Friday, November 20, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Mystery of Old Captain Chapter 4

View Chapter 3

Me and my gang have entered the M building. We ran down the hall and threw dodgeballs at any Baddie that came in our way.

As we continue running, one of the Englishmen asked, "Hey chump, was this the place where you kill the Evil Elf King fellow the 1st time?"

I answered, "Correct, this is the spot where I ripped out his green g…"

We stop when I saw a familiar face down the hallway that I haven't seen in years. It was Evil Cop. The enforcer of the law pulled out a nightclub and a taser, He said, "Freeze you Hero scum."

I pulled out two dodgeballs to prepare to fight this man, "You were in a middle of a battle a few years ago and then you suddenly disappeared. What happen to you?"

The Baddie replied, "Well you want to know where I was, well you see I was…" He stopped as a Nerf bullet went through his skull. Blood poured out of the Nerf bullet hole and he fell to the ground. I turned to who fired.

I looked at the direction and it was several former ROTC students who help us in the previous battles. They walked up to me and their leader said, "Hey, we received a message that your base was invaded. We hurried and on the way, we saw the school has been conquered again. We decided to check it out and then we saw that you about to confront the enemy. It's a good thing we’re here in time."

I sighed and then I slapped the backside of his head. He said, "Ow! What was that for?" I told him, "Because he was going to reveal one of the biggest mysteries of all time and you killed him just before he told us.” I sighed and contined to go down the hallway.

We exited the M building and now the only building in the way is the main building itself, housing the time machine we need to destroy. Something did seem strange as we were walk. We quickly notice that a giant shadow was covering the entire area. We looked up and what we saw was, One-Eye riding on his pet dragon in the air, blocking out the sun.

The dragon gave out a loud roar. He shoot out fire out his mouth and aim it directly at us.

Meanwhile at the gym, Traitor and his men looked down at the Heroes and threw dodgeballs at them. Medic put up a force field while the President of the Italian club pulled out a giant ravioli to block the shots. The other Heroes hid behind the chairs but sadly, three were hit.

The Baddies flew down to get close and the Heroes got up and started throwing dodgeballs at them. The gym has become a battlefield.

Traitor looked down at the Heroes and saw one that made his blood boil. "It‘s that Hero that made me crash into those trees back in Jacksonville. I will have my revenge." He flew down and deliver a drop kick on Medic, throwing him back a few feet. Traitor flew up a few feet in the air and was getting ready to kill him with a dodgeball.

The Italian President saw what the Baddie was about to do and lasso a spaghetti string around his leg. The Hero started to climb up towards Traitor. The Baddie pulled out a butter knife to cut off the piece of spaghetti that was wrapped around his leg. Before he could, the President quickly swing up in the air just before the string was cut. The President’s body flew above Traitor. With his body falling back down, the President grabbed Traitor and plan to crash him into the ground. Traitor turn his body around and made the Italian President crashed into the ground.

The Baddie soon got up on his feet and pulled out a red toy lightsaber to kill the Hero. As he raised his sword, Medic punch him in the face, which made the Baddie to lose his balance. The healer grab a sticky Nerf bomb and plant it on Traitor’s face.

The flying Baddie scream in a muffled voice, "GET THIS OFF! GET THIS OFF! GET THIS OFF!"

Soon the bomb exploded and most of Traitor’s face was gone. They watched as his body fell into the ground.

Medic looked around at the battlefield and saw that most of the Heroes won the battle and there were no Baddies standing. He lend out a hand to the President, "Are you alright?" The Italian student was pulled up and replied, "Don‘ta worry about‘a me. I'm alright."

Soon they hear a noise and look to the location. What they saw shocked them to make their skin turned white. They saw Traitor was getting up on his feet as a bright light was appearing in his chest. The light then went to his entire face, causing it to be restored like nothing happen. He said to them, "That Hurts."

At the lunch room, Robot pressed a button on his arm gauntlet and two machines rise out of the floor. The machines power on and created a giant force field around Robot’s body. The Heroes threw their dodgeballs at him but the their weapons bounce off of him.

Ears said, "Hmm, from what I can gather, this force field is designed to never shut down as long as those two generators are powered on."

Robot pressed a few buttons on his arm gauntlet. Soon, the ceiling mounted TVs shifted and transform into giant Nerf cannons. The Heroes quickly flipped the lunch tables to use as shields from the guns. Slicer asked, "Is there anyway to get to that Baddie?”" Ears replied, "Well the force field is only protecting him from dodgeballs and Nerf bullets. Melee attacks on the other hand can work on him. It's just the same thing that's protecting the time machine." This cause Slicer to give a big grin.

The Hero ran towards Robot on his roller-skates. Rolling past the cannons fire and getting closer to the Baddie. Robot stares at the upcoming Hero and doesn’t move. As Slicer was a few feet in front of him, ready to slash him with his toy lightsaber gauntlets…A portal appear in front of him. Slicer fell into the portal and the gateway closes.

Another gateway opened as Slicer fell out of the portal and fell through the glass the separated the main eating area and the serving lines room.

Seeing what happen to his friend, Ears narrow his eyes towards the Baddie. The Hero stay hid from the cannons as he was whipping up something. After he was done, he threw two sticky Nerf bombs and threw them at the cannons. After waiting few seconds, the Nerf cannons were destroyed by the bombs.

Ears went to Slicer and asked, "Are you hurt?" The rollerskater said, "Only my pride dude." They turn to the Baddie and saw he was throwing over ten paper airplanes with Nerf guns attached to them. Ears told the troops, "Keep the paper airplanes busy, Me and Slicer are going take care of this guy." He help Slicer get back on his feet. Both of them started charging towards the Baddie.

Hoping he can’t open two portals at once, both of them split up and ran around him to prevent Robot trying to open a portal in their faces. Ears pulled out his two toy lightsabers. Both of them slash at the Baddie but Robot simply sidestep and tilted his body to avoid all their blows. Slicer shouted, "QUIT DODGING THEM!"

Giant metal tentacles appear out of his jetpack and they went straight for the two. The two Heroes use their weapons to chop up any tentacles. Ears got close enough and swing his toy swords at Robot but the Baddie General grabbed him by both of wrists. Ears try to break free but no result. This cause him to do the next course of action, headbutting him. This causes Robot to release Ears and created large cracks in his own sunglasses.

The Baddie pulled off his sunglasses and stare blankly at the Hero. He punched Ears in the face. Robot quickly grabbed his arm and broke it. Ears scream in pain.

Slicer ran to help his friend in pain. Robot slowly turn his head to the other Hero and deliver a kick. Slicer was thrown back near the serving lines.

With the damaged Hero in his hands, Robot grabbed Ears’ face and slammed it into the ground. The Baddie's arm gauntlet started to shoot out powerful sonic vibrations out of his arm and into Ears' face. The sound of blood splatter was heard.

Slicer look in horror as Robot got back on his feet and shake off the blood off his hand. The Hero grinned and shouted, "THAT WAS MY BEST FRIEND YOU JERK!"

Robot stare blankly and said in a robotic tone, "I AM ROBOT. ALL HEROES WILL BE EXTINGUISHED." He lift his arms up and shoot powerful sonic vibrations out of his gauntlets. Soon, all the glass windows in the building burst open.

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