Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Inferno's Wrath Chapter 4

View Chapter 4

After hearing the entire story, I said, "Wow, what a story! We never knew about where Glowing Tennis Balls came from or any of the previous generations of Heroes. We all thought the war started back in a few years back but Captain died before he told us all of this. It was very recently we started hearing about The Inferno."

The Old Dude raise an eyebrow, "The Inferno? He must of found a way to reach the surface after all these years. I bet that fella must be plotting to repeat his plan by using a Glowing Tennis Ball to power up a weapon like he did the last time. I believe that Captain must be a descendant of the 1st generation of Heroes, he must of had a Glowing Tennis Ball with him." I answered to him, "I'm sorry, but the ball was destroyed a few years ago to stop a Baddie named Villain. For some reason, the remainder of the ball put something in this kid's brain to see dreams of a 2nd ball that's located somewhere in Jacksonville."

Old Dude stroke his beard and said, "You know, I witness one of the remaining Knights, burying one of the Glowing Tennis Balls. If I remember correctly, it should be inside the Air Force Base." The Former Secret Agency guy said, "I did do have clearance that can could get us into the Air Force Base." Old Dude replied, "That's good, we can enter the base with no problems. Anyways, I know a shortcut to enter Jacksonville."

He got up and tilted a book on one of the bookshelves. This causes the bookcase to slide and reveal a passageway. We entered it and on the other side led to a different closed-off room with books. We open a door that takes us out of the room and we found out that we're in the Jacksonville Library. I turn to Old Dude and asked, "How did we get here?" He answered, "We ancients know secret tricks that you youngsters don't know about."

Within the next few minutes, Old Dude took us to his car that's in this library's parking lot. I radio to my teammates that we're going to the Air Force Base and they should meet up with us. They told me that they disable the brainwashing devise they found at a radio tower. All the people in Lonoke County will be back to normal with no memories of ever being brainwashed.

After an quarter of an hour of driving, we were inside the base. Old Dude parked his car near a baseball field and pointed. "From what I remember, the ball is located somewhere in this baseball field." We got out of the car and grab some shovels from the trunk. I asked, "So where exactly are we going to dig? It's a large field and we be digging all day."

The son of the former secret agent was rubbing his head in pain and said, "Wait...Ow...I think I know where exactly it is." He walk to a certain area and pointed to the ground, "It's over there." Old Dude said, "Well your dreams and headaches should disappear once we find the ball, unless your having an actual headache. I don't have any aspirin on me."

We started digging and after a few minutes, we finally found the Glowing Tennis Ball. Our search was over. Soon a loud beep went off on my watch. I press a button on my timepiece and it said, "It's Girl. We're at the place where they display the airplanes. Those stupid Baddies jerks are here." I now heard Slicer's voice, "Yea guys, we need seriously help over here."

Me and the others got back in the car and drove to where the airplane displays are. When we got there, we see them hiding behind a plane to cover them from Baddie fire. We join them and started counterattacking. Just then, a large shadow appeared over our heads. We look up and saw an man hovering in the air. He looked like he was in his 50s in some sort of armor that looked burnt. This must be the ancient Baddie himself, The Inferno.

He open his hand towards us. The next thing I knew is the Glowing Tennis Ball was being pulled from my hand and went to his hand. He flew to a missile head display in the center of of the display area. He press the ball into the missile head and ball fazed through the missile's outer edge. The thing started to emulate a bright glow.

I said to the evil man, "But it's not a full missile that's not operational. It won't work." He turned to me and said, "You fool! The ball will reconstruct the missile head itself into a fully operational missile. When the missile be complete, it will fire. The missile's destination is Little Rock. Once the missile powered by the Glowing Tennis Ball hits, the entire city will be destroyed. In the wastelands that was once Little Rock, I will erect a giant volcano in it's place and it will be used as our mighty fortress as we rule all of Arkansas. The Ozarks and Ouachita mountains be replace by volcanoes, the Mississippi River will be replace by a lava stream. Everyone will submit to our rule."

