Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Group's Quest From Hill Area And Then Go To Mount Magazine To Kill A Monstrous Reptile And Reclaim Their Home: Behind the scenes and other facts

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The story is meant to be a parody of the Hobbit trilogy with a few references to the book and animated movie from the 1970s.

At the time I originally wrote the Copper Ring Saga, 1st drafts back a decade ago and years later when I posted on this blog, as well as finally getting off my butt and posting parts 2+3 of the Copper Ring saga. I really didn't intend to make a story based on the Hobbit. After I posted part 3, I wonder if I should do a parody of the Hobbit.

I basically wrote back in the Copper Ring saga that were meant to be references to the Hobbit(the book before the Peter Jackson's versions existed). Those referances ended up in the Hobbit parody. Things like Old/Young Guy kicked a lizard off of Mount Magazine. I figure I work with that, "Smaug" was a harmless lizard and the beardmen have Lizardphobia. I hope most people forgot that reference I made back from the Copper Ring saga and follow the hype of the monstrous reptile and other reptilian things, only to see a tiny harmless lizard.

Yeah, this be the 1st story I wrote that Chris isn't the main character. The Copper Ring saga points out that Old Guy had an adventure way way back in the past where it's impossible for Chris to be in it. I figure make the story be told from Old Guy at a party.

I didn't want to make characters from the Copper Ring too old like Pretty Boy and Magician. I figure they be teens when I'm writing this parody but I didn't want to make Old/Young Guy too young. So I decided to make the story take place around mid-1980s-ish.

I don't really intend to make the character have big hair or have shoulder pads. I just needed a placement for the story in the timeline. You can use your imagination if you want on who has these trends and styles, or you could imagine them how you saw them in the movies. It's up to you.

The beardmen retreating to Blue Mountain is both an intended reference to both the book/movie and an Arkansas location. In the book/movie(s), they did retreat to Blue Mountains. As I was writing the parody, I was playing with Google maps and found out there is an actually place called Blue Mountain that is right next to Mount Magazine.

"I am Magician and Magician means me." Suddenly, Lightning flashed in the sky even tho it was a nice sunny morning.
That was based on the animated movie from 1977. Gandalf's introduction was over the top with cheesy lightning the background.

I had to find a music genre to make fun of while parodying the Misty Mountains song. I can't do country because it's actually normal in certain areas in Arkansas, especially in the Ozarks. Since it's in the 80s, I can't make fun of dubstep or autotune. MJ was the king of pop at the time and most people say the best music came from the 80s. I thought about using heavy metal with loud screaming but I ended up using rap and using all the it's cliches.

Yes, Flippin and Booger Hallow are actual locations here in Arkansas. I pick them on purpose for the sake of putting silly names that actually exist.

One mention they should of took the long way to Harrison and met some singers. That was a reference to Tom Bombadil. In the movie, they went straight to Bree but in the novel, they took a mighty long long time to reach Bree and met a weird singing man. Harrison was a stand-in for Bree.

I don't think the internet slang the internet trolls were speaking existed in the 80s. It may not be historically accurate but I needed them to speak Lolspeak for the sake of comedy. However you could say that sites they were on got deleted and forgotten in the pages of internet history. Only to be re-invented later on.

In the novel, the troll's purse did speak, "Ere, 'oo are you?" The novel was originally conceived as a children's novel and despite some references, it was separate from J.R.R Tolkien's other works of Middle-Earth, only to be retcon into the same universe when he started writing the LOTR books. The bizarre talking purse is very out there in the world of Middle-Earth.

The Vulcan cosplayer who was playing on a flute was originally singing the theme of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I then realize it puts the story to the later 1980s, plus people's opinions of that show were different at the time. People react and say that Star Trek is RUINED FOREVER and it doesn't have Kirk, Spock, and Bones. The show's 1st two seasons weren't as good but it did got better later on and become a well beloved show that lasted 7 seasons, 4 TNG-era movies, and several spinoffs that had Star Trek on television for nearly two decades. It's funny how to see how people react back in the day.

Yeah, I admit the rubbing lemon juice on the map to read hidden clues was taken from National Treasure.

The multiple excuses why the WWII fighter planes aren't helping the gang more is based on the eagles. People wondered why the eagles help the dwarfs or the fellowship and take them straight to their destination. Multiple stuff was said why they can't help them more often. This was said back when J.R.R was still alive and he said they are not a taxi service.

Kind Boy wondering and asking about stuff that wasn't in Old Guy's original book is based on the Hobbit Trilogy. Lord of the Rings was three books and the Hobbit is one book. One book that got stretch to three movies with alot stuff added that wasn't present in the original. Stuff like Radagast the Brown, Legolas, Tauriel, Necromancer(Sauron), A good chunk of Lake town.

Some stuff wasn't completely made up. J.R.R did write alot stuff for Middle-Earth. Radagast exists is one thing. You could argue Legolas was in the Hobbit as one of the nameless Elves because that is his home and the king is his dad. In the Hobbit novel, Gandalf randomly just decided to leave Bilbo for no reason. J.R.R wanted them separate just to make Bilbo grow as a hero. It was explain in other works he and other wizards are dealing with the Necromancer.

I said Pretty Boy came from Ozark National Forest from the Copper Ring saga. So that ended up as the dark forest where the spiders and wood elves are.

The idea of Thranduil aka Legolas' father as a ugly man came from the 1977 animated movie. I kid you not, he was an ugly blue-skin man that skinny to the bones with a thick German accent.

Originally, they went down the Mulberry river instead of Big Piney Creek. I was looking for a river that goes somewhere from the center of the Ozark National Forest to the Arkansas River. I changed it because it's closer to both Jasper and Paris.

I admit, I cannot take a name like Bard seriously. I sort of based on Poet on both Bard and Edward the (spoony)bard from Final Fantasy 4.

When the 3rd Hobbit movie came out after a year of waiting, the main villain dies after ten minutes the movie starts. I joked if people walked out since the main opponent is dead. The movie still had alot story to tell with the Battle of the Five Armies.

The giant worms were in the 3rd Hobbit movie. They show up to attack and disappeared. I at least told they got killed real quick, wrapping that up instead of forgetting about it. The whole thing about they being weak to water and their poop being magical is based on novel turned early 80s movie, Dune. Patrick Stewart was one of the characters before he became famous as Picard in Star Trek.

Rich Lord and Ugly Butler being are purposely treated terribly because they were based on the Jar-Jars of the Hobbit trilogy. Alfrid was killed off in a silly matter in the extended edition.

Earth Wizard is based on Sylvester McCoy's Radagast as well as the actor's famous other role, the 7th Doctor. I included scenes that was based on the 7th Doctor.

Everyone who seen the Hobbit asked who are the five armies. If you read the book, it's tells you that it's Men from Lake Town, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Wargs. However in the movies, the talking evil wolves were simply the orcs non-talking CGI steeds. From what I read, Azog's son was leading a seperate group of orcs, which makes up the 5th army. Viewers point out all the others who joined the fight.

If you read all my other stories, all the damage that happens is repaired overnight like nothing happen. The stories are meant to take place in the real world with the muggles of our world are unaware what happen. However it is a plotpoint within the 3rd Hobbit movie that people want their towns restored, I figure I make the citizens of the burn down houses go out before the mysterious repairs happen.

In the book, there was alot of words in there that had a completely different meaning back in the day. You be hearing about queer people, or Frodo throwing faggots into the fire. Back when the movies were out, everyone made fun of Frodo and Sam's overly affection of friendship. Then you read the books and you see all this dialogue.

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