Thursday, September 27, 2018

Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues LP Part 4: Breaking jump physics to gun down the T-Rex

Time to start the 2nd regular mission

Back in the jungle setting again.

These platforms are one of the few new things in this level.

Unfortunately, they make it hard to avoid raptor attacks

Annoying chompies are still around.

Suicidal raptor jumping into the pit. Either he likes to kill himself or he has terrible AI.

Sometimes, it's easy to avoid their attack depending how close you are to the block. However if your a few inches away while seeing the raptor appear onscreen, well good luck.

When you pass the 1st "door", you see two pathways, left or right. I'm going to left.

It's over Grant, I have the high ground.

Yeah, the spitter has the advantage. It's hard to duck or jump to avoid his spit and you have to time your attack right as your jumping.

So what did taking the left path lead?
A dead end.

No items or anything. So after you enter the 2nd area, don't go left, go right.

More hard to kill raptors are coming.

Arrived at the giant fence area.

At one point, it becomes a platformer game to avoid the loose electric wires. In the middle of jumping over these, a compy comes out to attack you. You barely have time to shoot him so just jump over him and it be out of your way.

I seriously needed this. This is the only one in the entire level, so savor this med kit.

After you get the med kit and enter the next area, hurry and run to the right. If you wait a few more seconds, a T-Rex runs over you.

You see the man driving park's company owned jeep. Hurry up and jump on top.

The T-Rex is here to take a chomp out of you.

Unload all your ammo on the giant lizard. This will push him back. It will get close if you don't.

The T-Rex isn't the only opponent in this part. If you see Biosyn agents hanging on vines, simply jump to avoid their fire and you won't lose health.

You can try to shoot them down but it's a waste of time. Your ride is going so fast you only see them for a two seconds.

Speaking about jumping, if your jumping up from a speeding jeep, wouldn't Alan fall off and become tryranno food? Well of course, this is video game logic for you.

There is one thing that I keep dying from the boss fight. It's isn't the T-Rex nor it's the Biosyn agents shooting at you. It's this pit.

Your suppose to jump on this vine at the end of the chase. The problem is that the vine over the pit suddenly comes out of nowhere. You barely see when it comes up and have little time to jump on the vine.

Well the big dino had to turn around since it couldn't get to me. As for my driver...Let's have a moment of silence for him.

Surprisingly, Alan doesn't react that much on the loss of his comrade.

You sure it's not a mission failure?

Well technically, I survived the event. I will encounter the big dino again later on.

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