The Inferno's hand started to glow in some sort of energy, "Now away with you!" He flung his hand and an energy wave shoot outwards to the Heroes. Once the wave went through them, they disappear. The ancient evil turn to the others and said, "That was a teleportation wave I sent out, those Heroes got sent somewhere within a 2 mile radius. Find them and kill them all!" All the Baddies saluted and head out

I open my eyes after being hit by the teleportation wave, I got to my feet and look at my surroundings. It seems I'm near the fence that has North Pulaski High School on the other side. I notice the Sophomore kid was nearby. As he was getting up on his feet, I tell him, "Stay out of sight, I need to get to the missile before it fires or all of Little Rock is gone."

Meanwhile, Girl open her eyes and look around, turns out she was at the BX parking lot. She got up on her feet and started running towards the missile. She stop and saw Robot running down the main road. She pulled out her dodgeballs and shouted, "Hold it there Baddie!" He turn to her direction and said in a robotic tone, "Pet Chameleon will take care of you. I will continue search and terminating other Heroes." He continued running down the street. Girl shouted, "Hey, come back here. I'm not thro...ahhh!" She just then felt a claw slashed on her back.

She rolled away and turn to who attack her but didn't see anything in front of here. "It's that same animal that got inside the base." She threw a smoke bomb into the ground and shoot out a smoke. The animal gave a cry and jump out the smokescreen with it's camouflage turn off.

The Chameleon fire it's long tongue and it wrapped around her ankle. He dragged her off the ground and heading straight into his mouth. Girl quickly grab her butter knife and cut off his tongue. The animal pull back the rest of his tongue and gave off a mean roar. He ran to her and swipe his claws at her. Girl duck to avoid it. The creature continue slashing at the Hero but she kept dodging every attack. She then deliver a kick into the Chameleon face. Giving no time for him to recover, Girl repeatedly punch the creature's face. After the beating, the Chameleon try to catch is breath. Seeing his mouth was open, Girl pulled out a Nerf bomb shove into his mouth. She pulled away from the animal and watch as he exploded.

She smile on her victory. She turn to where the missile was but soon as she turns, she saw Villain standing right next to her. "I'm surprised you survived Robot's favorite pet, but you won't survive this." Girl quickly slash her butter knife into Villain's heart but he grab her wrist that's holding the knife and he break her wrist. She scream in pain as Villain swung his fist at her. She fell back to the ground. Despite the pain, she move to get up but the last thing she saw was Villain firing his Nerf cannon at point blank range.

At the Commissary parking lot, Medic stand up and started running to the missile. Out of nowhere, several dodgeballs fell in his feet. He look up and see Traitor hovering the air with his jetpack. "Unlike last time, you don't have help nor heat-seeking Nerf missiles. There is no way you will win."

The commander of the jetpack division threw several more dodgeballs at Medic. The healer quickly press a button on his watch and it activated a force field around his body. The dodgeballs bounce off of the force field. Traitor gritted his teeth. Soon as he notice Medic's force field was shutting down, he deliver a drop kick. This causes to the healer to stumble. Giving him no time to recover, Traitor gave Medic a few punches. "Ha ha ha! This is fun! Ha ha ha!" Hearing those words cause Medic to snap and threw a mean right hook into Traitor's face. "Fun!? You call killing Heroes and destroying Little Rock is fun!?"

Traitor wiped the blood from his mouth. He gritted his teeth and flew back in the air. Medic didn't want to be attacked from the air again, so he pulled out a giant magnet. Traitor was unable to fly away, instead he was being pulled towards Medic. He figure quit fighting against the magnet and give the healer exactly what he wants. The jetpack commander turn towards Medic and fly at high speeds. The Baddie rammed into the Hero and causes him to fall back and drop his magnet.

