Sunday, November 22, 2015

Heroes vs Baddies: The Mystery of Old Captain Chapter 5

View Chapter 4

At the Gym, Medic and the Italian President turned white when they saw Traitor back from the dead after having his face blow off. The healer asked, "How can you be alive?"

Traitor smiled, "So you want to know my secret. I tell you alright" I held out his hand with his fingers extended and with one move, he used his fingers to pierce the flesh in his chest. With one tug, he ripped out his chest’s skin, revealing his inner organs. One thing that stand out was his heart was covered with glowing strings. The strings then glowed brighter and started to cover his chest cavity. Soon the light died down and his chest was brand new.

Traitor told them, "You wonder why you haven’t seen me much during the three years between Villain going into his 2nd coma and The Inferno‘s arrival? Well I admit, I wasn't rebuilding the Baddies just yet. I know the Glowing Tennisball that Chris used on Villain was destroyed but there were a few remnants left. That Hero did got a hold of most of those remnants but a few have scatter to the winds. I searched all of Arkansas for them. When I found them, I contacted an underground doctor and asked him to perform surgery on me to wrap these strings on my heart. Once I had the strings within, all my major injures would be instantly heal, making me immortal. Ha Ha Ha!"

Medic asked, "If your immortal, then why not take over the Baddies seeing that Villain doesn't have kill you?"

Traitor answered, "Well after having the strings within me, I hurried back to central Arkansas and when I got there, I encounter The Inferno. He wanted me to restore Villain and the Baddies. I would say no but I could sense he was very powerful, maybe powerful enough to kill me to the point where there be nothing let of me to regenerate. After he was killed by you guys, all of us retreated and went into hiding. We were low on troops. I figure I wait and let Villain and Robot recruit to the point we have a full army again, and then I killed Villain and take over leadership. However, I have notice those idiots, Villain and Old Captain are not liking each other to the point where they will kill themselves in the near future. They do the job for me. Ha Ha Ha!"

Traitor was done explain and grabbed a giant Nerf rifle and fired at the two Heroes. The duo jumped out of the way. All the other Heroes in room fire at the immortal Baddie. He scream in pain and was covered in holes. Unfortunately for them, all of his wounds quickly healed up. Medic pick up a dodgeball up the ground but Traitor quickly flew to his area grabbed him by the wrist. With one snap, he broke his hand. Medic screamed in pain.

The immortal Baddie lifted his sword to do the finishing blow. The Italian President interrupted him and slam a giant meatball in the Baddie’s face and his body fell to the ground.

The immortal Baddie was slowly getting up. Wasting no time, the President grabbed Traitor by the arms as the Baddie try to struggle out. The President told the healer, "You must'a hurry. Remove his source of immortality."

Medic notice that Traitor dropped his toy lightsaber on the ground. The Hero used his one good hand to grab it. He walk to the struggling Baddie and swing his weapon on his chest, causing a major cut where you can see his inner organs. Medic used his chance to put his hand into Traitor’s chest wound and reach in to grab his heart.

As Medic was ripping the heart out of his body, Traitor scream, "NO NO NO! YOU CAN‘T DO THIS! I AM TRAITOR, FUTURE RULER OF ALL BADD…." Medic was successful and ripped the heart out.

With the source of his immortality gone, Traitor’s body quickly turned into a decomposing skeleton. This freak out the President and made him quickly jump and let go of the Baddie’s body. "Mama Mia!"

In the Cafeteria, Robot lifted his arms up and shoot powerful sonic vibrations. Soon, all the glass windows in the building burst open. Robot snap his fingers and a giant portal appear between him and the falling glass shards. Before it closes, the portal collected all the glass shards. Another portal appear where all the Heroes are standing, shooting out all the shards. The Heroes quickly ran but the shards manage to take several down.

The surviving Heroes fired there weapons at Robot but the force field protects from such hits. Slicer grinned teeth and started charging to the Baddie. Robot stares at him and held out an open palm and releasing powerful sonic vibrations. This throws the rollerskater back a few feet.

The Hero got back up on his feet and said to himself, "Not cool, projectiles get block by the force field and I can’t do melee attacks due to his blast attacks." He look around the room and came with a plan. He ran to several Heroes and whisper something them. After they were done, they nodded.

Several Heroes ran to one side of the room and threw dodgeballs at Robot. They did nothing but bounce. Robot turn towards them. He saw another group of Heroes were running towards him, he held out a open palm and prepare to release sonic vibrations at them to send them flying.

