Monday, April 27, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Inferno's Wrath Chapter 2

View Chapter 1

The next day during the afternoon, I went to Cabot High School's parking lot. In a few more minutes, the last bell for the day will ring. I found the Sophomore boy's car and open the passenger door. Seems like he doesn't care if the door is lock or not. I went inside and close the door to wait for him. According to my friends, the Sophomore boy was held back a year and he will graduate school this year. I don't care if he's a Senior, I still see him as a Sophomore regardless what grade he's in. According to Myspace, him and his girlfriend are still together. She was never held back and currently in collage right now.

Soon, I heard the bell rang and students heading to their cars or school buses. I saw the Sophomore heading to his car with a blond in his arms. He stopped and give her a big kiss. He leaves and wave bye to her as he heads to his car, not noticing I'm in it. As he enter the car and sat down, I said, "Hello." The Sophomore jumped and look at me wide-eyed. He said, "Wha What are you doing here?" I asked him, "So does your girlfriend know about this blond your seeing?" He looked guilty and quickly went in a begging position. "Please don't tell her about this."

"So I heard you been going to the Doctor's office and talking about these dreams. Can you tell me about them?" The High Schooler said, "Sure I will. Well every few months, I been having dreams of Jacksonville but nothing major in those dreams. It look like your typical dream you usually have. Last year, the dreams became once a month and I keep saying I need to find the tennisball. Nowadays the dreams are now once a week and I'm searching the streets the Jacksonville for the Glowing Tennis Ball before the Baddies get to it. I thought I was done with this war."

I had a theory on what happen and I told the boy, "Shortly after Villain was defeated 3 years ago. I asked you to hold on the remainder of the Glowing Tennis Ball while me and the other Heroes were getting all the dead bodies of the Baddies and plan to dump their bodies in the Arkansas River. You held on those strings for several hours. I guessing after a certain point in time after it's destruction, the strings must of put something in your brain. I'm guessing it's trying to tell you a location of a different Glowing Tennis Ball that's somewhere in Jacksonville."

He sighed that he was still in involved with our war. I'm a little angry and tell him, "Well thanks to you, you have tell other people about your dreams. Word is getting around to the Baddies. You made yourself a target again and they will go after you again to find the 2nd tennisball." I calm down and said, "How about you drive me you to your father. I wonder if he ever heard of this Inferno guy I been hearing about?"

The Sophomore started to speak, "Well Chris, I can take you home but there's something you should know. I'm giving a ride to my fri..." Soon the back door open and a guy hopped in the backseat. "Hey bro, you haven't forgot about me have you? Whose your new friend?" The Sophomore boy said, "Chris, this is Raph. We live on the same street together."

Raph started talking, "Hey man, I run a site about conspiracies in Cabot like sightings a giant demon attack the High School five years ago or a hidden subway under the city or...." For the next few minutes, this guy won't shut up about these conspiracies. He was annoying like crazy. I grabbed my Nerf gun and shot him in the head. I watch as his head fell back and close his eyes.

The Sophomore's jaw dropped open and shouted, "YOU KILL HIM!" I said back, "Relax will you, my gun was set to stun." In the next few minutes, I took Raph out of the car and dump his body into a nearby pickup truck. After I was done with him, I told the boy to take me to his house.

We were halfway on the way to his house when suddenly, a big man jump out in front of us and slam his fist down on the hood of the car. It cause the back part the car to bounce up for a second and cause the car to stop. I asked the attacker, "Your another Baddie, aren't ya?" The man replied, "My name is Weapons, I'm the younger brother of the man named Ammo. He died 3 years ago from fighting you Hero scum. I will avenge my brother's death."

I step out the car, when out of nowhere, Traitor came and ripped open the driver door. He quickly grabbed the boy and activated his jetpack. He flew off in the distance with the boy in his grasp. Weapons look at me and said, "Another time." He flew off and follow the other Baddies.

