Sunday, April 26, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Inferno's Wrath Chapter 1

Here's the next part of the Heroes vs Baddies Saga. I wrote the 1st draft of this story a few years ago and now ready to be posted on this blog. Yes, it's based/parody of a certain movie. Well enjoy the story.

It's been two years since Villain's second defeat at Cabot High School. The powers from the Glowing Tennis Ball put Villain in a state of suspended animation but it came with a price, all that remains of the Glowing Tennis Ball is a few strings. Villain's 2nd in command, Traitor is on the run and still out there somewhere in Arkansas. We haven't heard anything about Villain's group called the Baddies since their leader was defeated. However they showed up today.

There have been reports that twenty skunks been stinking up the Asian restaurant across from Pizza Hut. I'm at Jacksonville at the moment it will take me a while to reach Cabot. I sent two Heroes who were inside the city of Cabot to check the restaurant. One is Girl, she was our only female teammate who joined the Heroes in during the early days of the war. For some reason, we were unable to get more females in the Heroes. The other is Slicer, a man who rollerskates into battle. Slicer is equipped with gauntlets that has three small toy lightsabers on each of the gauntlet's knuckles. Slicer thinks he's Wolverine or something.

When they to the area, they saw a mean looking cop releasing skunks out of their cages. Slicer was in shock who their foe was, "I don't believe it, it's Evil Cop. I thought Chris defeated him in the locker room a few years ago." Girl answered, "I think that's a different Evil Cop."

The different Evil Cop turn his head and saw the two Heroes. He pull out some dodgeballs and threw them at the two. Girl ducked while Slicer rollerstake around them. He charged to the enforcer of the law and slash at him while Evil Cop pulled out his nightstick to block Slicer's attack. They clash their weapons till the Baddie stomp his foot down on  the Hero's feet. With his guard down, Evil Cop repeatedly smack him with his weapon. Slicer raise his arms over his face to block the attack. Evil Cop was about to continue his onslaught till a flying dodgeball almost hit his head. He turn and saw Girl pulling out more dodgeballs to throw.

Evil Cop ran to avoid her attack and went behind the restaurant. Girl ran to the building and start climbing on it's walls. On the roof, she ran across and look down on the backside of the restaurant. She saw Evil Cop with a dodgeball in hand and looking at both corners, awaiting for her to show up. Luckily for her, he didn't bother to look above. Girl jump off the building and perform a dropkick on the enforcer of the law.

Girl pull out a butter knife and start slashing at the Baddie. The evil enforcer dodge her attack while pulling out a taser. He jabbed it into her stomach and electrocute her. The attack made her fell to her knees while Evil Cop grab a dodgeball and plan to kill her with it when suddenly, he heard, "Heads ups!" Evil Cop turn his head and saw Slicer doing an uppercut on him. Slicer cut across Evil Cop vertically, cutting the man into two separate halves.

Girl started to get up on her feet."That hurts, glad he's gone now." Slicer replied to her, "We need to get rid of the skunks and..." The two heard a ringing that came from their watches. Slicer press a button and heard, "This is Medic. A One Legged Minotaur is on the highway and heading towards the overpass. Chris is on his way."

I was inside the back of the airplane, returning from my visit in Jacksonville. One of the plane's crewman told me I'm at the drop point. I grabbed my gear as the cargo doors opened. There I jumped out of the plane. As I was halfway down to the ground, I pull out my parachute.

As I land down on the overpass, I saw Girl and Slicer meeting up with me. As the 20-foot tall One Legged Minotaur jump on it's single leg. As he was gettin closer and closer to us, we pulled out our weapons. I jabbed it's left shoulder with a toy lightsaber while Girl repeatably stabs his ribcage with her butter knife and Slicer slashes it's leg with his claws. In a few seconds, the Minotaur fell over. Slicer yell, "WHAT THE HECK! I thought this be a huge epic battle and he gets defeated it seconds. Man this sucks!"

We walked to the Minotaur who barely has the strength to get up. He said, "You may of stopped me but we will reawaken Villain again. The ancient leader of the Baddies, The Inferno will scorched all of you to ashes and..." A dodgeball slammed into his head and killed him. I turn to who threw it and said angrily, "Thanks alot Girl, just when was telling us about this Inferno guy is. Now we won't know." I shot a mean glare at her.

I sighed and said, "Come on, let's get back to base." As we left the bridge and walked down Main Street. Little did we know that we were being followed.

The man whose following us is a Baddie who thinks he is a machine known as Robot. He touch a button on his watch and said, "Robot to Traitor. Operation: String Thief will began." Traitor said, "Good, continue the mission."  Robot turn off his watch and sent out his 6 foot tall pet Chameleon on the Heroes.

We head back to our hidden base which is location in a closed down building near Main Street. We were greeted by Medic, Gunner, and some former ROTC students. The last ones who greet us were two rapper wannabes and try to make some dumb rap about our victory. I quickly pull out an extra pair of socks out of my pocket and slam it into their mouths to stop them from singing.

