Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Inferno's Wrath Chapter 3

View Chapter 2

Two hours pass since their battle with Chris. Villain was standing with Robot nearby a radio tower in Austin. The Baddie Leader growl and said, "Those accursed Heroes took away that kid to their hidden base. I was seconds away of having his brain in my hands. Robot, I need your report of getting inside their base." The man who thinks he's a machine replied in a robotic tone, "Operation: 2nd Infiltration: Impossible. Heroes have refortify their defenses since pet Chameleon's infiltration. They are more prepared if a 2nd infiltration happen."

Villain frown on hearing about it. "So much for that then." He look up to the radio tower and said to Robot, "New plans than. The Heroes will get out their base at some point. I want you to brainwash all the citizens of Lonoke County. They can help us on our journey to claim the Glowing Tennis Ball. Their job is to find and hunt down those poor Heroes and capture the boy. Too bad for them, they can't hurt any of these innocents." Robot saluted over his chest and said, "By your command!"

Robot climbed the tower and started to plug wires into it. Soon a frequency was sent out across the county. Anyone who had their radios turned on, will be brainwashed to capture the Heroes.

I opened my eyes and saw I was inside our base's medical room. I saw Medic walk by the door and notice I was awake. He said, "Ah good, your awake. You been asleep for two hours since your battle. Soon as we found you, We quickly took you back to base. Your lucky that you survived, there was no damage to any major organ. I quickly got your wound patched up."

I moved to sit up and asked, "Is that Sophomore boy here? I need to talk to him." Medic answered, "Yes, he is here and he's really a Senior Chris." I answered back, "I don't care what his official grade is, I still see him as a Sophomore."

After a few minutes, the boy came to my room. He looked worried, "Are you ok?" I told him, "I'm a little sore but I be alright. Medic told me I can get out of bed in five minutes." I notice Slicer and Girl are also at the door, waiting for me to finish talking to the boy. "Anyways, despite a few setbacks. Were still going to your house and visit your Dad." I turn to the two others.

Slicer smiled and waved, "Hey Chris, glad your up and kicking. However, we got bad news. The Baddies have taken over the radio stations and brainwashing everyone on the streets." Girl said, "Well it's a good thing I install those frequency jammers in the base a few weeks ago. Otherwise we be brainwash as well."

I sighed and said, "Ah great, now our journey to his father's place is going to be harder to get to."

Later at nighttime in Cabot, me and the kid dressed up in like ninjas and sneak around houses. We kept a lookout for anyone that were brainwashed. These controlled innocent have eyes with a red glow to them. As we were a few houses away from the boy's house, we saw a man with a flashlight and a dog on the lookout. I reach into my pouch and pulled out a piece of steak. I threw the food into the distance. I shoot hands signals to the boy to move out. We went around the house and peeked. The dog was now dragging the flashlight man to where I threw the steak. With the coast clear, I signal the boy to follow me and we head towards his house.

At the back door, I pulled out a credit card and pick the lock. The boy asked, "You know I live here? I could unlock the door with my keys." I said back, "But it looks cooler this way." We enter inside the house and shut the back door. I asked the boy, "I haven't asked but, how's your dad doing?" He answered, "Well few months after that big battle with the Baddies three years ago, my Dad retire from the Secret Agency." Wondering if his father will still be able to help, I asked, "He still has contacts or access to files correct?" The boy replied, "I believe so."

Just then, the lights came on and a man armed with a Nerf Shotgun walk to us. He lowered it soon as he saw the boy. It was the former secret agency dad. He asked, "So what are you doing here?" I replied to the him, "The Baddies been on the move and your son got himself involved." He asked, "Are they the ones that been making the weird radio broadcast?" I asked him back, "Then how are you not brainwashed like the others?" He said, "Easy, I wear special earplugs. I been working in the agency for years and everyone wears them to prevent our group from getting controlled by enemy forces."

For the next few minutes, we went to the living room and sat down. I told him everything that's been happening, like Villain's revival, his son's dreams, and this mysterious Inferno guy that existed before Villain did. After hearing the news, the Former Secret Agency Father look like a light bulb with above his head and said, "I may actuality heard of this Inferno. Follow me."

