Thursday, September 20, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 1: Coolest Opening Ever!!!!

To celebrate the DVD release of  Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom. I'm doing a Let's Play of the original sequel to Jurassic Park. I'm not talking about The Lost World, or the novel that the movie is loosely based on, I'm talking about the video game, The Chaos Continues. This came out long before the actual sequel movie or novel was out. I did play this when I was younger on my family's old SNES but I never did beat. Well I going to play the game again many years later.

Instead of having a Top-down perspective/1st-person view of the 1st SNES game, the gameplay in the sequel is side-scrolling shooter, kinda like Contra.

The game is extremely hard. You have one life and if you die, you have to restart the entire level all over. No checkpoints at anywhere in the game. No saves or passwords. And last, you have four continues. However, there is a cheat that gives you unlimited continues by tapping your L and R buttons in a certain order.

You you can tell, this is basically one your usual super hard games that usually found in NES and SNES games. You have to be a super retro pro gamer to play this...or cheat. >_>

There are bonus levels that at the end of the game but you have to raise the difficultly.

This is how the game starts, you see one of the coolest things ever.
OMG!!!! That was the coolest thing ever!!!! Sounds were coming out of their mouths!!! They were moving around like it was a T.V. show. Look to the characters, they look so real!!!

Here's the video of the opening if you want to see

It was the coolest thing ever....If you only had a Super Nintendo. I wasn't really a PC gamer and the only one I had for a while was my father's old Amiga. Anyone I knew that played Sega, it was mostly Sonic and a few other things. Years later, I learn that Sega CD was full of FMV games and that PC games did had voice acting and animated cut-scenes.

I have heard about the live-action cut-scenes from Wing Commander many years later but at the time, the best I knew about Wing Commander was that there was a cartoon that had dimension-traveling barbarian voiced by Worf made a guest appearance on the Wing Commander show in one episode after he crossover in worlds of the T.V. shows of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.
Here's an article from Denofgeek that explains the entire bizarre forgotten crossover

I swear, they look like those guys from Gargoyles.

The game's story was that Biosyn sent an army to take over Isla Nublar  The very same island where Jurassic Park 1 and the World movies take place. Biosyn is the same company that cause Dennis Nedry to betray his co-workers to steal dino embryos before he got himself killed. Biosyn remain nameless in the movie. In the novels, they have a bigger role.

Here's the mission select

This is your gun-ho character, Dr. Alan Grant. The next time you see Sam Neill on the screen, remember he is a gun-slinging action hero. *sarcasm*

One of the buttons make Sam Neill pose like he is one of those cool 80s action stars that say cheesy one-liners. The "pose" button does help you avoid getting hit briefly.

The other buttons have your regular jump and shoot. Pressing up just make Grant aim upwards.

Time to show Alan's arsenal. You got three lethal weapons and three non-lethal. The L and R buttons cycle through them.

Starting with non-lethal. You can't kill 100 dinos in the game or it's game over, unless it's raptors. You have to rely on these non-lethal ammo when fighting dinos.
 You got the Cattle Prod. A taser you can shoot in small blast or charge up to release a big blast at your foes. You have unlimited ammo on this one. Sometimes it's best to have it charged if your in a dino infested area unless you know your about to cross paths with the brown raptors.

Rapid fire tranquilizers. More powerful than the Cattle Prod but you can lose ammo very quickly.

Gas Rockets. The best ammo to use quickly subdue the dinos in one or two blasts.

Now for lethal. Best to use on enemy humans since they are immune to non-lethal.

Rifle. This has unlimited ammo.

Machine gun. Rapid power weapon than can wipe the floor with foes but it runs out of ammo very quickly.

Shotgun. One of your best weapons. It is the best weapon if you got a hard to hit enemies. However you have limited ammo, so use wisely.

The game has a 2 player mode where Micheal Wolfskin joins you. This is his only contribution to the entire franchise. All we know about him is he was sent to help Grant.

I will get to the actual game in the next part.

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