Sunday, July 1, 2018

Jurassic Park SNES LP part 3: Nedry's Fetch Quest

Well I have to do some fetch quest to get Nedry's I.D.
I clearly remember where it is due to the numerous times I try to beat the game. It's in the Beach Utility Shed at the southwest region. To get to there you have to cross this big forest.

Or Pachies if you want a simpler name.  These headbutters are small and fast.  The cattle prog is the best weapon because on other guns, you can easily miss and wait a second for reload. However even with electric gun, they will still damage your health very badly.
Found some tranquilizers. They can easily put dinos to snooze in one shot.

Grabbed an egg on the way.

Thank goodness this pole is here in case I die. I rather restart halfway than to do the entire forest.

Well I already know that. These pop ups are sometimes annoying and useless. Press L or R to quickly get these off the screen. 

Went to this place to grab an egg and..Ohh Geez.!! A raptor ambush!!

Done with them and found a nearby med-kit to heal.

He's warning you. They normally appear in thin alleys in forests

Another egg on the way.

Oh no!! Oh no!! Oh no!!
Quickly get to the side before getting flatten.
This is where he ran into, a wall of trees.

Ambushed on both sides. Quickly put them to snooze before they jumped me.

Finally got to the very end of the forest.

I found a power pole to "save". Don't want to be stuck in the forest anymore longer.

Here's the Beach Utility Shed. But 1st I want to explore the outskirts a little. The music has gotten intense for the moment for some reason.

Hmm, what's this E for? Hey what's coming out of the trees?

OMG! Run!! Run!!!

T-Rexes are impossible to killed. You can try to outrun them but they will get to you. The only ammo that works is tranquilizers. All it does is pushes this monster back a little. Unleash all your sleeping darts and it will get tired of you and retreat

Well time to enter the shed.

Can't go the the sub level because blood sucking lawyer have his I.D elsewhere. Hint: It's not at a bathroom.

Found what I been looking for. Someone needs to get Nedry and sent him to the Spitters for making me do this fetch quest.

On the way back and blowing up dinos on the way.

Going up is harder because you have less time to move from the Triceratops.
The way back is actually quicker. Some of the enemies didn't respawn since I killed them and I don't have to worry about grabbing eggs.

Back at the Visitor Center now I have traitor's card.

There's the one computer that I need to reboot the computers.
 Now this is done, time to figure out the next objective.

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