Monday, December 30, 2013

Dodgeball 3: Facts and Deleted Material

Like the other Dodgeball stories, this one went through rewrites as well.

Several friends wanted me to write this story. The problem is that I haven’t seen the 3rd Matrix movie in theaters and they have to wait. I quickly wrote the story soon as it came on DVD.

The story started with “We entered the French Restaurant.” Ok, did Cabot ever had a fancy French restaurant? I had to rewrite it as a secret place that’s underneath the President of the French Club’s house. Also, that’s a lame way to introduce people into the story. We need a reminder of what happen previously and set up a intro to the story. The part that Giant Robot Spiders were going to attack Austin wasn’t mention till we got to the French guy. I also had to make an excuse why we couldn’t reach Austin on foot, car, or the subway that secretly under Auto-Tech building.

The Maitre d' part was added because the scene from the restaurant to the dance club was quick. I felt like needed expanding and yes, I took that bubble gum bomb from Never Say Never. No, not that movie based on that singer that needs a haircut, the one with 007 is the one I'm talking about.

I didn’t notice the bondage-like leather in the dance club in the movie till long after I wrote the story. I added a joke that how it’s weird that the Frenchman who is suppose to be a High Schooler runs this type of place.

Anyone who seen the movie knows that Neo is trapped a subway in the 1st 30 minutes. Forget it, I’m not going to be trapped in a boring place. I changed it to we need to make a deal with the Frenchman to use his subway entrance to get to Austin.

The Battle of Zion was a losing battle for the humans and they were losing lives and humanity would die if Neo didn’t make a truce with the machines. I threw in complete opposite to surprised my viewers.

I stopped parodying the 3rd Matrix movie and started on other franchises during on the portal hopping.

  • Medieval Tower- Lord of the Rings: Gandalf vs. Saruman with a mix of the Balrog fight and how Aragorn’s ancestor defeated Sauron.
  • Place of Pillars of Lights and narrow bridges with no railings- Star Wars: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul with a bit Luke vs. Vader.
  • Factory- Terminator 2: T-100 vs. T-1000
  • Place of wooden bridges and skeletons- Mortal Kombat. The location is based on Johnny Cage vs. Scorpion in the 1st movie.
  • Water Tower- Legend of Zelda. Based on the final battles with Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker.
  • The Astral World- Final Fantasy, based Squall vs. Seifer from 8's intro and 7's Ending with Cloud vs. Sephiroth.

“Unless he comes back as a cyborg or something.” There is no way that would ever been written back in the day. It’s a brand new addition and a reference of Darth Maul coming back from the dead in recent years.

The Terminator part wasn’t in the early version of the stories.

I knew when I wrote the 1st draft that taking the ice gauntlets with me to the portal would give me an edge and it would be weird I was acting like Link with ice powers. Had to write off those gloves before I jumped into the portal.

The Evil Elf King turning into a Dragon (like Ganondorf turning into a giant pig) wasn’t in the early versions.

The Squall vs. Seifer part in the Astral World wasn’t in the early versions.

The final battle from Mission Impossible 2 was planned to be in the story back then but it was only in the concept stage, never to be written in any version of the story. I enjoyed those movies but I only seen them once. I’m more of a causal viewer rather a hardcore fan to those films.

In the early versions, one of the portal hopping battles was based on the final battle from Transformers: Armada. Remember this story was written when the show just ended and fresh in our minds. That battle was awesome! This shock everyone because this is a show that many TF fans didn’t like and it blew their minds on how the final battle went on how brutal Optimus and Megatron went. The average battles in the series are usually slowish.

It’s be weird to use that battle from Armada nowdays. There’s alot of battles to pick from the Transformers franchise and it be odd to pick Armada’s final battle from the rest.

Remember, this was written way back then. So don’t expect anything based on Thorin vs. Azog, Anakin vs. Obi-Wan, John Connor vs. CGI Arnold, Cloud vs. Sephiroth from Advent Children with a pencil that splits into 10 pencils, or stabbing into the Elf King’s heart like Twilight Princess.

No, I’m not going to die like how Neo did. I’m rewriting that ending because this is my story.

Yes, I saw the alternate ending in that one Matrix game called Path of Neo somewhere on youtube and it's funny how the Matrix creators paused the game to explain why the ending's different. Remember, this was written soon as the 3rd movie was on DVD. That game didn't come out some time later.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Dodgeball 3 part 2 of 2

View part 1

On the rainy night of Cabot. I see thousands of elves watching me as I meet up with the Evil Elf King who is standing in the middle of the street. “Mr. Boyett, welcome back. We miss you.” I said back to him, “Shut up, I forgot to bring my umbrella! Well anyways, it ends tonight!”

Almost all the elf viewers pull out popcorn as they watch us fight while others sing in Latin. Both Me and the Elf King ran to each other and as I got near, I slip and fell to the ground. I quickly hopped back up and said, “uhh, forget that, let’s go back to fighting.” We engaged in epic kung-fu fighting but I wish he chose a different night because fighting in the rain is annoying and making me cold. The point-ear man flew high in the air, I used my jetpack to catch up with him. We engaged in midair kung-fu fighting. The Elf King grab me and did a judo throw on me where I was flung into one of the upper floors of a nearby bank.

I got back up on my feet and saw the elf charge into the opening he made. I jumped and avoided his attack. We continue to fight but at lease the good news is that I was indoors. We fought for almost a minute and than I perform a lightning kick his face, making him to spit out some green blood. I did a roundhouse on him that knocked him back and sent flying through the window. I quickly used my jetpack to follow him.

Both of us fly up to 100 meters above the city and we went back to mid-air fighting again. The Evil Elf King punched me in the face and than grab me. He was flying straight into the ground, getting ready to perform 100-meter suplex on me. I struggle and quickly broke out of his hold. I punched him in the face several times and than I grabbed him and turn his body facing the ground as I now was performing the suplex on him. As he was slammed into the ground, a large shockwave shoot outwards, blowing away cars and damaging alot buildings.

Both me and the Evil Elf King got up. I looked around my surrounding and saw that we were standing in a giant crator in the central of Cabot. As I started to walk to the elf, I saw him snap his fingers. A large portal appear behind him and he jumped into it. I wasn’t going to stop fighting so I follow him into it.


On the other side of the portal, I saw that I was in some dark medieval tower and then I heard, “Welcome to my world Mr. Boyett. The age of humans will fall.” I notice the Elf King has a wooden staff in his hand. He pushes it forward and I was throw back by an invisible force. I saw a similar looking staff on the ground did the same thing to him. Turns out my guess to use the staff work as the Evil Elf was thrown back. He got up and pulled out a flame whip and use it against me. I used the staff to bounce back his whip attacks and shouted, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” My enemy grabbed his staff again does a pulling motion on it. I was pulled towards him and fell to the ground. He slammed his foot on my staff, breaking it in half. He used his staff to make my head spin on the ground like I was on a record player or something. As my spinning body was about to get near the Elf King, I grabbed the broken staff and jab the sharp broken ends into his ring finger. I was release from that “record player” attack and saw he drop his staff and checking his injured finger. “My my finger, it’s hurts!” He look angry and said to me, “I BITE YOUR FINGERS OFF FOR THAT!” I grabbed the staff he drop and used it to push him out of nearby window. I ran to the broken window and look down to see the evil man fall…only to see a another portal floating on where he have fallen. I jumped off the window and fall down into the portal.

On the other side, I saw that I was in some place that has pillars of light and narrow bridges all over the place with no railings. Ahead of me was the king with two flashlights that were melded together in his hand. I pulled out a flashlight to combat my foe and we engaged in a cool sword fight with our flashlights but for some reason, I someone hearing singing in the background. We fought for two minutes till a red force field separate us. We both sit down and waited.

After five long minutes of waiting, the force field shuts down and we continue our fight on another narrow bridge. The elf hit my wrist which cause me to drop my flashlight. The king said, “Join me Chris because I am your Father’s Brother’s Wife’s Uncle’s Neighbor’s Daughter’s Cousin’s Trash man.” I scratch my head and said “Who cares.” I use the magnet in my watch to get back the flashlight I dropped. Once I got it, I swing it against the King’s stomach. He lose his balance and fell off the bridge. I hope that’s the end of him unless he comes back as a cyborg or something. I started to wonder if he open portal and I look down. Sure enough he did and I followed.


