Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Mystery of Old Captain Chapter 2

View Chapter 1

I arrived at Southwest part of Cabot near 2nd street and saw the boy and some blond girl being chased down the street by three men who looked like Predators.

I jumped in and threw several dodgeballs at them. They avoided and them return fire. I ran and hid behind the side of a nearby building to prevent me from getting hit by dodgeballs.

"Don'tsa worry, I'm here to a help." I look who said that and it was the President of the Italian club. He threw a 20 foot long spaghetti string and it wrapped around one of the Baddies. With one thug, the Baddie was pulled towards the President as the Hero pulls out a giant meatball and slam it into the Predator's chest, killing him.

The other two Predators threw dodgeballs at us. The President pulled out a giant ravioli to block their attacks. Suddenly, Gunner and Slicer joined in the fight.  Gunner's eyes widen, "Well darn tootin', we're fighting Predators.  If ah knew this, I be fixen' to have a mudbath to face these fellas."

Slicer replied, "Don't worry man, they're not real Predators. They're cosplayers."

One of the two cosplayers said, "He's correct. When me and my buddies heard a new Predator movie coming out next year, we wanna celebrate by dressing up. However we got orders to kill the boy for knowing something."

The closest one charge towards me with a dodgeball in his hand, ready to kill me with it. Out of nowhere, a Nerf bullet went through hand, causing him to drop the ball.

Everyone turned to the direction of where the Nerf Bullet came from. It was Gunner who is armed with two automatic machine Nerf guns.  He said, "No one kills mah friends and gets away from it.  Now eat foam you losers!" Hundreds of Nerf bullets were fired and it went through the Predators, killing them.

With them out of the way, I walked to the Sophomore and the blond woman and asked, "OK, what did you do this time?"

He said, "I went to the base, and asked Medic if I can join the Heroes seeing I helped you guys the last two times. He said that I had to ask you but you weren't around. I was told that you were searching Pinnacle Mountain for some old guy or something. Anyways, can I join?" I gave him a disgusted look and said, "You can forget it Sophomore. There's no way you're joining the team."

He had a look that's a mix of upset and irritation. "Oh come on and will you stop calling me a Sophomore, I'm been out of High School for some time." I rolled my eyes and told him, "I don't care what if you're a Sophomore or not. I don't want to learn your actual name. Anyways, Why are the Baddies after again...for the like third time?"

He answered, "Well hearing that you are going to Pinnacle Mountain, Me and my girlfriend went to my dad and asked him he had any files of the sealed up man. He called his old contacts in the secret agency and they send him a folder filled with pictures. I was on the way out of the house when I saw a giant Terrordactyl saying that I knew too much and started attacking. My dad kill that beast with dodgeballs.  He told me to go ahead to the secret base while he keeps a lookout at the house. On the way to the base, I saw saw those three Baddies chasing us."

He handed me the files and before I could open it, I asked, "So what happen to your other girlfriend? Did she found out about the blond? Is this her? The Sophomore scratch the back of his head and said, " Oh no, this is a different girl. After a month after I was involved in your battle, I realize I had to be faithful to my girlfriend so I end things with that blond. I came to surprise her in college with flowers when saw a shocking discovery." He was starting to look all sad, "I saw her kissing another man. I ran out of the college, deleted her number, and never saw her again. Maybe I deserve it after cheating on her." He started rubbing his eyes to wipe his tears.

I said, "Well um..anyways, I need to look at the pictures you gave me." The boy said, "Father told me the Secret Agency located the sealed man in the late 80s.  They put in cameras hidden in the area and took pictures whenever someone was inside the area.” I browse through the pictures and I was shocked on what I was seeing.

I said, "Guys, you need to see this.” I showed them the pictures.  It showed a young Villain and Robot, picking up pieces of machinery out of the ground. I said, "We need to get back to base immediately. Seems like Villain has been waiting all these years for someone to awaken Old Captain.” I told the Sophomore to back to his father and stay there while the rest of us hurried back to base.

We got inside the base and went to Old Captain. "Villain is coming for you, He’s been waiting for the day you be awaken so he force you to use the machine that you were going to use over 20 years ago."

