Thursday, November 19, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Mystery of Old Captain Chapter 3

View Chapter 2

With Old Captain's betrayal and the Baddies invaded our base, we went out in hiding at Campground pond. Me and the other Heroes were resting and thinking our next set of plans. Ears and the President of the Italian club went out to scout.

A few minutes later, we saw three men leading a group of thirty men entering the pond area. I said to them "Good, we got reinforcements from England." Slicer scratch his head and said, "England?  These dudes came from all the way from Europe." I told Slicer, "Not that England, the other England.  England, Arkansas in Southern Lonoke County.”

I turn to the three leaders, "So you guys got the message, did anyone else got it?" One of them told me no. I sigh and said, "Great, yet again, New Captain isn't going to help us since he's upstate while we deal with Villain's return, The Inferno, or Old Captain."

Our radio started to turn on, "Mama Mia! We’a on a way’a back to you guys till this Terrordactyl started to attacking us. We’a at a Knights parking lot." After hearing this, Me and the other Heroes gear up to help our allies. I told most of the troops from South Lonoke to stay behind, I call them when I need them.

When we arrived at the parking lot we saw the giant Terrordactyl chasing our two allies. It landed down on the ground.

Medic said, "Your Robot’s pet, the one who rescue him back two years ago?" Slicer also commented, "According to the Sophomore kid, his father killed you not long ago, how are you alive?"

The animal laughed and said, "Well they cloned me, than they used strange bacteria to create a clone of a clone, then they put in cybernetics in my body and fill me with radiation. I am Omega Meta Fire Terrordactyl-X."

It fired a laser out of it's mouth. All of us scattered to avoid the attack. He flew to my location and swing his tail to kill me. Slicer came in and chop off the end of the tail. The creature turn to Slicer and slash his claws at him but Slicer quickly rolled out of the way.

The one of the English men that came with us fired their Nerf cannons on him but no effect. The creature started charging another laser in his mouth. I told the others, "Shoot him in the mouth, I bet that's his weakpoint."

One fired a Nerf missile at the monster’s opened mouth, causing a huge explosion. Soon as we saw the smoke cleared, the Terrordactyl’s face was covered in burn marks. The creature looked very angry. It flew up a few feet in the air.

The Terrordactyl flap its wings towards us, sending powerful hurricane winds. The powerful winds blew all the cars off the ground. All of us quickly hid behind the store's outdoor pillars to protect us from the winds.

Soon the winds die down, the Terrordactyl landed near the pillars and reach out with his claws to grab us. Slicer slash it's claw, causing the creature to scream in pain.  Medic come out of hiding and pulled out a giant magnet. The Hero uses it on the creature's armor plating on it's chest and with one tug, the armor was ripped off.

We look at the exposed area and saw vital organs are showing. I shouted to one of the Englishman, "FIRE!" He fired a Nerf missile and lodged itself into the chest area. Soon a missile cause the giant creature to explode a million pieces.

Slicer asked, "I hope this dude isn‘t coming back from the dead?" I replied, "I hope not."

I asked Ears and the Italian President, "So what's your report?" I watch Ears wiggle his ears as he talks, "We got on top on the water tower at the bus parking and saw a horrifying site, the high school is completely invaded. There is around 200 troops at the area." Hearing his report, I said, "Oh great! Is there anything else?"

Ears said, "Yes there is. My telescope zoom in the top of the main building and I saw Villain and Old Captain having a conversation with the time machine hooked up to the roof of the main building.  My special telescope can also pick up sound. We need to get to the High School soon because what they were talking about could be the end of everything. This is what I heard..."

Villain walked to Old Captain and asked, "I heard you send some troops to the four corners of the school to set up some machinery.  What are you doing?"

The Fallen Hero answered, "I planning to send the entire High School itself into the past and it can crash into the school of the 80s."

Villain asked, "I see no reason to, the school is back in my control."

Old Captain replied, "No you fool! it's not your control, it's mine. This is not the school I've envisioned. If you think school is great, my school be three times bigger. This empire should of been in established since the 80s, not now. You better not forget your place again." As the fallen Hero walked off, Villain shoot a mean glare and gave a growl. 

"And that's all that happened."

I asked, "We need to destroy the time machine. What’s the best way to get in?" Ears replied, “Well the machine is protected by a force field. We have to get up close to destroy it. There are alot of enemy forces located at the main building. There is some troops in other buildings but nowhere as heavily guarded as the main building."

After hearing his report, I said, "Alright, Seems we need all the men we left at Campground with us. We need to sneak in and attack them attack them in different areas, drawing troops away from the main building. Medic and Italian President with 15 troops will enter through the northeastern parking lot and go through the basketball room. Slicer and Ears with 15 troops will enter through the North end of the football field and go through the cafeteria area. Me and the three Englishmen enter the South end of the football field and go through the M building."

Medic’s group enter the giant parking lot and they saw several Baddies in the area, keeping a lookout. The Heroes threw several dodgeballs at cars that are nearby the Baddies, causing them to explode and killing them. They continue running uphill, towards the school while killing any Baddies they saw. They entered one of the buildings.

Inside they discover they were inside the Gym. The President said, "I don'ta believe tis. They have a movie theater seats for their guests’a. They used to have wooden benches." They ran halfway across the room when suddenly, the roof started to cave in on them. Medic shouted, "RUN!" They flee to the nearby locker rooms before the roof came crashing down.

The dust started to clear down and the Heroes came out of the locker rooms and look up at the roof. The ones who destroy the entire ceiling is Traitor and a squadron of Baddies with jetpacks looking down at them.

"Playtime is over puny Heroes. Ha ha ha ha!"

At the football field, one of Englishmen grab a Nerf rocket launcher and fired at the guard tower. With it destoried, both my team and Slicer’s team march across the football field and threw dodgeballs at any Baddies we came across. I wished Slicer’s team good luck as we went down separate paths.

Slicer’s team entered the Fine Arts area. More Baddies came but they were no match to the Heroes. The gang exit the building and went back outside. The team saw the cafeteria building and enter inside.

Slicer looked around and said, "Dude, did you see what in the cafeteria?  They got special lines for any type of food here. Man I wish I was born a few years later" Ears ignore him and said, "The main building is just ahead, come on."

They were about to run out the building but they stopped when they saw a giant portal appear before them. A man with dark sunglasses and a emotionless look on his face step out of the portal. As the gateway shut down, the Baddie said, "I AM ROBOT. YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED."

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