I press a button on my watch and said, "EMERGENCY! The Baddies have capture the boy. I try to follow them. I need backup!" After I turn off the watch's radio. I got back inside the boy's car and turn it on. Soon as the car was started, I follow the Baddies flying in the air.

Somewhere in Austin, near an old abandoned house, Weapons and Traitor land down on the ground. The Jetpack commander told the boy. "Get inside you puny brat! Someone wants to see you." Traitor pointed a Nerf gun against the boy's back and force him to go inside the house. Inside, the boy saw a chair in the middle of the room with straps around the arms. Traitor ram the gun into the boy's back and force him to sit down and get strapped.

Shortly after, Villain appeared. The boy said, "Your alive...But how?" The Baddie replied, "My troops steal the Glowing strings and use it to revive me. Too bad that we lost the ball. However, I have heard there is another and it's information is in your brain. I will rip it out and we will study it to learn the location of the 2nd Glowing Tennis Ball."

Villain march to the boy and place his hands on his forehead and was getting ready to rip his head open with his bare hands.

"HOLD IT!" The Baddies turn to the door and see me standing there. Villain gave off a growl and said, "It's that pitiful Hero that keeps stopping my plans."

I threw several dodgeballs at Villain and he rolled out of the way. Quickly, I pulled out my toy lightsaber and slice off the boy's constrains. I said, "Hurry and get out of here!" No need to tell him twice, he got up and ran. Soon, Traitor flew straight at me and ram me. I was knocked off my feet and flung out of the house's doorway.

Soon as I got up on my feet, I saw Weapons pulling out two large Nerf Gatling Guns from his giant backpack and fire. I quickly turn around and ran into deep into the woods to avoid his bullets. Villain got out of the abandoned house and use his jetpack to fly by the trees I passed. He landed right in front of me and threw a punch at my face. I duck just in time and saw his fist went through a tree. Seeing an opening, I did an uppercut and a mean right hook.

Villain was dazed from my punches, when I just then heard footsteps. I turn and saw Traitor doing a jump on me. I deliver a kick into his face which knocks him back and fell into a tree. The next thing I saw was Weapons swinging something at me, I bend my head back to dodge. It seems what's in his hand is two Darth Maul toy lightsabers melded together in a X-shape. I use my toy lightsaber the block the next set of his attacks. Soon I saw an window of opportunity and jabbed my sword through his wrist and made him dropped his lightsabers.

I turn to the other two and saw Villain coming. He threw right hook but I lean back to avoid it. However, I was too slow to avoid Villain's roundhouse kick to my face. The force of his kick throw me back and fell into a tree. As I was getting back up, I saw Villain and Traitor coming. The Baddie leader throw another fist at me but I block it. Next I did is slam my foot down hard on his toes. He screamed in pain.

I ripped off a piece of his armor and threw it into Traitor's face. While he was rubbing his face from the pain, Villain recovered from the foot pain and did another roundhouse. I rolled out of the way and went behind Traitor's back. There, I grabbed his left arm and broke it's bones. I lift Traitor up and threw him into Villain.

"DIE!" I turned to the sound and saw Weapons firing a Nerf rocket from his one good hand. I jumped out of the way before the rocket hit. Quickly, I grabbed my toy lightsaber and ran up on a nearby tree. I ran up a few steps and jump off the tree. I turn my body 180 degrees and as I was falling back down to Weapons' location, I swing my toy lightsaber downward on his body. He was now sliced into two halves.

The next thing that happen was, I felt a blow that went through my body. Wondering what happen, I look down at myself and saw a toy lightsaber with blood on it, piercing through me from behind. The sword was pulled back out and I was feeling weak. I fell to the ground with my back to the dirt. I look up and see Villain standing there with a blood-soaked toy lightsaber in his hand. He gave a big smile and prepare to fire his Nerf cannon at my head.

Suddenly, a dodgeball went near his face. Several more came from the direction where the first one came. I heard Villain saying, "The other Heroes are here. Let's retreat Traitor." I saw him ran off beyond my eyesight. I last thing I saw was some of my friends looking about looking surprised and sad at me. I close my eyes afterward.

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