Released from the magnet's grip, Traitor fly high into the air. He looked down at Medic and prepare to kill him with a dodgeball. He said, "Any last words?" Medic gave a big smirk and told him, "Yeah, when you rammed into me, I slapped a Nerf bomb on your jetpack." Traitor look puzzled and said, "Say wha..." Just then, an explosion hit his jetpack and made Traitor spin out of control. Medic watch the jetpack commander scream like a girl and crash into several trees in the distance.

Slicer woke up and discovered he was at the park near the lake. He use his roller stakes to roll to the missile. Suddenly, a jar of jam crash in front of him. This causes Slicer to slip and fall. "Ah scrap, my skates aren't going to work with them cover in jam." He took off his skates and turn to the direction of who threw it. The man before him is Robot. "Your destination ends. Your termination begins."

Robot threw several paper airplanes with Nerf guns attached to them. Slicer rolled out of the way to avoid their fire. He pulled out his Nerf guns and shot them down. Slicer got up to his feet and said, "Now where did that weird man go?" He didn't notice that the Baddie has silently has gotten behind his back. Six metal tentacles sprouted out of Robot's jetpack. Slicer notice a sound behind him and soon as he turned, he was smack by the tentacles. This sends the Hero to fly back a few feet.

Slicer got up and saw Robot's tentacles coming at him. He blocks any tentacles that lashed at him. "Ok, enough of this!" He used his Wolverine-like claws and slash through the tentacles. Soon, all six of the tentacles were cut in half. Robot gave Slicer a blank look and retracted the tentacles back into his jetpack.

The Baddie switch to a different plan and ran to his opponent. He pulled out a guitar and swing a full force. Slicer use his claws to block the attack. The impact knock him off his feet and brake his claws into pieces. The Hero got up and saw the Baddie heading straight for him. Slicer grab a piece of dirt and threw it into Robot's eyes. The Baddie shield his eyes from the dirt. Using the brief opportunity, Slicer grab on to his enemy's guitar and yank it from his hands. Robot gave another blank look at Slicer but the Hero could tell he sort of narrow his eyes.

The Baddie pulled out an another guitar and swing at the Hero. The two clash their instruments a few times. Slicer took one big swing and broke through Robot's guitar and into his chest. He was throw off and hit a nearby tree. He grab where the guitar hit him and said, "Mission Failure." Slicer figure it was time to  finish it and charge towards his foe. Suddenly, a Giant Pterodactyl landed near Robot. It grabbed the Baddie and flew away.

Slicer sighed, "Oh great, now there's a Baddie on the lose." With Robot out of way, Slicer ran out of the park and started running down the street to get where the missile is. On the way, he saw a giant monster in the distance. "Oh great! Whoever's there needs seriously help right now."

Gunner discovered he was in the base's golf area and started running to where The Inferno is located. He stop when he saw a group of former construction workers coming to him. The Hero said to them as he crack his knuckles, "Ah take y'all on!" One with a wrench swing at Gunner but the man with the deep accent, dodge the attack. He than grab the worker's arm and broke it. The worker scream in pain from his injury.

Two construction workers charge at him, one had a hammer, while the other has screwdriver. Gunner press a button on his watch and a some sort of coating wrapped around his body. The hammer man came and pound his hammer into the Hero...only it bounce back. Gunner waste no time on the confused worker and did an uppercut on him. The Screwdriver man came to the southern man and jab his weapon. Gunner ducked and grabbed the man by the torso and lift him into the air. He flung him over his head.

The injured construction workers retreated and went back to the other workers. They seem to be saying stuff like Plan B or something.

The former construction workers joined hands. Their flesh all of suddenly was ripping apart and realigning with each others. It was like they somehow fusing together. When it was finished, the construction workers became one being, they became…a giant Cyclops.

Gunner stare in horror as the giant cast a long shadow over him. "Times like these, Ah wish the Cavemen were here to help."  The Cyclops gave off a loud roar.

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