I landed in some type of factory with large gears and fiery pits when I heard some chanting going on. I follow the noise and it look like the pointy-ear man is performing a spell. Once he finish, a clearish-sliver colored goo wrapped around his body. I pulled out a NERF gun and fire at him…only for the bullets slide off his body. I look all over the ground for something to use on him while the Evil Elf King slowly walks to my direction. I quickly found a yardstick and jab it into his stomach…and like the NERF bullets, it slides off of him. He grab the yardstick out of my hand and smack me with it, causing me to fall on the ground. I catch my breathe and open my eyes when I see, a NERF grenade launder is sitting on the ground. I grabbed and then I felt a hand grab my shoulder. The Elf King threw me into a wall. As he was walking closer, I notice the silver slime around his hand was forming into a blade, ready to stab me in the head. I press the NERF grenade launder into his stomach and said "Hasta la Vista". I  fired and the King was throw backwards and fell off the railing, falling into the fiery pits. I knew well enough that he was going to open a portal, so I looked down where he fell and I follow him.


I landed in a place that was full of wooded platforms and bridges. I search the area to find my opponent when I heard behind me, “WELCOME!” The king punch me in the face and ninja kick me over and over till I fall off the bridge. My body fell through several wooden bridges that broke my fall till it hit the floor. I got and I was shocked to see skeletons all over the ground. I also notice a pair of icy-blue gauntlets on the ground. Hoping they will aid me somehow, I put them on. I look up and see the Elf King jump down and met up with me on ground level. He pull out a kunai that’s attach to a chain out of his long sleeves and threw at me. I grabbed the kunai before he stabbed me in the face. To my surprise, I notice the entire chain was frozen. I figure my gauntlets can magically create ice. I karate chop the Elf’s chain, shattering it to pieces. I then use my magic gauntlets to throw icicles at my foe. The Evil Elf King dodge them and then he slid on the floor with his foot press outwards. I jumped over him before he hit me. The King got up and pull his hands into his sleeves and then, long blades emerge from them. They look like they are made of a very sharp bones. I use my magic gloves to form an ice blade and we had an epic swordfight till I swing hard enough to shatter his two blades. I jump up and kick him repeatedly like I was pedaling a bicycle. My enemy fell to the ground. He got up and snap his fingers. A portal form and he jumped in. I jumped in the portal but I bounce back. I believe my magic gauntlets are preventing me to pass. I took them off and jump in the portal.


I landed on top of the water tower that’s standing near the bus parking lot which isn’t that far from Cabot High School. The heavy rain is still going on in this area. I heard an insane laughter coming from one end of the tower, it was The Evil Elf King. He said “Let me show you your future.” He float in the air and threw a fireball at me. I rolled out of the way and saw a umbrella sticking out on top of tower. I grabbed it as the King threw another fireball at me. I swung my weapon at the fireball and it flew back at him. When the fireball got to the evil man, he smack the fireball with his hand and it flew back to my direction. It was like playing pinball with a fireball. The fireball move faster and faster from each hit from we made to the point where The Evil Elf King was unable to hit it in time. He was stunned from his own attack and landed back to the tower. I ran up to him and swing my umbrella at him several times, causing many tears in his clothing. He jumped back a few feet and perform a chant.

When he was finish his spell, a blue light wrap around his body, he morphed into a giant dragon with giant pencils in his hands. He swung at me but I block with my weapon but the mighty blow knock the umbrella out of my hand. I pulled out a stun bomb and threw in his face. With the dragon distracted, I grabbed the umbrella and chopped off his tail. In such pain, his head fell down and I attack his face. After getting a few hits, the creature jump back and reverted by to his elf form. He pulled out two umbrellas and we engaged in an awesome swordfight. I rolled around him, facing his back and I slash him. My attack cause the king to fell down on his knees. I got up in front of him, jump up, and stabbed the umbrella into his brain. Sadly that didn’t happen because the headband on his forehead block my attack. He smiled that my attempt to kill him failed. He kicked the umbrella out of hand and then he fly high in the air.

I turn on my jetpack and follow him. He landed down in the giant crater in the middle of Cabot that I created earlier in the battle. I landed down and saw my opponent look angry. “THIS IS MY WORLD! Why why why Mr.Boyett, why? Is it for peace, truth, love, justice, destiny?” I said back to him, “Because I simply don’t like you.” Angry about my answer, he flung his open hand forward to my direction. All of sudden, I felt sharp pain in my head and I felt my sprit was being dragged out of my body.


The next thing I knew is that I was in a dark place with The Evil Elf King in front on me with a Japanese pen in his hand. (the pen was curved) “I took you to the astral world," he said. I pulled a pen that was 1-inch wide and we clash our weapons. For some reason, white feathers were flying around us. The pointy-man man moved back several feet and open his hand to shoot a fireball. I blocked his attack with my pen but it knock me back and fell to the ground. The King stands above with the pen, ready to slash me between my eyebrows. I lean my head back to avoid his attack. I grab my pen and swing upwards, slicing him between his eyebrows. With him in pain, I charge towards him and perform 15 cool-looking pen strikes on him and then I jump five feet in the air and charge all my strength in my pen. As I was landing down, I swing my pen downward on the elf. Green blood was pouring all over his body.


All of sudden, I was in the real world again in the giant crater with The Evil Elf King in front of me. He looks weak and is barley able to move. I walk up to him and threw a fist into his face but it felt like the punch lasted a full minute to reach his face. The next thing I did is I punch him into his stomach. I grab his green guts and yank them out of his body. After that, I pulled out a NERF bomb and slam it into his stomach wound and said, “Let’s see you regenerate from this.” I turn on my jetpack and flew away as The Evil Elf King exploded and a bright white light emerge from him and went to all the elves in the city. Cabot shined brightly.

Every citizen turn back into their human selves with no memories of being an elf. The giant crater got fixed overnight along with any other damage to the city like nothing ever happen. I look for a phone and called.

The End

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Dodgeball 3 part 1 of 2

Here it is, the 3rd and final of the Evil Elf King Saga. A story I wrote back when I was in school. Yes, It obvious it's a parody of a certain movie (and maybe a few more.) Well enjoy the story.

     It’s been two months since I rescued the Credit Card Dude and learn that the Evil Elf King has come back from the dead. Reports of disappearances been happening in Cabot. I believe it’s the Evil Elf King because ever since his rebirth, he gain the ability to turn people into elves.

I went to the city of Cabot with three comrades to investigate. We searched the school for an hour, hoping we find a lead on this guy. The only thing we notice that’s different is that the underground hatch that leads to the secret underground subway has been locked from the inside.

As we were about leave, a man in his mid to late teens ran up to us. After taking a few seconds to catch his breath, he said to us, “I just came from Austin to tell you guys that an army of Giant Robot Spiders is about to destroy the town of Austin, you guys need to defend the place.” We begin to turn around and head to the school’s exit but the messenger got in front of us. “Wait a minute, we already put up a giant force field around the town but that won’t last long because an army that big will tear down the shields in a few minutes. As of right now, nothing can get in or out of Austin unless you go underneath the shields or something.”

I looked to my comrades and said, “Well the secret subway is out of the question, any ideas?” One of my allies came with an idea and told me, “Wait, I have heard a rumor that the French President has an entrance to the subway somewhere under his house.” I said back to him, “Too bad he’s not happy with me after the event that happen two months ago, he may not want us to use his entrance to the subway.”


Within the next hour, we head to the president of the French club’s house. We snuck around to the back of the house. I pulled out a credit card and pick the lock on the house’s back door. We quietly enter and closed the door. We search around the house hoping we don’t bump into his parents or anyone else. We found his bedroom and quietly entered it. We quickly found at trapdoor in the middle of his room. We opened it and head down.

On the other side, we saw some balding man in a tux with a thin mustache in front of a stand. He said, “Could you gave me your names, Monsieur.” I grab the man’s wrist and pulled out a box of bubble gum out and slap it into his hand. “This is box is a bomb, if you let go, open your mouth, or any sudden movement, the thing go boom. We be back to disarm it later.” One ally whisper to me, “Hey, your copying from a movie and why not a cigarette case instead?” I whisper back “because most of us are underage.”