He led us to his basement. He pulled out his file cabinet and dig through the files. He pulled out a folder and showed it to us. "From the time we found the unconscious body of Villain and the original Glowing Tennis Ball, we had little to no information of this war. After finding out about the war from you guys, we close the case. However in our case, we did a list of suspects who may of been connected." He pulled out a picture out of the folder and it show a face of an Old Dude.

"We asked him several questions if he knew anything related to the Giant Winged Demon that eyewitnesses  have reported on the same day we found Villain's body and the Glowing Tennis Ball. One of the reasons he was a suspect because he wrote a picture book of these knights fighting a giant demon with wings. The author claimed that he didn't based this story on some insane rumor of some demon attacking the high school. I remember one part of the story said how one of the knights became The Inferno."

Seeing how we got a lead, I asked him, "So where is this guy normally seen?" He answered, "The Cabot library." We had to wait to the next day for the library to open. The boy's dad said I can stay in the guest room tonight.

When tomorrow came, we drove to the library. We sat in the car for a while till we saw a man getting out of his car. It was the Old Dude. We got out of the car and ran to him. He was puzzled that these strangers were coming up to him. "Hey, what do you young fellas want with me?" He saw the former secret agent and sigh, "You again. I already told you that I was never involved in whatever happen at the High School that day."

I said, "Maybe not, but you seem to know who the Inferno is." He look at me strangely and asked, "Who are you?" I tell him, "I'm Chris and I'm part of the Heroes. There is an evil group of people called the Baddies that are after this kid behind me. They seem to be serving this guy called the Inferno." After hearing everything I told him, he said, "Very well then, follow me."

He led us to a closed off room inside the library. He pulled out a book off the shelf and said, "There is much you need to learn of the evil man know as The Inferno." He open his open and start telling

Long ago in ancient times. A giant demon with wings roamed the land that is now known as Arkansas. Nothing could stop this evil beast, but there was a small group of people who can. They were the Golden Knights. They were all Captains and each one wielded a Glowing Tennis Ball. One of the most bravest and most skilled of the Golden Knights was a man called Captain Villainous.

They morph their Glowing Tennis Balls into powerful hand held weapons. They used them to attack the giant demon. Captain Villainous was about to do the killing blow but the demon whisper to Captain Villainous. He told him to spar his life and become his servant and he will become a god among the land.

The Knight spar the demon and started killing members of the Golden Knights. He took a Glowing Tennis Ball from the 1st Knight he killed. The Golden Knights fought back and force the demon and the betrayer to retreat from the battle. The remaining Knights were surprised that a man like Captain Villainous would ever betray him. The demon went back to the depths of the underworld while the betrayer went to hiding. 

The remaining Knights kept a lookout for the betrayer but was no where to be seen. Centuries have pass and men from beyond the ocean have settled. During a war where the descendants of the settlers want to gain independence from a country beyond the ocean. Captain Villainous was seen again and he has form an army he calls, The Baddies.

The Settlers who wanted independence have secretly plan to create a Supercannon to help quickly end the war. Soon as their 1st prototype was made, Captain Villainous and the Baddies attack the people making the cannon. The betrayer took the Supercannon for himself. He used the Glowing Tennis Ball from the 1st Knight he killed and used it to power up the Supercannon. He was unable to use his personal Tennis Ball due to his dark nature corrupted the ball. Instead of a glowing yellow ball, it is black with a glow of dark purple.

Powered by the Glowing Tennis Ball, the Supercannon can easily have the power to vaporize an entire city or destroy an entire mountain in one shot. He planned to destroy both the sides of the war and replace their colonies with an new empire ruled by him.

The remaining Golden Knights didn't want this to happen, so formed their own army to counterattack the Baddies, they were call, The Heroes. A big battle was raged and many losses were made. The Heroes manage to defeat their enemies. The Golden Knights destroy the Supercannon. The defeated Villainous was put in chains and the Knights threw him into a volcano.

In the volcano, with lava and fire coming to him. His corrupted ball exploded, this somehow causes the man to become one with the fire itself. He was no longer called Captain Villainous, he is now...The Inferno. Sealed deep underground, he was unable to get to the surface. Arkansas was at peace, well at lease till the civil war.

As Old Dude closes his book, he said, "I was part of the 1st generation of Heroes. I retired after the war ended. I never kept up with the news of any of the later generations of Heroes and Baddies. The giant demon may of been the same guy that attack the High School a few years ago that you young fellas talk about."

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