Sunday, September 16, 2018

You Will Cry!!! 2017 Part 2

Here's a collection of jokes about movies from the 2nd half of 2017. Enjoy!

1.I'm going to make you watch Spider-Man Homecoming. You will cry...When you see the actress Zendaya playing as Mary Jane Watson...Or Not...Or Maybe...Umm something.

2. That Flash Thompson, the big jock a nerd.
We went from a guy that beat you and take your lunch money...

to this guy. I could easily whoop this boy with my eyes closed.

3. That the elderly Aunt May is young and attractive
Well the supposed 2022 reboot hasn't happen yet but it may go this down this route if it continues.

4. That you were disappointed on the post credits.

Note#1- Spidey's one true love is the beautiful blond Gwen Stacy... Err I mean the lovely redhead Mary Jane Watson.(It varies in different versions, Gwen's usually the girl that passes away)

A year before the movie came out, it was rumored Zendaya was going to be MJ and people complain. Mostly due to a fair skin redhead is played now played by a biracial girl. Heck, the entire cast been re-imagined with diversity like Ned, Flash, and Liz. However this isn't the first time happen to them. Ultimate Spider-Man(a comic that retells the story in the 2000s) and the show, Spectacular Spider-Man did this to Peter's classmates.

A later interview showed Zendaya said she's playing Michelle, not Mary Jane. Also she said her character is anti-social which clashes with MJ's fun-going personality.

Then at the end of the movie, she told her classmates to call her MJ. Then the internet exploded again since she's MJ again...or not. People behind the scenes said she isn't Mary Jane but she might have a role similar. Some don't like her due to her openly mocking her classmates.

Note#2- Flash Thompson was your usually jock bully. He does stop being a bully later on in his life. In the new Spider-Man movie, he is a bully, but he more like a rich upper class man whose the top of his class type of bully. The team behind the movie wanted to update the character with today's times, since bullies do come from different groups in school. But honesty, does this guy like someone who will enlist in the army like the other versions.

Note#3- Aunt May did appear in a smaller role in Captain America: Civil War in the previous year and viewers were surprised she's even far more younger than any previous actresses. The Tobey Maguire version of Aunt May was the closest of the original comics. They made her younger because the people who made this wonder if she is the wife of the brother of Peter's father, shouldn't she be closer to Peter's parents' age.

People do joke about Peter getting younger but he did started out as 15-year in the original comics.

Note#4-Imagine you were at the theater and waited through the credits to see a teaser of the next Marvel movie, only to see Captain American on a white background, teaching you about patience. Saying waiting and having patience leads to victory, other times it's not worth it, you wonder why wait so long for something so disappointing.

Basically Marvel is trolling the audience. They know their viewers are sitting through the long credits.

Here's the trailer if you want to see

*spoiler warning, skip to the next entry*
You will cry....That this war...Is only in the 1st few minutes.

Note- There was a skirmish between humans and apes at the very beginning of the film. Most the remaining movie turned into a revenge quest for Caesar since he "tries" to go on his own to kill one bad human. Later on, the movie was more closer to "The Great Escape" or the Biblical Exodus than a full on war. The bad human was more gearing up to a different group of humans than apes at the end. There was more human vs. ape war in the previous movie than this one. It's not a bad movie but the title is a little misleading.

Here's the trailer

*I'm going by the DVD release in America*

1. I'm going to make you watch Shin Godzilla, you cry that Godzilla now some sort of ugly zombie skeleton mutant thing with a face on it's tail.

*spoilers ahead skip to the next section if you don't want to be spoiled*

2. That Godzilla shoots lasers out of it's tail and fins.
WTF. This is the weirdest thing since I seen him slide on his tail in Godzilla vs. Megalon.

3. That Godzilla got defeated by a kid's butt shoved into his mouth.
You ruined Godzilla. How dare you!!!

Note#1- This is a stand-alone Godzilla movie that re-imagines him in a different way. He does look ugly because he was a rapidly mutating monster that somehow ended up the way he is. He's meant to look like a mutation gone wrong.