We walk across of what it seems to be a restaurant. We found an elevator door on the opposite side of the area. I look back and I’m surprised that a fancy expensive restaurant is here and it’s underneath Cabot. We took the elevator as low as it would let us. As the doors open, we see a group of mean-looking people. One of them said, “Your not suppose to be here.” He was about to slam a dodgeball in my face when perform a roundhouse, kicking the ball from his hand. I grab a dodgeball out of my coat and slammed into his chest. After he fell, the other guys press a button on their belts and suddenly, they float to the air and were now standing on the ceiling. They must have anti-gravity belts. Me and my comrades got out of the elevator and spread out to battle our foes. We watch as they did flips on the ceiling, we pull out dodgeballs and begin to battle.


After a minute of fighting, they were all defeated. We opened the door they were guarding and see a huge nightclub. I looked around and saw a lot of men and women dressed in bondage like leather. I don’t even know how in the world that a 17- year old American high schooler pretending to be French is running a place like this?

I looked up and saw the French dude on a balcony with his girlfriend. We walk up there to meet him. I said, “We need to use your entrance to the subway.” The Frenchman replied to me, “Now why would I do that after the disaster you made a few months ago, non?” I notice several of his guards were pulling out NERF guns and placing them against their heads. I quickly pulled out my NERF gun and aim directly on his forehead. I said in angered tone, “Let’s make a deal, your life for usage of the subway and we leave you alone.” He looked angry but realized he had no choice, “Very well then, use the subway.”


We got to Austin in time. There were several Mech-Warrior type robots set up to use to defend Austin. We hopped in the machines and equipped our bots with NERF gating guns. Just then, a message appeared on our comlinks, “ATTENTION ATTENTION! GIANT ROBOT SPIDERS ARE ATTACKING THE SHIELDS, DEFEND THE CITY!” We stand the front lines and watch a swarm of hundreds and hundreds of those machines marching towards our direction. We fired our NERF gating guns and went NERF guns blazing on these scrap metals. The Battle of Austin has begin.


After fighting for a while, all the Giant Robots Spiders were destroyed, they never step a foot in Austin nor did we suffer any casualties. As we begun to celebrate our victory, one man ran to my bot and shouted, “HEY I GOT A PHONE CALL, IT’S THE EVIL ELF KING AND HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU.” I jump out of the machine and picked up the phone. “Mr. Boyett, while you were distracted with getting inside the subway and defending your town, I have turned every single citizen of Cabot… into an elf. If you want to fight me, meet me between Main Street and 2nd Street.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

School Map

I'm sure any my younger friends (Class of 07 and beyond) are scratching their heads when I mention certain buildings in my stories. The place went through a remodel starting summer of 04 and ended a few years later. Sorry I'm not going to put every single building and I know it's nowhere close where to what it used look like but I tried. During the Spring of 04, hundreds of trailers were place between the Cafeteria/ROTC area to the Gym/Library to house the students of 05 when the remodeling was happening. Yes, we had a caboose sitting in the middle of the school.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Dodgeball 2: Facts and Deleted Material

Originally there was no Baddie Remnant. I wanted to make a connection to the Heroes vs. Baddies storyline.

During the fight with The Evil Elf King and his elf army, I successfully pulled off the move that Neo did when he kicked all the Smiths around him while holding on to the pole. After watching the Ninja Turtles: City at War 3-parter, I decided to change the pole screen by copying off the funny scene where Donnie epically fail to pull off the move Neo did.

No, I not going to do any Zion scenes in the 2nd Matrix movie. My story is focusing on the cool moments it’s morally wrong to write a bunch of High Schoolers getting involved in a orgy.

The French President wasn’t eating lunch on his table originally.

The French President called the girl traitor and she leave the room. Well that’s a lame way to right off a character, plus she was given no reason to help me. Change it to just like what happens in the 2nd Matrix movie.

I used a stick from a tree rather than a toy lightsaber to fight The Water Twins.

The chase scene went from me and the Credit Card dude in a car, then we hop on a carrier truck and hijack a motorcycle, then we stopped on a bridge that was still under construction, destroy The Water Twins.
Isn’t it simpler just use a motorcycle instead of hopping from vehicle to vehicle. Also, was there a bridge that was under construction back when I wrote this story?

After pushing the guy in the business suit off the 18-wheeler, it collided with other truck and create a huge explosion. I grabbed the Card Dude and fly away. Does anyone remember two 18-wheelers ramming together? Also, I basically wrote two innocent truck drivers die in explosion. You can forget it.

The story never said who the generator room belong to. So I was blowing up some random machine under the S building for no reason? Well when I added The Baddie Remnant to the story, I decided to write it’s theirs.

The secret camera room was in some building between the High School and Jr. High North. I keep forgetting what the building was called, so I change it to Jr. High North.

I encountered The Evil Elf King in the S building and fought. After the battle… Wait a minute, that’s it? Both the S buildings aren’t that big and where would they go after I fought them? They were deleted in later versions but I decided to bring them back in the recent version and explain why they weren't around in the other S building scenes.

“What’s happening hot stuff?” I admit I copied that from the MTV Movie Awards parody.

After leaving those girls aloneWait a minute, that sound like I was with the Credit Card Dude on that scene. I change it to after I entered the room that leads to the secret underground while he approach those girls.

The Man in White was originally called Larry and he created Q-Bert and the name for Frogger. That too is from the MTV Movie Awards parody. I decided to keep The Credit Card Dude hitting on those girls is the only thing I copied from it. Also, it makes The Man in White a cool guy rather than some man who tell you confusing stuff to the point you just want to shoot him in the head.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Guide to Chris' stories

Pretty much all my stories take place in the same universe. To make things easier for my readers, I created an index/timeline.

Year 1 Spring -The Dodgeball
Summary-Chris gets a call from the High School and ends up in a dodgeball match of his life.
Part 1 of the Evil Elf King Saga

Year 1 Summer -Heroes vs. Baddies War Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary-A terrorist group called the Baddies conquers Cabot High School. A group who wanted to take back the school form a group called the Heroes. However, a large threat that is bigger than both armys is planning to destory the school.
Spin-off of the Evil Elf King Saga. Part 1 of the Heroes vs. Baddies Saga.

Year 2 Fall-The Dodgeball 2
Summary-The Credit Card Dude has been imprisoned and Chris must save him while a familiar foe returns from the dead.
Part 2 of the Evil Elf King Saga

Year 3 Late Winter -The Dodgeball 3 Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Summary-An army of Giant Robot Spiders in planning to destory Austin, Arkansas. Chris has to get there before they arrive.
Part 3 of the Evil Elf King Saga

Year 3 Spring- Heroes vs. Baddies: Battle of the Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary-The Baddies have return and they are searching for their missing leader as well as the Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball. Will the Heroes get to it before the Baddies do?
Part 2 of the Heroes vs. Baddies Saga

Year 3 Early Summer- Journey to the Underworld
Summary-Chris is summoned by the Olympians to stop Hades.
Stand alone story that was originally made for my mythology test.

Year 4 Late Spring/Early Summer - The Friendship Of The Copper Ring That Came From A Coin Machine That Was Made From The Waters Of Petit Jean Mountain Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Summary-A cheap piece of jewelry from a coin machine is found in the Ozarks and a group of nine people must take a journey to Petit Jean Mountain to save Arkansas from the forces of darkness
Part 1 of the Copper Ring Saga.

Year 4 Early Summer - The Two Apartments Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Summary-The gang has split up and going on their own separate paths. Meanwhile, Dark Magician is raising an army from his own crappy apartment. Can the good guys defeat the forces of darkness?
Part 2 of the Copper Ring Saga

Year 5 Summer - Return of the Hero Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Summary-Dark Magicain is defeated but Evil Dude's army is coming for Russellville. Can the forces of good stop them. Meanwhile, can Kind Boy and Gardener reach Petit Jean Mountain in time.
Part 3 of the Copper Ring Saga

Year 6 Spring- Heroes vs Baddies: The Inferno's Wrath Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Summary-A mysterious man known as The Inferno has round up the Baddies and plots destruction in the land of Arkansas. It's us to the Heroes to stop him.
Part 3 of the of the Heroes vs Baddies Saga

Year 8 Summer -Heroes vs Baddies: The Mystery of Old Captain
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Summary-The Heroes search what became of Old Captain from the 1980s and what were his plans to end the war. Meanwhile, the Baddies plan to stir up trouble.
Part 4 of the Heroes vs Baddies Saga.

