Monday, July 2, 2018

Jurassic Park SNES LP part 4: Revisiting the Visitor Center

Well I finally got the computer rebooted.

Communications is useless right now. Only certain other computers actual can use that option.
User Options gives you hints and show you fractals.
I'm clicking Park Control. 
 Park Security opens certain doors. Gate Operation opens certain gates. Clicking Motion Sensors.
When I get back on the overworld map, I have a close ranged radar to tell if enemy dinos are nearby.

Fractals under User Options gives you these commands. All they do is change the background.

Since I have Nedry's I.D. I'm going to explore the remainder of the floor.

Can't proceed. I guess he didn't want us to know about his secret experiments like the Indominus Rex.

Went in a different direction and found a computer room.
Those red things were in the background of the actual movie as well.

Since I have Hammond's I.D. as well. I figure go explore the Sub level

I passed by the kitchen. Since I already killed the dinos from my 1st trip, it's a million times safer than it was seen in the movie.

Time to explore this place

This must be the same room where Hammond and Samuel L Jackson in technobabble about restarting the systems while Goldblum posed shirtless for some reason.

How did you lost your I.D.? Did you drop it when digging in dinosaur droppings.

Found batteries for my night-vision goggles. They help me explore dark rooms.

If you explore dark rooms without batteries. You heard raptor roars and your suddenly dead. Your back at the beginning of the building.

Inside is Alan Grant's very own I.D. Even the character your playing is guilty of losing his.

Another dark room contains some ammo and a 1-up. Losing lives isn't a big deal. You have unlimited continues if you lose all lives.

That piece of food is still sitting. Who in the world will think this is safe to eat.

Done with the place. Time to explore other areas now.

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