*Spoilers ahead, skip to the next movie*
Note#2- He does display new abilities in this movie. I sure if you tell somebody who didn't see this and told them that Godzilla shoots atomic breath out of his tail and fins. They be saying, "WTF!? Are you messing with me?"

Note#3- There was a weird tie-in to the new movie where Shin Godzilla appears in some anime called Crayon Shin-Chan.

Godzilla in the show looks totally awesome in cartoon form. He's wreaking havoc across the city and suddenly... then you see these cartoonish human characters.

The episode ends with the human kids making Godzilla breath in a chemical(That looks similar to the Oxygen Destroyer.) and Shin-chan jumps in and, I kid you not, shoves his butt into Godzilla's mouth. This causes Godzilla to morph into a little tiny lizard.

There are some people who did not like this crossover. I admit, it is weird and silly. Well this isn't the 1st time Godzilla had a weird crossover. He had cross paths with basketball player, Charles Barkley.

Yes, this actually happen.

I'm going to make you watch Kingsman 2. You will cry...When you see the a burger.

*Warning, don't read the next paragraph if you have a weak stomach.*

Note-The villainess gets a new recruit and wanted to test him by throwing his friend into a meat grinder. He does that and gets a membership tattoo across the street. When he comes back, the villainess wants him to eat this burger she recently made. It is made of remains of his friend that he killed and he is told he can't join her group unless he takes a bite out of the food she made.

Here's the trailer. Geez, they are not even trying to hide certain spoilers

You will cry...When you see the Hulk's butt. Gross, I don't want to see his huge green CGI glutenous maximus. I had enough from Neo, Wolverine, and Deadpool already.

1. Going to make you watch Justice League...You will cry...When you see Superman's invisible mustache.

2. That Green Lantern isn't in it due to avoid the "whitewashing controversy" that Ryan Reynolds had a few years back.

3. That they recast the Flash.

4. That the lame weakling Aquaman is in the movie and...

Wait what?

5. Trying to figure out who the heck is Steppenwolf and why he's the main villain.

6. That Joss Whedon ruined Zack Snyder's epic movie/that Joss Whedon tried his best to salvage Zack Snyder's mess of a movie.

8. That minor character Cyborg from Teen Titans is somehow one of the main members of the Justice League.

9. That you didn't get the live-action black suit, bearded, mullet wearing Superman and Flash's weird time travel cameo on Batman v Superman still doesn't make sense.

Note#1- The guy who plays Superman had a role in the newest Mission Impossible where he had a very thick mustache. He's under contract to not shave it for the time being. When Justice League needed to do reshoots, well they had to CGI his face to hide the mustache. It looks off and animated at times.
"Why are the visual effects not done? It's a metal arm, it's not like we're trying to remove a mustache!"
-Deadpool in the trailer of his 2nd movie while making a jab towards Superman.

Note#2- The Green Lantern who is one of the most popular members of the Justice League didn't appear. I made a joke he wasn't in it due to avoid the "whitewashing controversy".

I make a timeline of everything led to this joke.
  • There been multiple humans who had the mantle of Green Lantern in the comics. The most well known is Caucasian test pilot, Hal Jordan.
  • In the 2000s, there was Justice League show and one of the members is African-American former U.S. Marine, John Steward as the Green Lantern.
  • Ryan Reynolds got a stand alone Green Lantern movie in 2011 and some response, "OMG!!! He's suppose to be black, I can't believe they are whitewashing him." 
Yeah, people who don't know Green Lantern beyond the show complain despite John and Hal being two different people.

Note#3- People complain that they got a completely different actor to play the Flash when there is a popular live-action show airing the same time the movie is out. People wondered why they didn't get the same actor as the T.V. show.

I'm sure it's for many reasons, one thing is Grant is busy filming 22 episodes a year on his own show alone. Him coming to play a character for a multi-million dollar movie may make him more busy. Plus, it's a different world from the T.V. show. Usually when there's a reboot or a movie that's separate from a show, it's very rare to see an actor playing the same character in different universes.