Year 9 Late Winter- Cabotians vs. The Lonokeon Empire Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary- Chris learns that an invasion from The Lonokeon Empire is planning to invade Arkansas. Chris must form an army to resist the coming invasion.
Part 1 of the Lonokeon Empire Saga

Two days later- Cabotians vs. The Lonokeon Empire: Attack of the Searcian Airship Fleet
Summary- The Lonokeon Empire's invasion has failed but the commander of the Searcian Airship Fleet is coming for revenge.
Part 2 of the Lonokeon Empire Saga

Year 10 Late Winter- Uncover the Secrets of the Accountants
Summary- Chris is given an undercover job to find out if the employers of the place are connected to his old enemies. Little does he know what the undercover job really is.
Part 3 of the Lonokeon Empire Saga
Also Part 1 of the Evil Accountants Saga.

Year 11 Spring- Assassinate the Assassins of the Lonokeon Empire Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Summary- A man goes on a hunt to slay the assassins that target the new emperor
Part 4 of the Lonokeon Empire Saga

Year 12 Spring -The Retailiators Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary- An evil goddess comes to visit and plans to unleash an army to invade Arkansas. Chris gets together with a group to stop her.
Stand alone story

Year 13 Fall - To Stop The Mississippi River Tour Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary- Part 2 of the Evil Accountants Saga.

Year 15 Summer -
Past time-Mid-1980s- The Group's Quest From Hill Area And Then Go To Mount Magazine To Kill A Monstrous Reptile And Reclaim Their Home: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary- Everyone comes to visit Kind Boy on his birthday. He wants his friends to listen to Old Guy's tale when he went on a journey to Mount Magazine.
Prequel to the Copper Ring Saga

Here is a character guide for each saga
Evil Elf King Saga
Heroes from HvsB
Baddies from HvsB
Forces of Good from Copper Ring Saga
Forces of Evil from Copper Ring Saga

Collection of facts and deleted material.

The Dodgeball

Heroes vs. Baddies War

The Dodgeball 2

The Dodgeball 3

Heroes vs. Baddies: Battle for the Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball

Journey to the Underworld

The Friendship Of The Copper Ring That Came From A Coin Machine That Was Made From The Waters Of Petit Jean Mountain

The Two Apartments

Return of the Hero

Heroes vs. Baddies: The Inferno's Wrath

Cabotians vs. The Lonokean Empire Saga

The Lonokean Empire Saga Part 2: Accountants and Assassins

To Stop the Mississippi River Tour

The Group's Quest From Hill Area And Then Go To Mount Magazine To Kill A Monstrous Reptile And Reclaim Their Home

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Dodgeball 2

The sequel of my 1st Dodgeball story that I wrote when I was in school. I was bored in study hall one day. Yes, it's obvious what the story is a parody of. Well enjoy the story!!!

It’s been a year since The Evil Elf King died. As well as the terrorist group known as the Baddies were defeated. However a remnant of the Baddies is rumored to be in Cabot High School...

I was at the flagpole near the main gym sitting on one of the benches, waiting to meet up with a messenger. I have heard that she has some info on this Baddie Remnant. After waiting for a few minutes, I saw her coming over towards my direction. When she got here, she handed me a rolled up piece of paper and told me and looking over her shoulder, “I got to leave, I afraid I‘m being followed.” She flee the area as I open the crunched up paper, it reads, The Credit Card Dude is in the J Building’s secret prison, French President is responsible. I rolled up the paper and threw it into a nearby trash can.

As I was about to leave the area, I heard footsteps and turned towards the sound. I saw a someone walking up to my location, a man who I never thought I ever see again... It was the Evil Elf King.

“Hello Mr. Boyett, surprised to see me?” He questioned.  I replied back to him, “Yeah of course I’m surprised, most people aren’t alive after their guts are ripped out.” He smiled and answered, “Well it’s because elves take longer to die than you humans. As I was dying after you left the hallway that day, I use my powers to cast a spell that put my guts back together and restore me. You know the wonderful thing that I learn after my near death experience is that I discover new magic powers.” After he finish his sentience, I noticed seven other elves were surrounding the flagpole.

“You see Mr. Boyett, I discover how to use my elf magic to turn humans into my elf minions.” Just then, they all went in to attack me. I block their attacks and counterattack. As the fighting went on for a minute or two, I notice there was more elves in the fight than how many there was when the battle started. I guess there was about thirty of them. I grabbed on to the flagpole and prepare to kick them all while holding on to it…Only to fall off because I was doing an impossible stunt. I try to get up but all the elves jump pile on me. I was getting squish from their attack. 

I lift my arms up and busted out of the elf pile. Knowing I was seriously outnumbered, I put on my book bag and press a button on it. The book bag turn into a jetpack and I activated it to fly away from the battlefield, leaving the fight for another day.

The next day, I entered one of the French classes inside the J building. I saw the President of the French Club sitting down with his girlfriend and eating their lunch. Their lunch on the table contains French toast, frog legs, and escargot and other French foods. The man said to me in a French accent, “Welcome Monsieur ,do you want anything on za table?”

I seriously wonder why a American student who took a French class has an accent? I answer him back, “No thank you. I looking for a guy called The Credit Card Dude, have you heard of him?” He looked surprised after mentioning the card guy, he then started to look angry at me. “I have never of za man. Now let moi eat my lunch in peace, non.” Knowing he wasn’t going to answer, I turn around and left the classroom.

I went into the boy’s bathroom and splash some water onto my face from the sink. I was trying to think to how to get the Frenchmen to confess and show me the location where the secret prison is.

Just then, the bathroom door opened. I turned and saw the French President’s girlfriend standing there. She came inside and walked over to me. She said, “Monsieur, you are looking for Za Credit Card Dude correct? I show you za way to za secret prison.” 

I followed down the hall and she led me to a secret hatch that leads to an underground weapons museum. Inside, the place was full of paintings and weapons everywhere hanging on it’s walls. The French girlfriend stopped and pointed, “Zat door leads to za secret prison, inside is za man your looking for.” I about to head there when I heard the door behind me bust open. I turn and saw the French President with several of his minions. He asked his girlfriend, “Oh la vache!!! Why are you betraying me? why are you helping zis man?” She answered back, “Because I saw you with another woman za other day.” I watch as she storm off pass her boyfriend and out of the room. I looked back at towards my enemy.

The French President was looked angry and told his minions, “Kill him!”

They threw dodgeballs at me but I pulled out a giant net and threw it the air. The net caught all the dodgeballs and it fell to the ground. The French President’s minions then grab weapons off the walls. I walk up to the balcony and use my magnet in my watch to pull two pencils off the walls. One man wielding a pair of socks come to my direction and try to smack me with them. I ducked out of the way and then slash him with one of my pencils. I turned and saw paper ninja stars being throw at me, I dodge them and threw one of the pencils into the man who threw those stars. Another one try to jab me with a plastic spork but I block his attack and then use my pencil jab him into his heart. I pulled it out of his body and then saw two more men came to attack me with rulers. I block their attacks with my pencil and engage in swordfight till I manage to stab one of them. The other ruler wielder charge towards me, I simply sidestep and he fell off the balcony. My last opponent was a man who is attacking me with a human-sized Q-tip. I avoided his attacks and kicked him, as he was falling to the floor, I grabbed his weapon out from his hands and than slam the weapon on his forehead. I turned to where the French President was and all I saw was an open door, meaning he left the room.

I entered the prison room and saw a man making credit cards. He said, “I been waiting for you.” He got up from his chair and follow me out of the room head back to the weapons museum.  
As we were leaving, I saw a toy lightsaber mounted on the wall. I grabbed it and we head upstairs.

