Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jurassic Park SNES LP part 6: Going through the Mazes

I'm finish my job on stopping the raptors from the Raptor Pen going into the Visitor Center. Time to check the communication towers on my next objective

Finally, an objective that makes sense for once.

Before I do go to the ship. I going to do some card collecting sidequests.

I'm back at the Nublar Utility Shed. The first location I visited when I started the game and turn on the power generator.

I got most of the building explored. There were only two rooms left I couldn't explore due to not having Malcolm's I.D.

I got a question, why do you need half of these I.D.s for? Alan, Ellie, and Ian were all guests to the island. They shouldn't have clearance to certain rooms.

Ian's I.D. led me to the lawyer's.

 *Sigh* Since I have the cowardly lawyer's I.D. I'm going back to Beach Utility Shed. The same place will Nedry's I.D. is located. This means I have to I have to go back through the entire giant forest all over again.

That dead Spitter is still there.

Like I said, on the way back after grabbing Nedry's I.D. The path is easier and quicker since certain dinos didn't spawn after killing them. Plus, I don't have to grab eggs on the way.

Avoiding the Tricertops again.

Back to this place. At least it's a short level.

The guy on who died on the toilet gives me access to the sub-level.
Found batteries I need for the level

I'm just going to let out my frustration on these fetch quests. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MONKEY-FLYING I.D.s ON THIS MONEY MAKING GAME!!! 

That should give a hint who plays the character above.

Time to head through the entire forest

Would it hurt to have Fast Travel Spots, Teleportion squares, Warp Whistles, or something to unlock a shortcut?

Thankfully this is the last time I'm going through the forest. I'm at the blue building in he bottom left. After the forest, I got to go through the mountain range to reach the boat.

I actually killed this guy from the beginning in the game with my Cattle Prog. His acid spit won't hit you my electric gun did. Since I'm here, time to collect the egg with no resistance.

Time to go through the giant maze.

On the way, I found another egg to collect.

Gee I wonder what happen if I ran up into the rocky wall.

This what happens.

I found this by complete accident when I was young.  

Seems the park staff wanted to put their park's logo in hidden locations or raptor's nests they shouldn't know about.

You walk up to a wall, it opens like a door. Notice there's a D there.

You can stock up on ammo and extra lives in here. Re-entering the building with have them back in the area like you never picked him up. So you can revisit this area many times to build up your ammo and lives.

Another good thing is entering and exiting the room is it can be a "checkpoint" in case you die and have to redo the entire mountain maze.

Finally off the mountain and found another egg.

Walking up the edge of the island before going into the boat.

Found an egg, extra life, and an R. You can't pickup letters.

Found what I looked up, there was a contest called, "The Great Dino Egg Hunt". Your suppose to find the hidden letters in the game. They spell Dr. Horner, who was a paleontologist consultant of the movies. The winner got a 5,000 dollar pay check.

Since many years have pass since the contest. They are nothing but background decoration now.

Arrived at the ship, now to start my mission.

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