Monday, November 23, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Mystery of Old Captain Chapter 6

View Chapter 5

Standing on top of the science building is One-Eye and he is charging up a concentrated blast of Nerf bullets at me. I flew out of the way and the blast went by it barely past me by three inches.

One-Eye started pressing a few buttons on his arm-mounted Nerf Cannon said, "Next one won‘t miss. Initiate Heat-seeking Nerf Missiles mode." He fire 5 rockets and they were heading towards me. I fly as fast as I can but they were getting faster and faster. I turn my direction towards my enemy and flew straight at him. I look back and the missiles are coming close. I unbuckled the jetpack and jumped down. The missiles came in and destroyed the jetpack I was using.

I grabbed on the edge of the science building and started pulling myself up. Soon as I got up on the roof, One-Eye was standing there above me, charging a blast at point-blank range. "It's unfortunate that you destroyed my most prized specimen but no matter, once your executed, I find more dragon DNA to clone and use it to create an army for Lord Villain."

Just before he could fire, I push on his cannon. His weapon fired a blast and went down into the building we're standing on. Soon, we started feel the roof was getting ready to cave-in. I notice the Baddie was distracted by the recent event. I went in and deliver a mean right hook into One-Eye's face. He head barely fell back and a small trinket of blood pour down from his nose. It didn't seem to faze him.

He return with fist into my stomach and then deliver a kick. I was thrown back from the kick and sent back to the edge. I grabbed on it again to prevent me from hitting the ground. I was about to get back up but I change my mind with I felt the building was rumbling like crazy. I let go and safely drop down a few feet into the ground. I ran back as I saw the building collapsed.

I took a moment to breath a sigh a relief. I turn towards the main building to stop the time machine. Just then, a huge pile of debrief flew over my head. I turn to back to the science building and said, "It can be?" What I saw was One-Eye climbing out the remains of the building. He looked angry and was slowly walking towards me.

I asked, "How are you alive?" He stop walking and said, "I did experiments and used special types of drugs that I created. It makes me more resistance to most damage. It prove most satisfactory after the last time I was at a collapsing building has made me MIA for half a decade."

He press a button on his cannon and aim it towards me, "Rapid Fire Mode." I have no cardboard to protect me and I look around for nearby cover but there was nothing.

Suddenly, I giant noodle wrapped around his giant cannon and something else was pulling him back. I look and it was Medic and the Italian President, using big magnets and spaghetti to pull One-Eye back. Their troops were loading their Nerf guns to take out the Baddie general. One-Eye threw his cannon-armed hand to the side, breaking the giant noodle off. He then aimed his gun at them and fired over hundred Nerf bullets. The President pulled up a big ravioli as a shield, while Medic set up a miniature force field, and the remaining Heroes went for cover.

I ran the Baddie general and threw a fist. He started turning around at me as my fist connect. He was push back a little and it didn’t fazed him. He return with a swing but I duck in time. I counterattack with an uppercut to his chin and then deliver a mean right hook. It seems my punches is causing some level of pain but not much. I jumped back a few feet to think my next plan.

"HEY CHRIS!" I turn to the direction of who shouted and it was Slicer coming towards my direction. He said, "You need something stronger to take him out." He threw me his toy-lightsaber gauntlet. I grab it put it on. I notice it had broken end pieces but can still to take out One-Eye. Slicer said, "Oh and don‘t forget the weapon's secret."

I turned to Baddie and he was throwing a fist a me. I lean to the side just in time. I saw an opening to the side and threw my fist into his side. The gauntlet pierced through his side. I can easily see a rib bone showing from his wounds. The Baddie grabbed his side and looked like in extreme pain. He is aiming his cannon at me. Quickly, I pointed the broken gauntlet at him and with a flick of the wrist, Nerf bullets fly out and hit him. One of them went thought his one good eye. We all watch as the Baddie’s lifeless body fell to the ground.

I met up with the other teams of Heroes, it seems most of them made it. I notice that Ears wasn’t with Slicer, meaning he’s no longer with us. Medic walk up to me and asked, "So where‘s your team?" I replied, "I was fighting One-Eye’s pet dragon at one point and later him. I‘m guessing my team went inside to destroy the time machine." I pulled out my watch and said, "Crap, we only got three minutes left, we need to hurry and…"

Suddenly, we heard the sound of glass breaking above us. We looked up and saw the very same time machine we mention was thrown out of a window. It fell to the ground and broke in a dozen pieces. We looked back at the broken window and saw the three Englishmen jumping out of the windows as they pop their parachutes open before the safely landed on the ground. The main doors opened and showed the Former ROTC students leaving the building.

One of the men from south Lonoke ran to me and said, "We need to get out of here, he's not happy." I asked, "Who?" I looked at the broken window and saw an angry Old Captain. He jumped out of the window and crashed into the ground on his two feet.

"You destroy my time machine. Again, my plans to use time to conquer the high school has been delayed. You stupid fools shouldn'‘t follow after that idealistic fool Captain. I will make another time machine and this time I will go father back in time and do an event so great I will make sure that none you will ever be born. You will all pay."

I asked him, "Wouldn’t you erased yourself if you did this?" Old Captain replied, "Not while I have this." He reach into his shirt and pulled a necklace with something in the middle. It was a Glowing Tennisball, but it was giving off a dark purple glow. I said, "Your own evil has corrupted your own tennisball." Old Captain said, "I‘m not evil, I just chose the winning side. This ball will protect me from time paradoxes. I would be the only one unaffected from any timeline changes. Well there was the army I had in the time portal but stupid fool Villain needed an army. An army he lost years ago when he lost control of this school and been slowly try to rebuild over the years, only to be met with failures."

With a plastic sword in hand, he lashed out towards the closest opponent, me. My allies threw dodgeballs at him but he sliced threw any of them while trying to get to me. I grabbed my toy lightsaber and I block his attack. We clashed weapons several times till I found an opening and made a cut in his left knee. Old Captain continued fighting despite the pain he was in. I found another opening and slashed at his stomach. It wasn't deep but cause Old Captain to be in pain. He continued fighting. We fought till I manage to slice off his sword carrying hand. He used his other hand to grab his blade and trying to stand, he wasn’t done with the fight no matter what condition he was in.

Out of nowhere, blood burst out of his chest. The fallen Hero looked down and saw a hand piercing his chest from behind, grabbing firmly to his Glowing Tennisball. With one yank, the ball was pulled through his chest and Old Captain fell to the ground.

Standing above him was Villain. "Look at this, I finally have a Glowing Tennisball in my hands after all this time. Now it’s power will be part of me forever" He looks down at his former friend. 'So you didn't care if I was going to be erased in this new timeline, you can forget it. I'm the one who rules this land, not you."

Villain held up the Glowing Tennisball near his face and took a bite out of it. We were stunned that he was eating the ball itself. As he finishes wolfing down the ball, he scream loudly as dark flames was engulfing his entire body.

The wounded Old Captain was mumbling about something. I lean in hear what he was saying, shortly after, he passed away.

We watch the dark flames getting bigger and bigger. The flames were too big, we can't see what's happening to him.

Out of the flames came out a large foot, a different looking man in the flames walks out and appear before us. He has a different hair color, different eye color, skin tone, slightly a little more taller. Who was once Villain has now become…Supervillain.

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