As we got on the J building’s main floor, we saw two man dressed in white coming towards us. I pull out my NERF gun and shot at them, only for the NERF bullets to pass through them. I slash my toy lightsaber at them but it seems their bodies turn into water from each strike. I quickly look at the Credit Card Dude and shouted, “START THE VEHICLE, I HOLD THESE GUYS OFF!” He ran to the J Building’s parking lot while I held the Water Twins. After nearly a minute of fighting them, I ran out the building and saw the Credit Card Dude has started a motorcycle. I jumped in the back and we rode out.

Riding down on main street, I looked back and saw a car chasing us with the Water Twins inside. I told the card guy to keep driving and stop at a certain spot. We pass by a dozen of cars till we reach the overpass at the freeway. He parked the vehicle and I got off.

I saw the Water Twins car was coming, just when their car was about to get near, I pulled out the toy lightsaber and sliced the left side of the car. The car pass us and fell to it’s side. I pulled out an explosive dodgeball and threw at the car’s exposed underside. I watch as the automobile explodes into a huge fireball and saw reduce the Water Twins to steam.

The Credit Card Dude and I look down from the overpass. We saw a 18-wheeler about to pass underneath the underpass. We jumped off the bridge and landed on the truck’s trailer.

When we were getting back to our feet, we notice a man in business suit is also standing on the trailer. He heads towards me and then kick me in the stomach. I lost my balance and I fell out the back of the trailer. Luckily, I landed on a moving car driven by some girl with a weird hairdo. I activate my jetpack and got back on top of the 18-wheeler. I pulled out the toy lightsaber and swing at the guy in the business suit. He backtrack to avoid my attacks till got on the edge of the trailer. I ran up to him and push him off of the truck. I said, "There may be more coming, we need to get out of here. I grabbed The Credit Card Dude and turn on my jetpack and flew off.

Later that night at the Credit Card Dude’s house, me and several allies gather to hear what he has to said. According to him, there is a generator that powers the Baddie Remnant’s hideout that is located underneath the South half of the S buildings. There are hidden cameras located near the secret entrance that leads to the generator room. We don't need to alert the Baddie Remnants or our presence. He told us that the camera operating room is located in a secret area that's underneath a 7th grade classroom in Cabot Jr. High North. I sent out some of my allies to take care of the camera room while the Credit Card Dude and me go inside the Southern half of the S building. If this mission succeeds, the Baddies be forced to leave and we be able to stop them.

We entered through the North half of the S building and we locked the door to prevent anyone entering and leaving. As we turn around, we saw a someone there waiting for us, it was the Evil Elf King with his elf army. They attack and I fought back but it was irritating because I was fighting a narrow hallway rather than an opened field. I said to the Evil Elf King in a annoyed tone, “Oh come on, I don’t have time for this.” I 
grabbed the card man and turned on my jetpack as I fly pass the elves. We open the door on the other end of the North S building and got out. We soon close it before the elf army got near. I pulled out an umbrella and put it in the door handle. “That should hold them for a while.”

We entered the Southern half of the S building. Inside, The Credit Card Dude went up to a door. “This door leads to a secret hatch that leads to the generator room. I’m the only man at this campus that can open the door.” He pull out something out of his pocket and it was a credit card. He use it to pick the locked door. I open the door and wish him luck. After I was gone, The Credit Card Dude saw two attractive girls walking down the hallway. He walk up to them and said, “What’s happening hot stuff!”

Inside the class room, I located the secret hatch that the card guy told me about and went underground. I soon found myself in a room full of TVs on the walls. I guess whoever uses this room wants to watch everything on every channel. On on side of the room, I notice there is a man sitting on a chair near his desk. He said to me, “Hello Chris, I’m The Man in White. You see there is….”

Next thing I know is the guy is boring me with his confusing speech, so I pulled out my NERF gun and shoot him in the head. His lifeless body fell on to his table.

I looked around and saw two doors, one that leads to the generator room and the other to where I came in… I entered the generator room.

I finish installing the NERF bomb on the machine and headed upstairs and out of the building. Suddenly, I got a phone call from some guy who thinks his name is the Hero of Time or some Nintendo character. He told me that one of my allies at Jr. High North is shot and is falling off the building. Wasting no time, I quickly activated my jetpack and flew to her location. I got there in time and grabbed her before she hit the ground. I flew up to the roof and set her down. I looked at her and saw blood on her shirt. Worried, I shook her till I notice a busted ketchup packet fell out of her shirt. It seems she’s not dead and she be alright then. The ketchup packet protected her.  Just all of the sudden, Giant Robot Spiders appear all around us. I pulled out some dodgeballs out of my jacket and threw them at my mechanical enemies. After their destruction, we looked for a phone and called.

The End

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Heroes Vs Baddie War: Deleted Material

If any of you haven’t figure out what the Heroes Vs Baddies story is based on, it’s the 1986 animated movie of Transformers. Like the Dodgeball story, this story went though changes over the years.


Name changes

(Old names-Current name)

Old Timer-Old Guy

Loyal Villain, Cool Dude-Robot (we don‘t need two people named Villain)

Cavebots-Cavemen(They are not robots in my story)

The Super Dodgeball- The Glowing Tennis ball (How can you fit a dodgeball in your pocket?)

Fast Talker-Hyper Guy

New Captain, Soldier- Both (See below)

Soldier-Green Guy (“Ultra Magnus” became Soldier)

Doctor-Scientist (“Ratchet” became Doctor so “Perceptor” became what‘s closer to his title, Scientist)

Orphan-Rhymer-Jungle Boy-(I suck at writing rhymes)

TV Bikers-Junkmen

Giant Dodge Ball, Giant Horned Demon- Giant Winged Demon


Deleted material

The opening where it said that the Baddies were originally loyalists to the Evil Elf King wasn’t in the original. It was something I added way later on. I wanted the story to have a connection to my Dodgeball story other than it takes place in Cabot High and Dodgeballs as weapons.

Heroes and Baddies were originally Herobots and Evilcons. Too obvious what the story based on and non of the Heroes were robotic. Baddies also had names like Terrorists or The Evils.

Inside Phillips 66, Armor Guy wanted to send a message to his son and say hi to him. Armor Guy isn’t that important so I reduce his role.

The airplane hijack scene was brief with generic characters getting killed . I later added actual characters instead. I didn’t know who these Red Shirts were at the time because I didn’t actually watch G1 beyond the movie at the time. I got into Transformers from Beast Wars. I think I watched the G1 series a year later.

Tough Guy mentioning about getting shot in the head wasn’t in the early versions. It was a joke that who Tough Guy was based on got shot in the head in season 1 and it did nothing to him but in the movie, he died from a mere shoulder wound.

Loyal Villain/Cool Dude/Robot threw cassette tapes that changed into dodgeballs to destroy the radar dish. It changed into him simply throwing strawberry jam on the dish.

During Captain’s death scene, he said, “…And you shall be New Captain.” He just somehow come up at out of nowhere. I later introduce him in a earlier scene and renamed him Soldier. Now I use both names and he got renamed during Captain’s death.

Captain mention “The Super DodgeBall” been passed from Captain to Captain. Who are these Captains?

The Giant Winged Demon was a Giant Dodgeball the floats across Cabot and eats buildings. He transforms into a human-like shape at the story’s climax.

Armor Kid was simply called Kid throughout the story till later at one point in the storyline. During the scene where The Heroes were searching around for parts to repair the plane, Green Guy and Girl gave Kid armor that was the same as his dad’s. He was renamed Armor Kid from that point. I don’t really care about Armor Kid because he based on Daniel from the show who I didn’t like, so I reduce his role.

Speaking about characters we don’t like, after meeting the Cavemen, Jungle Boy joins the group and stays with them throughout the story instead of getting throw out. He is based on Wheelie who is basically the Jar Jar of Transformers long before the Armada brats, Kicker, 2nd Movie Twins, Miko, or Energon Ironhide(he nothing like the other incarnations) came around.

Like the actual movie, our planes went into Giant Winged Demon’s eyes. I think it’s easier to enter through an ear to get to the heart or stomach areas then the eyes and less gross.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Heroes vs Baddies War part 3 of 3

During Supervillian’s return of leadership, Giant Winged Demon walk up to Phillips 66 and open his mouth. A giant vacuum from his mouth was beginning to suck up the entire gas station.