Plus both Flash actors support each other and joke they should have dimension crossing adventures.
Edit: Turns out Erza did a quick cameo in Grant's show.

A long time ago, there was a cartoon called Superfriends and most people remember Aquaman being lame and he has the power to talk to fish. Well there been numerous comics and shows over the years that try to made Aquaman cool. However, alot people still think Aquaman as he was since Superfriends. That be like saying Batman been the same since his Adam West days.

Note#5- Steppenwolf is an odd choice of a villain. You have to be a real hardcore DC fan to know who he is and even they are scratching their heads on why he ended up in the lead baddie in the very 1st ever Justice League movie. He was an underling of Darkseid who is DC's version of Thanos from the mega-hit, Infinity War. Making Steppenwolf the main baddie is like making a member of Thanos' black order that you saw in Infinity War. It may of been find if this was a comic or episode but not a major blockbuster.
Edit: The Snyder cut is out and he actually has a character and serving under Darkseid that you see alot of.

Note#6- Zack Snyder was the director of Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League. He was done on the filming of the movie and getting ready for post-production and reshoots. Unfortunately, his daughter committed suicide and Snyder didn't have it in his heart to continue and he wanted to be with his family. He pass the torch to Joss Whedon to finish up the movie. 

Not everyone is happy with the direction the DC movies been going. Joss Whedon directed Avengers 1 and 2 and Marvel is doing better than DC is with their movies.

However some argue that the movie been better if Snyder stayed around. Others say Whedon try his best to fix the movie despite coming in late. I can't give an answer to that. There was noticeably content that was cut.

Edit: Well the fantasy of the idea of the Snyder Cut is long been out and it is a far superior film. I'm sure that Warner Brothers would of asked Zack to trimmed it into 2 hours regardless if he left early or not.

Note#7- Cyborg for decades was mostly seen with the Teen Titans which is a different group of DC's heroes. Well in recent years, it seems they promoted Cyborg into one the core members of the League and the new movie is following that. The main reason is for diversity, just like why John Steward is the Green Lantern in the 2000s show instead of Hal Jordan.

Note#8- In the previous movie, Superman got killed by Doomsday and everyone was upset. Just like that popular storyline from the 90s. The famous comic story ended with Superman coming back in a black suit and saying he wasn't dead, but in a coma. The final shot of previous movie had Superman's coffin shaking. Making you think he's coming back on his own. Skip the rest of the paragraph if you don't want to be spoiled. Well in the movie, the league used alot of gizmos to revive Superman. So the idea we were going to have something similar to Superman coming back from the dead(or coma) with a black suit didn't happen.

As for Flash's weird cameo in the previous movie. Everyone saying he time-traveled to warn Bruce about something. I guess it was meant to foreshadow in this movie or something. It still don't make sense. Everyone saying he used superspeed to time-travel. It's possible it would of been more explained if Snyder was able to complete it on his own.

Edit: Well the black suit Superman is in the Snyder cut. What's funny is the time traveling Flash cameo sort of somewhat made more sense in the Whedon cut. Superman was insane when he was resurrected till Batman brought Lois over and he cooled down and fans theorized that's how he didn't go the dark path.

You will cry...That Jack Black is staring at The Rock's behind and having an erection towards one of the Jonas Brothers.

Note- The story of Jumanji is that four teens play a game and then got transported within the game itself. Before they got sucked in, one girl selected her character who was described as a "Curvy Genius", little did she know she was going to be stuck in the body of Jack Black.

Telling people who has little to no knowledge of this flick that Jack Black is looking at The Rock and feeling hard for the Jonas Brother will cause funny reactions.

Here's the trailer

1. You will cry...That Luke is squeezing boobies.

*Spoiler Warning. The entire remaining section will be talking all the major spoilers in the flick.*

2. That Admiral Ackbar died offscreen in a lame manner.
What!? Why you kill off the coolest character in the franchise?

Man, nobody came to see Star Wars to see these bozos. They came to see Admiral Ackbar. If your killing him off, than what's the point of watching The Last Jedi?