With him busy with those Heroes, Slicer pulled off his gauntlet out of his hand and threw it into one of the generators. The gauntlet stabbed the generator and it shorted out. The damage causes the generator to shut down the force field.

The heroes threw dodgeballs at the Baddie General but Robot open a portal to absorbed them and open another to fire back. The Heroes scatter before they got hit by their own dodgeballs. Seeing that Robot is distracted, Slicer runs in for the kill.

The Baddie stand there looking at the Heroes who flee, he reach to his left without looking and grab on to something. It was Slicer’s hand that was equipped with his one toy-lightsaber gauntlet he hasn’t throw. Robot slowly turn his head to the Hero. With one squeeze, he shattered Slicer’s three blades off of his gauntlet.

Robot then grabbed Slicer by the face and then slam him into the ground, preparing to do the same thing he did to Ears. Slicer struggle but it was no used. He pointed his broken ends of his gauntlet at Robot’s stomach. Just then, three Nerf bullets fired through Robot’s body.

Robot's eyes widen and got up on his feet. He was clutching to his wounds saying, "SYSTEM ERROR. SYSTEM ERROR."

The rollerskater got up on his feet and lifted his broken gauntlet to the air. "Just to let you know, these babies have built-in Nerf guns."

The wounded Baddie slowly lift his arm to release another sonic vibration. Slicer said, "Oh no you don't." He smack Robot's arm to the side. The rollerskater then threw his fist into Robot’s chest and it through his body. Slicer pulled out his hand, covered in blood. Robot sees the Hero’s hand and showing a rare emotion from what he seeing, shock. Slicer said, "Well it turns out your just a regular human like the rest of us."

The dead Robot fell to the ground.

Near the entrance to the main building, One-Eye's pet dragon looked down at us and aim his fire breath on us. We ran out of the way to avoid getting roasted by the dragon’s flames. I looked back and saw a few former ROTC students perished in the flames. I grinned my teeth at the animal for causing more death of my allies. I pulled out a copy of Ears’ device that shoots out sonic frequency. I used it and…Nothing happens.

One of the man from England pulled out binoculars and look at the creature. "Hey Chris, I think I found why the guy with the ears' little gizmo won‘t work. The dragon has cotton balls plugged in it's ears." I replied, "No wonder it didn’t work. One-Eye came prepared"

The giant lizard came flying down and swung it's claws at us. We ran in different directions to not get hit. All the Heroes fire their weapons at the beast but he used his wings to block all attacks.

The dragon flew back to the air. I watch the beast and I can see that flames were building up in his mouth. I ran to one of the Englishmen and gave him a signal. He put his hands to together. I put on foot on his hands and he threw me up into the air, towards the dragon.

Flying high in the air with a toy lightsaber in my hand, I jabbed it into the creature’s back. With the sword partly embedded, I started dragging it upwards to his head.

One-Eye got out of his saddle and turn towards me. The Baddie General threw a fist into to me. I was throw back and falling back to the ground.

Not wanting to die, I pulled out another gift from Ears. It was two wrist mounted grabbling guns. I equip them and aimed one at the Main Building. A claw attached to a chain was shot out and planted itself into the building’s wall. The chain started pulling me to the wall.

The dragon turns towards me and started releasing fire from his mouth. Quickly, I used the grapple guns to attach to a different part of the building and I was pulled to it’s location. I used my grapple guns a few times to prevent the dragon from shooting fire at me.

I looked out and saw several Baddies with jetpacks in the air attacking several Heroes that are on the ground. This gave me an idea. I fire my grapple at one of them and I was pulled to him. The Baddie notice a claw grabbed his leg, with my chain was pulling me straight to him. Before he could do anything, I killed him by jabbing my toy lightsaber into him. I unbuckled his jetpack and put it on.

Equipped with a jetpack, I used it to fly to the dragon’s backside. One-Eye notice me and he started fire his arm-mounted Nerf cannon. I dodge his attacks and crashed into him. He was throw back, falling off the dragon and into the ground.

Taking no chances, I stabbed my toy lightsaber down his backside and piercing into his heart. The beast was howling in pain. I release my weapons as the dragon was losing flight and falling to the ground. I used my jetpack and flew away as the dying dragon crashed into the Auto-Tech building.

With my new jetpack, I planned to fly to the time machine and destroy it.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a large concentrated blast of Nerf bullets nearly hit me. I was very lucky to not be hit. I looked down the science building and saw One-Eye standing on top of science building and charging up another blast at me.

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