Watching from one of the monitors, Rapper told Armor Guy, “Yo man, there is a giant demon attacking. We need to let Austin Base know of this new creature you know.” Armor Guy quickly send a message to Austin as the entire gas station along with the secret base underneath was starting to get devoured.

Meanwhile back at Austin. We were repairing the damage from The Battle of Austin, when we got a message from Phillips 66. “We need assistance, a Giant Winged Demon is absorbing the entire gas stati…AHH!” The message cut off. Armor Kid was getting teary eyed and said, “That was my dad, we need to save him.” We were thinking how to defeat this thing when suddenly, several jets appeared. They started attacking the base.

New Captain looked at us and said, “We need to evacuate. It‘s too late to save this place. Everyone get on a plane.” I boarded on one of the two airplanes. I notice my passengers were Old Guy and the Caveman. That’s means New Captain, Green Guy, Girl, Hyper Guy, Scientist, Armor Kid were on the other plane. I heard Music man manage to leave the city. Our planes lifted off and leave Austin.

The Baddie Jets were following us. They fire at our two planes and cause damage to them. Our planes were losing control and about to crash. Ours landed on some lake while New Captain’s plane landed in a huge Junkyard.

Some time later after the crash, nearby at some lake, the caveman got up on their feet. They survive by jumping off before the plane crash. They looked around and argue with each other on which direction to take when some annoying kid named Jungle Boy appear.

“That leads to the courthouse. If you guys want to find your friends and leave this place, you need to take the Judge’s personal plane." Jungle Boy pointed the direction and King Caveman said, “Me thank you for direction but me don’t like you.” King Caveman picks up Jungle Boy over his head throws him to the distance.

Meanwhile in some junkyard, everyone survived the crash and saw that their plane is in need of repairs so that they can get to Cabot High School. New Captain’s crew started to gather junk around them to make repairs. After looking for supplies for a few minutes, the Heroes notice they got some visitors, It was Supervillain and his two Baddies, Warrior and Tracker.

New Captain told his crew, “Everyone get out of here, I take these guys myself”. New Captain fired his NERF guns at them by Supervillain avoided them as the two others Baddies lasso energy ropes at the Hero’s four limbs.

Supervillain asked, “Giant Winged Demon said that you have something he wants destroyed, give it up.” New Captain questioned “Do you mean The Glow in Dark Tennis Ball?” Warrior and Tracker activated the electricity on the ropes which electrocutes the Hero till he passed out. As he hit the ground, The Glowing Tennis ball fell out of his pocket. Supervillian picked it up and said, “Giant Winged Demon, with this, I shall be free from your rule.” The evil emperor smirked.

At some random lake, my body was wash ashore on some beach. I woke up and found Old Guy nearby. As he was waking up, we saw ten giant alligators come out of the lake and came towards us. Old Guy pulled out a potato chip and said, “Bah weep gragnah weep nini bong”. I have no clue what he was talking about but they ate the chip. They wanted more of those till we ran out them. The alligators got angry that we didn’t have any more, so they took us to court.

As we got there, we step on some bridge that’s over a shark pool. The judge pointed down at us and said, “You are guilty of swimming in my lake. Your sentence is to fed to my sharks.”

The bridge started to open up but me and Old Guy jumped out of the way. Thinking we were safe, the sharks swim out of the water and were walking on the floor. It appears the judge gave them cybernetic legs. They try to bite us but we punched several of them in their faces. Just as were outnumbered, the caveman arrived and joined in the fight. Once the battle with the sharks is over, one of the caveman ran to the judge and smack him with his club, knocking him unconscious. King Caveman told us the location of the Judge’s personal plane.

Meanwhile at the junkyard. The Heroes who were sent away as New Captain take on Supervillian return to the battlefield…only to see him on unconscious on the ground. As they try to wake him up, mysterious men appear around them.

“What are you folks doing in our area? We’re trying to enjoy ourselves and watch some TV. How dare you cause such ruckus.” As the heroes grab their weapons to fight these Junkmen, an airplane flew over and landed nearby. The Heroes and Trashmen decided to not fight and check out whose on the airplane. They saw Me, Old Guy, and The Caveman. I figure I’ll do what Old Guy try to do with alligators, so I handed these Trashmen a potato chip and said, “Bah weep gragnah weep nini bong.” They took the chip and all of the sudden, we dance silly around the junkyard. I can’t figure what happen to make us dance like that.

As things quiet down, one of the Trashmen told me, “Since we’re friends now, I fix the other airplane that crash and help your defeated friend.” I looked at New Captain and saw one of the Trashmen threw a bucket of water on him and he all of sudden woke up. Me and the other Heroes were happy and we rushed to him but he looked sad.

“I’m sorry everyone but Supervillian has the Glowing Tennis Ball.” I told New Captain that Supervillian must be in the High School along with Giant Winged Demon. As the Junkmen finish repairing the airplane, we head off for Cabot High School.

The Giant Winged Demon walks up to the High School and saw Supervillian on the principle’s office roof. He notice he was wearing a gold chain around his neck with the Glowing Tennis Ball attach to it.

“I told you to destroy the object did I not?.” Supervillian lift the ball up and said, “Because I’m not yours to command, you should be my slave.” The Giant Winged Demon looked down at small human and said, “For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little school, but now you shall witness… it's dismemberment!”

The demon punched the J building, then he stepped on one half of the S building, used his eye lasers to destroy the ROTC building, then he grabbed the cafeteria off the ground and threw into the Main Gym. Inside one of the classrooms in the C Building, One-Eye made an annocment to throughout the school. “ATTENTION ALL BADDIES, EVACUATE THE SCHOOL!” Just after the announcement, the roof collapse on top of him.

Horrified of seeing the school that he conquered is getting destroyed, Supervillain tried shooting at the demon but did nothing to him. The Giant Winged Demon looked at Supervillian failed attempts, so open his mouth to used his giant vacuum to engulf the Baddie leader and the entire office building.

Our two airplanes reach the High School but we were shocked to see what was happing to it. Trying to think fast on how to defeat the demon, I looked at his body for any weaknesses but I did came up with a plan…to attack him from within. I told New Captain’s plane about the plan and we avoid the 50-foot monsters attacks as we entered into his left ear. As we fly in, the planes were hitting the organic walls and we were forced to jumped out as the planes crash but I was separated from the others as we fell in different parts in the body.

New Captain’s crew fell near the stomach area. They were attacked by demonic white blood cells. They fired their weapons at them. As they took a moment to breath, Armor Kid notice several people slowly falling into digestion liquids. It is his dad, Rapper, and seliver other members of Phillips 66 that were about to get digested. The Heroes quickly pulled them out and woke them up.

Meanwhile, near the Giant Winged Demon’s heart… I woke up and saw a green light. I followed it and I saw Supervillian with the Tennis Ball around his neck. “Pitiful Hero, it seems we ended up in the same place.”

He fired his Super NERF cannon and I ducked out of the way. I got back up and charged into him and deliver a punch into his face. He fell back a little but quickly got back to his feet. I jumped back and threw a dodgeball but he smacked with the back of his hand. We engaged in hand-to-hand combat till he punched me in the stomach and then grabbed me by the neck and lift me off the ground.

“First Captain, then New Captian, and now you. It’s a shame you Heroes die so easily.” Struggling to get out, I saw the Glowing Tennis Ball on his chain and grabbed it. All of the sudden, I felt a boost of strength and energy as I ripped the ball from his chains. A bright light from the ball shined which blinded Supervillian‘s eyes. As I was holding the Glowing Tennis Ball, I heard the voice of Captain’s ghost saying, “Arise Chris Boyett.”

I looked at Supervillian who was recovering from being blinded. I pointed at him and said, “This is the end of line!” With my temporally boost of strength, I picked up the Baddie over my head and I threw him so hard… he went through Giant Winged Demon’s skin.

I grabbed the Glowing Tennis Ball and started to rip it apart. As I was ripping it, I said, “Now light our darkest hour!” The glowing energy from the ball was released and was tearing the demon’s inners. I got out of the demon’s heart area and headed to where the right ear is. I saw the rest of the Heroes there and they were ready to get out. I told them, “Let‘s roll out everyone!” We jumped out of his right ear and safely landed on one of the school buildings. We watched as the glowing energy from the ball completely destroyed The Giant Winged Demon to he was reduced to nothing.

