Saturday, September 22, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 2: Get these Raptors out of my face

Time to start the game.
Let's start with the 1st one.

Sounds alot like that one mission from the 1st SNES game where you go to the Raptor caves and activate the gas.

We start in a jungle. This part is very short and we be indoors very quickly. Better enjoy the fresh air while you can Grant.

It's a nice music to listen to. Nice atmospheric theme that fits with the lush background.

Good gosh! That green raptor suddenly came out of nowhere!

There's two different types of raptors, the green ones and brown ones. Green ones are easy and you can easily defeat them with one charged shot of your cattle prod.

While killing 100 dinos gives you a game over, raptors are allow to killed by lethal ammo for some reason. However, with it being a dino-filled level, I'm fine staying with the non-lethal. If I see a raptor or know the location is filled with raptors, I use the big guns.

Good thing your crossing the pit this way and not swinging on the vine or I would of made a Tarzan/Indiana Jones/Pitfall/George of the Jungle joke.

 Better take care of this guy with on the vine.

The little compies from the 1st game is back.

Compies are annoying little critters. They run fast and lower your HP when. If you see one, quickly duck and fire or jump over if they are coming.

I hate to see the size of that sting.

Mosquitos are easy to avoid if they fly high. It's it's low, either fire away or jump over.

Well I see an opening in the bushes to be in the next area. I cross it and...
OMG!! Another raptor in my face!

Brown raptors don't go down from your fully charge energy gun. There is two different types of brown raptors, one has a little more health and it's a lighter shade of brown. The best thing you can do when you see brown raptors is to fire two or three gas rockets and they go down. You can hop over them before they can attack to avoid damage but do it quick.

Crossing the electric fence area. Sadly, unlike the first game, you don't get a funny animation scene of Grant turning into a cartoon skeleton if you touch the loose wires.

Found a med kit. Guess it's better than finding a random chicken leg laying on the ground that would most likely give you food poison. Well it seems the 2nd game is at lease trying to be more realistic on trying to restore health.

Found the entrance to HQ.

These bio hazard containers are found everywhere. Wonder what's in them?

OMG! Another raptor in my face.

The problem with them is they can attack real fast.

What a thrill
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill

Ok, enough referencing other ladder scenes from other video games.

You can shoot down these raptors from the top of the ladder. They won't go near you unless you step off the ladder. Without them coming at you, you don't have to worry about wasting your expendable ammo. You can stay on your taser or regular rifle. 

The raptor's AI is dumb. It spins in circles, saying, "OMG, I don't know what to do"

The Spitters are back and still spitting green balls of spit. I swear, the image of the cattle prod blast in the top left looks more closer to a spit ball. The Spitter's spit looks like a green potato.

Found some health. Don't worry about saving it for later. While this place is a maze, there's very little branches in your path that split you off.

Found some ammo. You can cycle your weapons and you can get 20 more if you have shotgun or gas missle or 100 for sub-machine gun or rapid tranquilizers.

This odd looking arch is a doorway to the next area.

Shoot them while I hanging here

or here

Do yourself a favor. Do not jump unless there's a ladder on the other end. It's impossible to do and you lose health if you try.

Spitters might of a chance to hit you while on ladder. I recommend using the big guns quick.

I wonder what's down there?
OMG! I'm dead.

Back to this area again, there's nothing down there but two Spitters from earlier. A waste of time to go down there.

Yet another raptor in my face. He actually came from above. This must be the smartest dino in the level seeing the others do nothing but spin in circles.

I hate ramps. This where raptors like to spawn. You can't shoot them early as you want. Hard to jump over them. You can't aim your gun in a upper diagonal way.

More health the better.

Came through another doorway and found Grant doing this.

Quit texting while on the job.

I'm guessing he's checking his mission report.

Well I found a few med kits a few feet within each other. I guess it's a sign that they want you at full health. Gee, I wonder what's coming?

Well you release the gas, better hurry out of here. Also your health drains while the timer is going.

I lost count the number of times I died on this part. I tried over and over. Even if you play on easy mode, this is still super hard to finish this end part.

I had to plan strategies to escape. Make your health is 100%. You can go by 90% and avoid damage and still die before getting to the exit. Also, go with gas rockets before hitting the gas switch. You can be prepared to quickly take down dinos real quick while running.

Immediately after hitting the switch, there is a pit with ladders on the side. You may be in a hurry and jump but do yourself a favor, do not jump down. The loss of health will effect you more than the loss of a second or two to get on the ladder and climb down. Underneath is two or three brown raptors. Jump over them, don't waste time blasting them, just outrun them and move on. Thankfully this part is very straight forward. Just hurry quick and be careful not to lose health.

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