3. That Snoke dies halfway and you never get to know who he was. theories.

4. That the identity of Rey's parents one special.

But..but my theories.

5. That after 30 long years since we last saw Luke...You will cry when you see an emo hermit

6. That even Luke is now dead.
Yup, Luke died at some point that you see his force ghost 130 years after the Battle of Yavin. What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Note#1- Luke squeezed boobs is a joke I make to say to people who haven't seen The Last Jedi, just to watch their reaction. What I say is true, from a certain point of view. Really Luke goes to a random animal and suddenly milks it to pour it's green milk into a Luke's plastic bottle.

Note#2- The ship that the resistance is on got hit and killed several people on board. They mentioned several people who died later on from the attack, one of them was Admiral Ackbar.

Ackbar was a small background character from Return of the Jedi who is best known for the phrase that turn into a meme. "It's a trap!" He may of been a background character that wasn't a big deal but he does have his fans. People were not happy.

The comic adaptation at least showed you his final moments.

Some say that he should of took over while Leia was unconscious instead of Holdo. Ackbar could of been the one who went out in a blaze of glory by hyperdriving into the First Order's ship instead of some purple-hair lady who we barely know. Also talk to the crew, letting them know you have a plan instead of not letting them know of a plan that led to a mutiny.
Imagine Ackbar did this.

Note#3- In Force Awakens, we were introduced to the mysterious Snoke who is the supreme ruler of the First Order.

Hundreds of theories of his identity came out since then. Midway in The Last Jedi,  the heroine is introduced to the main villain himself face-to-face. The villain's apprentice, Kylo Ren suddenly killed him in a surprise attack and because of this event, we never learn who he was.

Some joke and say the Snoke is the Stormtrooper that bump his head in Episode. 4, which expands the head scar.

Darth Plagueis was the most popular theory. With Disney hitting the reboot button, Plagueis can look whatever he can now instead of his established look in the original Extended Universe. Plus Plagueis being alive is plausible since it's only a tale told from Palpatine and for all we know, he may of told some half-truths in his tale.

Kylo killing him and becoming the main baddie may be a cool twist but we were hyped up on Snoke for a movie and a half through his holograms projections. We finally see him...and he's dead.

Note#4- Rey who is a girl left behind on the planet Jakku, wondered what happen to her parents in Force Awakens. This led to hundreds of theories who her parents are.

Some say she's Luke's daughter. Some saw Obi-Wan's. Maybe Palepatine's. Some joked Luke and Leia's(eww), Others say Erza and Sabine from Rebels(2-tanned skinned people producing a fair-skin baby is kinda sketchy), Some say she's Han and Leia's, meaning Kylo is her bro and this is an adaptation of Jaina Solo vs Jacen Solo aka Darth Caedus.
The original Kylo Ren vs Rey...Well if she was his sister.

Well in the movie, Kylo Ren read into her mind and told her that her parents are people who gave up on her and traded her for drinking money. Her parents were no one special.

Some like the twist, others were upset. Some say that Kylo is lying and trying to get her on his side.

Note#5- Alot people were not happy on the new direction of Luke's character. Some like it that it shakes things up and surprises us. Others say this goes against everything about Luke's character. Even Hamill was surprised the direction they went with his character, however he did change his mind as the filming started.

Note#6- Some people have heard what happen to Luke and asked me if this was true. I explain by telling the events of his force ghost appearing in the original Expanded Universe. Just to mess with them.

However yes, from the actual movie. Luke is now gone.

It's sad. Han died in the last movie, Leia died in real life, now Luke is gone(and Ackbar) Everyone is dying.
Because of Mickey hitting the reboot button. Chewie came back from the dead, only to watch everything he loves dies. :(

Ok, I don't want to end this on a depressing note. Well Luke might be back as a force ghost. Or they may find a way to retcon Luke's and Ackbar's fates. After all, both Boba Fett and Darth Maul came back.

In other news, Clone Wars is un-cancelled and they continuing where they left off. :D

Here's the trailer

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