With the Baddies either killed or evacuated the school from the Giant Winged Demon attack, the school is free and the war is over. The entire high school got repaired overnight. The next mourning, me and the other Heroes wegather at the center of the bus parking lot and we all said, “Till all are one!” as a new golden age of Cabot High School begins.

The End

Monday, September 23, 2013

Heroes Vs Baddies War Part 2 of 3

Inside the Austin Base, Scientist saw Baddies coming on his binoculars. He walk up to Soldier said, “Sir, at 3.9234503454 degrees southwest is an army of baddies marching towards here. My calculations say that there is a 15 percent chance we may survive this offensive.”

Soldier gave all nearby Heroes orders, “Green Guy and Girl, set up a force field around the base. Scientist, tell Music Man to radio Phillips 66 for reinforcements. Hyper Guy, try to keep Baddies from entering as we set up the force field.” Hyper Guy replied, “Yes-sir-yes-sir-no-one-can-do-better-than-I”. He bounce his way to the front doors. Hyper Guy throws hundreds of dodgeballs in less than a minute, forcing any Baddies to back up and not get near.

Traitor used his jetpack to fly past Hyper Guy’s dodgeballs and landed near the central computer of the base. He saw Green Guy and Girl getting ready to activate the force field. As Traitor pulled out a dodgeball to kill them, his foot got caught between two large rocks. He saw the two Heroes notice him and were getting ready to hit him. Traitor had to get out, so he lightly throw a dodgeball at his stuck foot. It help Traitor to brake free but he felt sharp pain in his foot. He quickly turn on his jetpack and flee before the two heroes got to him.

Elsewhere, Scientist went to the communions room and told Music Man the situation of the Baddie attack. The former DJ begins to radioing the secret Phillips 66 base.

Robot who snuck inside the base saw a radio dish that was transmitting Music Man's broadcast and shouted in a robotic tone. “BEGIN OPERATION: RADIO JAM” He threw a jar of strawberry jam on the dish, jamming the transmission. Robot looked blankly at the dish and said, “OPERATION: SUCCESS”

Old Guy, Armor Kid, and I were running to reach Austin Base and Old Guy said to us, “I think their getting ready to set up the force field, we need to go to side entrance”. As we got there, we saw a crowd of Giant Mutant Insects. We jumped and slammed our foots on their heads. As we pass over the flatten bugs, we managed to entered Austin Base just before the shield came up.

Villain now looked at the shielded base and looked at some of former construction workers. “Smash the force field!” The former construction workers joined hands. Their flesh was being ripping apart and realigning with each others. It was like they somehow were fusing together. The construction workers became one being, they became … a giant Cyclops. It open it‘s eye and shouted, “PREPARE FOR YOUR DOOM!” He slammed his fist into the force field.

Inside the main control room, Scientist ran to one monitor and said, “We lose 15% of our shields”. I don’t think we can last 56.306384 seconds. He looked out of the window and sees Cyclops keeps punching for almost a minute till a the shield shut down. Just as we’re in our darkest moments, we saw an airplane fly over.

Inside the plane was Captain with a group of Cavemen. The lead caveman said, “Me want to smash Cyclops”. The Cavemen jumped out of the plane with their parachutes and as soon as they land, they attack the one-eye monster with their clubs.

As the plane landed, Captain got out of the plane and headed straight for Villain. He stepped on any Giant Mutant Insects that was in front of him and he destroy any Baddies with dodgeballs who got in his way. Captain got to his enemy and said , “Villain, your age of conquest is over!” Villain replied back, “No, Captain, you will die as I ripped out your eyeballs out with my hand”.

Villain charged towards Captain with a pen in his hand and jabbed the Hero’s left side. Captain pulled it out and deliver a right hook at Villain and kicked him into a wall. Villain grabbed another pen and slashed Cap’s right side. Despite the pain, Captain grabbed the Baddie and did a judo throw. With Villian getting up, Captain aimed a dodgeball towards Villain. The Baddie quickly rolled out of the way and fired his NERF Cannon twice at Captain. As they hit the Hero, he fell to his knees and struggle to get up. Villain slowly walk over to the weaken leader, “Oh for how I waited for the day to see you die.”

With all his strength, Captain grab a dodgeball off the ground and slammed it into Villain’s chest. Villain lose his balance and fell down a hill. He roll down the hillside and hit some trees till he got on the bottom of the hill. Villain barely had the strength to move.

The weaken Villain saw Traitor stand above him as he told him, “And so ends the era of Villain.” Traitor kicked Villain’s head and then push a button on his watch to send a transmission. “Attention all Baddies, time to retreat.” The Cyclops defuses itself as every Baddie leaves the battlefield and board a locomotive heading for the High School. Robot saw the weakened body of Villain and pick him up and went inside the locomotive.

Halfway on the way to High School on the locomotive. Traitor told everyone to remove the dead weight off the train. They opens one of the box’s doors and dump any of the heavily injure Baddies. Traitor picked up Villain and told him, “Farewell Villain. I’m now in command of the Baddies. All hail Traitor!” Traitor dropped him in the grassy fields . As the train leave the area, Villain screams, "TRAITOR!"

Meanwhile in a medic room inside the Austin Base. We heard the news that Cop, Doctor, Tough Guy, and Southerner all died when the plane got hijacked. With more sad news, according to the reports, Captain wasn’t going to make it. Knowing that Captain was about to die, we gather around Captain who was on his bed. Captain said in a weaken tone, “Do not be sad, I be in heaven soon.” He turned his head towards Soldier, “Soldier, you are now New Captain. You take this with you, the Heroes may need of it one day.” Captain pulled out a Glow in the Dark Tennis Ball out of his pocket and handed it to New Captain. New Captain put it in his pocket, then out of his pocket, then back in his pocket. Captain last words were, “Farewell, till the day where Cabot is at peace”. He closed his eyes and died.

In the grassy wilderness left to die. Villain struggle to get up or move, he saw a giant shadow appear over him. He looked up and saw 50-foot tall demon. The creature pulled out his hand and use his telekinesis to lift Villain off the ground to so he could look at him face to face.

“Hello Villain, I’m The Giant Winged Demon. I have a mission for you.” Villain said back in a weakened tone, “Why should I?” The demon replied back to him. “New Captain has something I want gone, destroy him. To help you on your quest, I will give you a new body, new identity and new troops. You are now in my command.”

Villain said in angry yet weak tone, “No, no one is in command of me!” Giant Winged Demon sent out a mental attack to Villain’s head. In such pain, Villain quickly replied, “I…I accept your offer!” Giant Winged Demon stopped the mental attack and now uses his powers to healed the Baddie’s wounds, increase his strength, improved his clothing and weapons, then he rearranged the Baddie’s DNA. From that point on, he was no longer Villain, He was…Supervillain.

The demon used his powers create new Baddies for Supervillain. Warrior, a man with a goatee and bunny ears and Tracker, a man with a long beard and long pink fingernails. Supervillain said in a excited tone, “I will destroy New Captain and any Hero that stands in my way but first, I need to reclaim my army.”

Inside the big Gym, all the Baddies is celebrating their new leader, Traitor. As Traitor is about to get crowned, a part of the ceiling busted open above them. Traitor looked who was the culprit and saw an unfamiliar man jump down from the roof and in front of the new leader.

Traitor said angrily, “WHO ARE YOU, WHY YOU INTERRUPTING MY CORONATION?” Supervillain answer back, “You don‘t remember me, the man who you dump in the grassy wildness?” Traitor was shocked and was getting scared of who this mysterious man really is. Supervillian fired his Super NERF Cannon at Traitor. After getting hit from it, Traitor quickly was reduced to ashes. Supervillain looked at the audience and shouted, “ALL HAIL SUPERVILLAIN!” All the Baddies in the room celebrate.

To Be Continued...

Heroes vs. Baddies War Part 1 of 3

This is a semi-sequel/ spin-off of my Dodgeball story that I wrote in School. I did wrote an actual direct sequel to the Dodgeball later on. Yes, it's obvious what the story is a parody of. Well enjoy the story.

Cast List


Captain: Founder and leader of the Heroes.

Soldier: A high ranking member of the Heroes.

