in pain and lose control, not paying attention to his cards. I ran back as the cards exploded in front of him.

He was sent flying back from his own blast. His front area has some some fires on it, he quickly rolled left and right a few times just to shake the fire off. You can tell he was scream in panic.

He slowly got up, he had his one good right eye open as his damaged clothing reveal his chest and left arm was covered in burn marks. He staggered a little and try to aim his pool noodle towards my direction.

"STOP IT!!!" We turned to the sound and saw Water Witch reaching out to us. "Please just stop. We won't use the funding to raise an army, just let us go. Just don't kill us."

I admit, I now feel sad for them. I lowered my toy lightsaber and said, "Just get out of here and..." I stopped because I saw someone coming from behind the injured man and shouted, "Behind you!!!"

He turned around and suddenly a 7-foot tall monstrous man pierced The Cajun through the chest with his bone claws that's coming out of his knuckles and lifted his body up from the ground.

The man in the long brown coat cough some blood and asked weakly, "My brother, why?"

The monster looked deeply at his eyes and said, "Brothers? We were never blood. I always loved Water Witch from the beginning when I was at this business but she moved away during the fallout between you and Cowboy dropout. When I was restore back to life, I see you with her. It sickens me. And now you die." He flung his fist to the side, which sends fallen man to the side and falling to the burning ground below.

Thr red-haired woman seem in disbelief for a moment and then broke down in tears.

He looked down at me and asked, "Do you remember me? I am known as many stage names, Jungle King, Crell, Rice Wine, The One True Grater."

I remember him from North Little Rock. He was one of the many strippers there who went by Jungle King. He was mad that I put an end to the operation and went to attack me. This guy called Grater drink down an entire vial of Super Solider serum and it radically morphed him to his grotesque appearance. He went from my height to 7-foot tall. His bones has shifted to where he has spikes piercing out of his shoulders, elbows, knees. His skull has some sort of antenna or horn. His body is covered in blueish green veins. He became some sort of Super Grater.

Our match if you call it that ended quickly when he accidentally killed himself when he punched a pillar that caused a cave-in. I guessing like The Terminator, he came back from the dead from being some weird magical worm clone thing.

I told him, "I do remember you from the other location. I guessing like The Terminator, you came back from the dead from being some weird magical worm clone thing."

He now said, " So you do remember, you should die from ruining my performance from back then." He started charging at me with his bone claws. He swipe at me a few times. I block his blows with my weapons after the third blow, it knock it back. I rolled out of the way from his fourth attack.

I grabbed Cajun's weapon and threw it to Grater's chest. Instead of piercing through his chest, it only knock him back a little as the weapon's tip broke into pieces. He said to himself, "Pathetic." He threw a fist at me but I stopped it when I grabbed his wrist with one hand and use another to grab the back of his head and use it to slam his head to a pipe on the roof.

He broke out of my hold and grabbed and threw me. I saw one of Cajun's pool noodle shards and held it like a dagger as I jumped on top of an AC unit. I said to the beast, "How can you do that Grater, he was your brother and you killed him?" I slashed at his right shoulder but it did nothing but a tiny cut, seems I need something stronger. He delivered a mighty kick that shatter the unit pieces. I jumped back and slash at him but nothing. He grabbed by his giant hand and said, "That man was destined to be trash that needs to be burned." I said back, "And what's your destiny, to be a monster, a demon, look at yourself." He took a moment to pause to think but he shrugged it off and resume to kill me.

He threw me across and I landed a few feet away. I saw him charging at me with with fist with those claws extended. I told myself, fear nothing. I jumped out of the way of his fist. Before he could react, I delivered several kicks to his back and then slammed my foot on the back of his left knee, with him on the ground, I gave him a mean right hook. He stumbled back a few feet from my blow.

I jumped back and found my toy lightsaber I dropped earlier. I grabbed it and jump to my foe while performing a battle cry. He lunge his claws towards my head while I plan to sliced through his neck.

A sound of something being cut was heard.

Water Witch is getting to her feet and wiping her eyes. She then heard a noise and looked. She saw me standing there with a The Jungle King's head up in the air. I said, "The Grater is finished."

Water Witch said she will keep her promise and won't used the funds for building an army. She plans to give her love a funeral soon. Most of the strippers were upset business is closed again but at least they got paid from their tour. They plan to go back to running furniture business and do a better job running the business.


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