I asked Medic and Gunner, "Have you guys ever heard of The Inferno? The One-Legged Minotaur called him an ancient leader of the Baddies, I thought Villain was the 1st one, shortly after the Evil Elf King was believed to be dead." Medic answered, "I have never heard of this Inferno guy but I have found my deceased cousin's diary a few weeks ago.  The last few entries before he pass away, he mentions about the war. One surprising entry about my cousin, Doctor has heard Captain babbled on about something about battling Baddies that were around before Villain. Gunner looked puzzled and said, "Y'all got to be kiddin me. Other leaders before Villain, that sounds..."

Just then, a loud alarm echoed throughout the base. I looked the others and shouted, "SOMEONE STEALING THE STRINGS!"

We rush to another room where we kept the remaining strings of the Glowing Tennis Ball in a glass case. When we got there, we see nothing in the room but a broken case. Medic pulled out some 3D glasses out of his pocket and put them on. "I see a giant Chameleon in the room, it must be in camouflage mode." The healer pulled out a Nerf gun but the animal quickly shoot out it's long tongue and grabbed the gun before Medic could fire. The Chameleon pull the gun into it's mouth and ate it.

With no weapon, Medic figure he just grab the animal instead. Unfortunately, the Chameleon was too fast for and the animal left the area with the strings in his claws.

Medic was feeling sad that he was unable to capture the beast. As he was putting up the 3D glasses, Medic said, "This is terrible, that was the only remains of the Glowing Tennis Ball." Gunner look like he got an idea and said, "Hey I just remember something. Remember that Sophomore boy that we watch over three years ago? Well I heard he's been having weird dreams about a tennis ball hidden in Jacksonville." I looked at Gunner and said, "You mean there's more than one?"

At the North Little Rock side of the Arkansas River. The Chameleon meets up with several former construction workers, who were in the middle of putting on scuba gear. The giant animal held up it's claws and showed the Glowing Tennis Ball Strings. One of the construction workers take them from the creature's claws. One of the workers said, "From what I heard, Villain's body is on the bottom of this river."

They dived to the bottom of the river and found their leader's body. The one construction worker with the strings in his hand shove them into Villain's mouth. Just then, flashes of lights erupted from Villain's body. The leader of the Baddies open his eyes and said, "I LIVV...." He stop because he realize he's underwater. Villain quickly activated his jetpack and flew out of the water.

Later that day, Villain entered the abandon Wal-Mart in Jacksonville. There he met with Traitor. "Oh our great leader is here and..." The Baddie leader grabbed Traitor's neck and ram his body into the wall. Villain said, "Why has it been three years I put in that sleeping state? You should of revived me right away. I bet that you enjoy being the leader while I was out of commission and the Evil Elf King's curse he put on you was gone."

Traitor responded weakly, "Even If I did want to revived you right away, I didn't know how exactly. I was told earlier last month to use the Glowing Tennis Strings. As soon we discovered the location of the Heroes base, we quickly sent out Robot's pet giant Chameleon to steal the strings and use it to revive you." Villain let go of Traitor's neck and asked, "And why is it hot in here? Is the air conditioner busted or something?" Traitor answered, "No, it's our new leader. His body puts out a high temp around the area. He's the one who told me to use the strings on you. There is no way I could challenge him, he's too powerful." Villain looked at him weirdly and asked, "What you mean leader? I'm the leader."

"You may be the leader of the group but above all Baddies, I'm the true master."

Villain turn to who said that and his eyes widen. He saw a man who look like he was in his 50s with eyes that had a fiery red glow to them. Villain said in a surprised tone, "I don't believe it. The stories are true. The 1st Baddie that ever existed...The Inferno." The Baddie leader suddenly bow down to the new leader.

The powerful man said, "Rise!" Hearing this cause Villain to get to his feet. Traitor wispier to the new sub-leader of the Baddies, "So what's the story on this guy? I thought our army was formed by you?" Villain answer, "No, I based our group on a previous incarnation of Baddies who wanted to conquer Cabot High School and than all of Arkansas from several decades ago. Sadly, they were defeated by Heroes. I bet that fool, Captain based his group of Heroes on the previous generation as well. You see Traitor, there were several different armies throughout history that wanted to invade the entire state. The one who inspired and started the very first group to conquer was this man himself. The story of how the original army was made was believed to be a myth."

"You seem to know your history Villain. Since I arrived, I have heard the high school was captured 5 years ago till that giant demon I encounter from ancient times wreck havoc on the school as well as your attempt to capture the Glowing Tennis Ball from the Heroes 3 years ago."

Villain bowed his head, "I'm sorry sir. I have fail to take it and the result ended in it's destruction." The Inferno raise his hand and replied, "Do not worry, after a certain point of time after it's destruction, the remainder of the Glowing Tennis Ball will send messages to whose's carrying it and tell them a location of another Glowing Tennis Ball is located." Villain eyes widen and asked, "There's an another?"

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