Friday, September 28, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 5: Feathered Dinos can hurt you like crazy.

View part 4

Now I'm done with the regular mission, it's time for emergency mission.

The level start with a sliding door opens in front of me. We're back to the abandoned dark indoors setting with the haunting music.

Throughout the main room, there are 5 rooms.

At the end of the main room is a sliding door that won't move. Maybe a Robot Master from Mega Man is on the other side...or not.

The goal is to collect the 5 portable power supplies in these 5 different rooms and come back to that yellow sliding door. On to the 1st door.

Jump and shoot. Jump and shoot.

Ack. I'm already dead.

 You can't jump down unless you reach the end point. Do yourselves a favor, don't go use the pipes to cross in the 1st room. Besides, there's nothing there anyways.

OMG!! Finally, a feathered raptor.

This is an Oviraptor. They're attack pattern is more like a super compy than a raptor. They do run across fast and take a few hits to kill. Sometimes, it's best to have the big guns ready to take care of them.

They never did appear in any of the movies. In the novel, Grant mentions he hopes to find a Oviraptor skeleton at his dig site. The only other appearance of these in the entire franchise was in GBA game for the 3rd movie.

I don't know when exactly that feathered dinos started to get known. I'm surprised that an obscured non-canon sequel to the 1st movie has these at in the early years of the franchise.

Couldn't he just roll the grenade towards me rather than throwing upwards in an arch?

Sadly, unlike the others, shooting these feathered dinos on the ladder won't do anything. They are standing too far away for the bullets to hit them due to weird video game logic.

Found the 1st portable generator. 

Shortly after, I found a doorway that leads me back to the main room. Despite going through a completely different door, the 1st room's exit led to exactly where the entrance to the 1st room is. Typical video game logic.

Time to blast his kneecaps off.

So what's in this opening?

Nothing but pain and a dead end.

Wouldn't hurt him to aim the rocket launcher downward towards where the ladder starts?

This pyro is guarding the 2nd generator. Best to unload the shotgun ammo to take him out.

I got the generator and found the exit. Before I go, I decided to go right.

I'm surprised our pathologist isn't screaming his hair is on fire.

Anyways, it was a dead end.

Time to go to the 3rd door.

Is it even worth getting that med-kit? Your more likely going to replenish your loss from the pyro than gaining anything.

Ok, it turns out after nearly being halfway done with the level, the compies for some reason now show up.

Would it hurt for him to aim upwards?

Found the 3rd one.

Now to the 4th door.

Went through the 4th room, found what I was looking for, and found the exit not long after.

Time to pickup the last generator.

Climbed the 1st ladder in the 5th room, blasted away two Biosyn agents that were on top.

Now there were two pathways, climb the ladder on the top left, or go right...
Which leads to a dead end.

Got to the top of the ladder. Hmm, do I go left or right. I go right...

Another dead end. Don't ever go right in the 5th room when your at a crossroads.

Good, I need that health.

Found the last generator and time to visit the main room one last time.
This finally unlocks.

The final room is full of oviraptors. I went ahead and stay on gas rockets or shotgun to mowed them down. Plus I'm now on the under 100 seconds mark. Don't want to get a game over.

Found a recycled sprite of that scientist I saved from that other mission along with a worker. This seems to be the incubators the mission briefing talked about. Don't let the scientists' appearance fool you, they can kill if your not careful. There's also a pyro on the top floor, so be careful.

After you kill them and arrived at this dead end, our paleologist pulls out his communication devise.(Can't be a cellphone seeing when the game came out)

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