Friday, March 13, 2020

To Stop the Mississippi River Tour chapter 1

Here it is, a new story is up. It's a parody that's loosely based on a certain movie sequel. I was requested to parody of the 1st movie a long time ago. Here is the sequel.

It's been a year since I stopped the evil accountant that help run a male stripper business. He was a former Dallas Cowboy player who was using his acquired money from the stripping business to fund a Neo-Baddie Movement where they will conquer and enslave all of Arkansas.

We believed that they were gone till we heard a ice cream truck full of male strippers crashed near Lake Village near the Mississippi River. The reason it crashed is because the driver was too busy smoking a tide pod while driving.

Most of the strippers disappeared, rumors state that they got a ride from the very same black woman with the weird hairdo from I saw way way back. It was when I fought against the Evil Elf King's forces when I fell off a moving 18-wheeler and fell on her car a long time ago.

Luckily, one of the strippers and the driver is still in a hospital at Lake Village. I arrived at his room during visiting hours and saw him on his bed with a leg in a cast. I told him, "I told the receptionist that I was a friend of yours." He looked at me and said, "Your that guy that put a stop on our stripping gig in North Little Rock."

I asked, "I thought you guys retired and started running a furniture business?" He replied, "We did but it didn't do well, so we decided to go back to our old jobs. A guy called The Cajun who was a former stripper came by and said we can go do a tour up the Mississippi River. He and the Dallas Cowboy used to run the business together but things went south between the two and he left. He came back to run the business when he heard his former partner left."

I asked, "You know where they headed?" He said, "I know a list of places we are going to perform." He grabbed a notepad and pen from his food tray. He wrote down something and handed me the sheet. He said, "That's all the cities we were going." I was about to head to the door when he said, "Wait!" He handed me a cell phone and said, "One of other strippers handed me this, he told me that you be most likely to visit me. He wanted to me to hand you this phone and contact you."

I told the patient goodbye and thank you as I headed outside the building. I looked at the cell's contacts and saw only one. I called it and soon I heard someone. On the other end was a man with a rough Australian accent. He said, "When my head was cut off last year and right before I slip to unconsciousness and was plunge into the depths of Hell, I made a promise that I will have revenge on you and I will keep my promise."

My skin turned white and said, "Big Richard? But how? I watch you die?" He replied, "I rather you called me The Terminator than my stupid stage name that I used to go undercover as a stripper. As how I come back, I honesty don't know? According to our driver, I was in Hell and I met a 4-eyed demon who's called Tri-something, all I know it starts with a T. The demon told me he resurrect me in order serve him. Honesty, I think our driver was high on those tide pods but that may be the only theory that sort of makes sense."

I told the merc, "Well I like to chat and all but I got to stop a group of guys go touring up the Mississippi". The man answered back, " But what about all the hostages I have? The entire city of Dumas is under lockdown with mercenaries patrolling the streets. We be waiting." The call ended. I seems I have to deal with my old enemy first.

Later that night, I sneaked into the city of Dumas. I pulled out my binoculars and see tanks patrolling the streets. Most of the citizens were asleep, so they don't notice what's happening to their city. I watch where the tanks were going for a few minutes and then, I see one of them parked at a building.

I went to it's direction. When I arrived there, I saw tank's driver outside of his vehicle to grab a cola from the drink machine. He mutter to himself, "Gee, I hope the boss won't notice. I been going around the streets for hours in that hot tank." Little did he know I sneaked inside of his tank.

I saw a owner's manual near the driver's seat. I did a quick read of it on how to use this thing. According to it, the tanks' main weakness is on the backside of the vehicle. After I was done, I put it down and begin driving it.

I drove around city and spotted one of the other tanks. I went from behind it and got a lock-on it's backside. I fired a Nerf missile from the vehicle's turret and destroy the enemy machine. I drove around the city and did the same thing a few times.

I was down to two tanks left. As I was about to get to them, I spotted a far larger tank that was twice the size of a normal one. Soon it spotted me and the three tanks were firing missiles on me. I quickly turn around and activated the tank's boosters to hightail it. I came back to the location and quickly destroy one of the two smaller ones. The other small one saw me and alerted the big one. I bet the driver of that vehicle is The Terminator himself. They chase me across city and after passing a few buildings, I finally lost them. I drove around the entire city to sneak up on them on the other side.

I got to the last small tank and fired a Nerf missile on it's backside. All that's left is the big one. It has a different design that these regular vehicles. It may not have the same weakness. It notice me and fired heat-seeking Nerf missiles. I fire my machine Nerf guns to destroy them and unload all missiles on the giant tanks. I used the vehicle's boosters to retreat while still firing. Finally after minute of fighting, his giant machine broke down. I saw his cockpit hatch was opening, meaning he's ready to fight me head on.

I think back to remember the last time I fought him. It was a very brutal hand-to-hand match. One of the most epic battles I was ever in. I was barely lucky to survive that fight.

I was ready to face him now, I press the eject button and I was flung into the air. We both were up and the air ready to face each other. He raise his sword but I deliver a punch into his face. He were now falling downward. Giving him no time to react, I pulled out my toy lightsaber and....Already I cut his head off....

As I land on my feet while his headless body crashed to the ground, I said to myself, "Dude, that was very anti-climatic! WTF man! I thought I was going to have an epic match."

All the damage was clean up overnight and the citizens of the city didn't notice that Dumas was under lockdown from mercenaries.

It seems my battle with Terminator was meant for detraction. I try to go to all the cities where the strippers perform like Dewitt, West Helena, Forest City, Birdsong, Marked Tree, Osceola, Blytheville. Seems likes they were already here. All I got now is one more city to explore, they are going to perform one last show in a secret underground area nearby the town of Tomato, Arkansas.

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