Old Captain said, "I know. He was there the day I was making a deal with the leader of the Baddies that day. I was planning to make Captain and Villain as my successors as brothers in arms as they rule Cabot High School together. However, that idealistic fool Captain was against the whole deal and use his own Glowing Tennisball, by ripping out some strings and used them to put me in that frozen state, ending the whole deal."

All of us were horrified on what he told us. I said to him, "You're sounding like a Baddie. Heroes are suppose to protect Arkansas, not rule it." Old Captain replied, "There's no such thing as good and evil, just the winners and losers. If my army won the war, we been seen as "Heroes". I was planning to rule Cabot High School but the Baddies also wanted it for themselves. The war led to alot of casualties on both sides. Near the end of the war, we were a 8th of what we were."

Old Captain continue, "You ask me what the device was earlier today but you were interrupted. I tell you alright, it's a time machine. I planned to send a piece of Pinnacle Mountain back in time and the piece will crash into the High school during summer season, causing alot damage to the area. With the place needing repairs, I would go back in time to that event and I would take charge of repairs of the building. The city would see me as a "Hero" from my efforts. I made a deal with the Baddie leader that he be my 2nd in command as all of us take control of the school.  There would be no war, no deaths, and the school would be ours to control."

Gunner stomp his foot into ground said, "Ah can't believe what I'm hearing. You're no Hero, you're an Antihero."

He charged towards Old Captain with Nerf guns a blazing. The former leader pulled out a sheet of cardboard to block the bullets. Old Captain ram his piece of cardboard into Gunner’s head, causing it to knock back. With his guard down, Old Captain pulled out his plastic sword and stabbed it into Gunner’s heart.

We watched in horror as Old Captain push Gunner's lifeless body off his plastic sword. All of us pull out our weapons and I said to him, "That man was our friend, you will pay for this. Give up, there's only one of you." The traitorous man laugh, "One of me. You fools. While you were gone, I set down the defenses and signal Villain and his gang…"

Suddenly, the entire base shake.

"Oh, seems they're already here. You better join us or you will die like that fool Captain. Also, I want those Mythral strings that you had when you kill the Inferno." I replied, "There's no way we join you and even if I give you the strings, they don't work anymore. It's power was used up." The traitorous man said, "I know a solution to fix that problem but only if you give me the strings." I answered him no.

Shortly after, we see Baddies down the hallway, heading towards our direction. We quickly ran in the opposite direction. We all got inside a room and we activated the doors to close. I look at the control panel of the door and threw a dodgeball at it, causing a malfuction where the doors won't open. "That should hold them for a while."

I saw Medic got to a microphone nearby, "Emergency! Emergency! Base been invaded! Base been invaded! Need reinforcements! We regroup at Campground lake." We got to a nearby elevator and I signaled Medic to hurry up and follow.

An hour has past and Villain has met up with Old Captain inside the base. "Welcome back Old Captain. Alot has happened since you been asleep.” The fallen Hero replied, "I heard from the Heroes what has happened. Did you try to awaken me?"

Villain replied, "I needed the Glowing Tennisball to do that. When I awaken up from my 1st coma, I saw that we lost the High School and most of my army was gone. I try to take two different Glowing Tennisballs at two separate times but one was destroyed and the other fell into the Heroes clutches."

The so-called Hero said, "No matter, I finally awake. Now I shall continue my plans. Take me and the machine you savage to top of the High School. You said you lost most of your army, I can help resupply it again."

Villain carried Old Captain while flying on his jetpack. He set him down on the top of of the large building that was once the J Building. The former leader of the Heroes said, "This school has changed since I been gone."

The leader of the Baddies replied, "I know. When I was in control of this place seven years ago, it looked completely different. Between my two different sets of comas, I witness the beginning process of the remodeling."

Old Captain told Villain, "Back in the day, I sent about 200 troops into a time portal. They are a mix of Baddies and Heroes that are loyal to me. They been stuck in limbo all this time, ready to be released. I was going to release them during the rebuilding process but it seems you really need this army." within the next few minutes, Old Captain put together a machine. Once it was assembled, he put in a disk drive inside and he than typed his password on the machine’s keyboard.

A giant beam shoot out of the machine and into the sky. It turned into a giant portal over the entire school and about 200 troops fell from the portal. Villain laughed loudly as he saw the site of an army landing down before his eyes. “At long last! The High School is in my control again. Ha ha ha ha!”

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