Old Guy: Well he’s old

Green Guy: He always wears green is like it’s St. Patricks everyday to him.

Girl: Our token female teammate. We try to hire many people to join the Heroes but for some reason, only one female wanted to join.

Hyper guy: Always hyper and running around back and forth. I think he eats sugar for breakfast, lunch, and supper.

King Caveman- A guy who acts like he’s from the stone age. He leads a small group of Cavemen.

Scientist- A very smart dude.

Southerner- A dude with a very noticeable deep southerner accent.

Cop- A police officer helping out the Heroes.

Music dude: A former DJ who helps the Heroes.

Doctor- A doctor who is helping out the Heroes.

Rapper- A cool man who loves to rap.

Tough Guy- A short muscle man.

Armor Guy: A dude who wears armor to fight Baddies.

Armor Kid- Armor Guy’s son.


Villain: Founder and leader of the Baddies.

Traitor: 2nd in command and commands the jetpack division.

Robot: A weird guy who thinks he is a robot.

One-Eye: A dude with an eye patch.

There’s more but I don’t want to reveal all just yet. Now to the Story.

Loyalists of the Evil Elf King wanted revenge for his death and form an army called the Baddies, led by a man called Villain. By the beginning of the Summer break. The Baddies conquered Cabot High School. A man called Captain wanted to free High School from Baddie control, so he form a group called the Heroes.

The Heroes set up a secret base underneath Phillips 66 near the High School to keep an eye on the school and hope for a day where they could take it back.

Southerner walked up to Captain and asked, “when are we going to attack?”. Captain looked back to him, “I'm sorry but we need more food and supplies, we‘re just not ready yet. I'm scheduling a flight to our base in Austin, Arkansas. You be part of the crew on that flight.” “Well, I suppose it‘s better then nothing,” Southerner replied.

Little did the Heroes know is that a spy is in their vents and recording the conversation of Southerner and Captain. The spy headed back to the principal’s office and met with One-Eye, Robot, Traitor, and Villain on who was sitting on his throne. The spy handed Robot a VHS tape and he fled into the shadows. Robot turn on the TV and VCR in the room. “BEGIN FOOTAGE”, Robot said in a robotic tone. Villain watched the video and smile to learn what the Heroes were up to.

Underneath the gas station, Southerner is entering an airplane that was headed to Austin. He saw that Cop and Doctor were the pilots for the plane. Southerner sat next to Tough Guy and said to him, “I reckon that it won’t be a smooth ride”. Tough Guy replied, “Maybe not. Anyways, have I told you that I got shot in head last week and it barely made a scratch, it‘s one of the reasons they called me Tough Guy.” The plane begin to take off and head to Austin.

About halfway through the flight, Southerner hear a loud noise on one side of the plane. Just than, he saw an explosion from the side. The explosion died down and there was a big hole in the airplane. Villain, Traitor, and a few former construction workers enter from the hole. Tough Guy got up and plans to tackle them but Traitor shot him in the shoulder with a NERF gun which kills the short guy. A construction worker ran to Southerner and smack him with a wrench, knocking him to the floor. Cop got out of his chair and shouted, “YOUR UNDER ARREST!” Traitor fired at him and Doctor and they soon died. A wounded Southerner tried to get up but Villain looked down on him and fired his NERF cannon. The Baddie leader looked at the remains of the of Hero at his feet.

“So how come we aren‘t attacking their base underneath the gas station?” Traitor asked. Villain replied back, “Because we used this airplane as a Trojan horse to seek into the Austin base and destroy the heart of Hero scum.”

At a pond near Austin, I was fishing with this brat who I was told to babysit. The kid looked at me and said, “My dad is in the war in some secret base near the High School. I wish the war ends soon so I can with him.” The boy’s dad is Armor Guy who wears special armor so take on Baddies. I nickname the brat “Armor Kid”, based the fact whose kid that is. As we continue to fish, we saw a plane fly over our heads. “Is that a Hero Plane?”, the kid asked. I replied, “Let gets on a big hill to get a better view.”

I got up and ran across the field with Armor Kid not far behind. I bumped into Old Guy who was in sitting on his chair on his yard and said, “Sorry, I‘m in a hurry.” Old Guy got up and shakes his fist at me as Armor Kid passed him.

When we got on top a large hill, we pulled out binoculars and looked at the airplane in the air. I notice a giant hole at the side which made me think of something, “I think that plane been boarded by Baddies.”

I grabbed a few dodgeballs and threw them at the plane. One of them hit one of the propellers. The Baddies grab parachutes and jumped out of the plane. Me and Armor Kid try to track down where one of the parachutes landed and saw a Baddie in super thick armor. I threw some dodgeballs at him but it bounce off of him. “OUTTA OF THE WAY!”. I moved out of the way and see who said that. It was Old Guy with a NERF Bazooka and fired at the Baddie. The weapon pierced through the armor and killed him.

“Your not bad for an Old Guy.” He looked at me and acted like he wanted to kill me. Old Guy said, “Quit yer yapping, we need to hurry to the Austin Base before the Baddies do.”
To Be Continued...

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Dodgeball: Deleted Material

My story has went through rewrites over the years. If you haven't seen the Dodgeball story yet, click here.

The story originally started at the metal detector scene. I needed a reason to be in the Mini-Gym in the 1st place so I wrote the scene where I got the phone call at home.

I originally had teammates in the Mini-Gym but I found out they were nowhere to be found during metal detector scene. They just randomly appear during the battle.

After firing the 2nd floor with the Automatic Machine NERF gun, I rescued a bald black dude. Back in the day, we rarely had black people in high school. Someone at school guess it was a certain student in our school since there wasn't that many in school. I simply made up a guy based on Morpheus, not an actual student.

Me rescuing “Morpheus” later ended up becoming “some guy from the Simon commercials”. At the time, the electronic Simon memory game had a commercial and it had a guy based on Morpheus in it. Imagined how many people at my school actually seen that commercial? As the months passed by, the commercial was forgotten very quickly. Normally nowdays, I looked up the commercial on youtube and post it to show it to everyone but the commercial is so obscured, it’s not even on there.

There was a scene where two random people watching me survive the helicopter crash and said, “He is the One”. The One what? Neo was a prophesied dude to free humans from being batteries, I simply a student surviving from dodgeballs. The One doesn't make sense in the story

The Evil Elf King was originally a generic guy. Some of my School buddies was wondering who he was. I had to quickly rewrite him into a actual character and ended up becoming a fusion of Agent Smith and Elrond. Who was 2 of the most popular movie trilogys that was showing at the time.

The ending was that I put a dodgeball in his stomach and he exploded.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Dodgeball!!!

This story was wrote back when I was back in school during the day. 
I was bored in study hall one day and I didn't have homework that day, so I wrote this. Yes, this is obviously a parody of a certain movie.

It's was a Saturday during Spring and I was enjoying my time of not worrying about school for two days when I got a phone call from the high school. It told to visit the Mini-Gym. I got dressed up in my long leather coat and put on my sunglasses and I called a friend to pick me up and drop me off at the high school.

I entered inside the Mini-Gym through it's two front doors and then I heard a loud beep. I believe I passed underneath a metal detector of some sort. The coach appear and ask, "You have any keys or cell phones with you?" I open my coat and the coach was shocked to see the inside of my coat contains electronic dodgeballs. (They make noises as you throw him) The coach shouted, "Holy S--" Before he could finish, I slammed a dodgeball in his face. He fell unconscious and hit the ground with a loud thud. Soon, twenty five students rushed out of the dressing rooms to see what the loud noise was. They saw the body of their coach on the floor. One looked at me and pointed, "You pay for this!" They all grab dodgeballs off the ground and plan to hit me with them. I grab two of my electronic dodgeballs and prepare for the fight of my life.

Three minutes later, after avoiding dodgeballs from doing flips and throwing them back at them, I was the only one standing. I looked around and saw debris all over the floor, but it doesn't matter because whoever doesn't dress out in their PE uniforms, cleans the Mini-Gym.

I took the elevator in the back of the gym and went to the rooftop. When I got the rooftops, I saw a gym student with three dodgeballs on the ground. He pick them up and throw them at me. I bend backwards to dodge them but it felt like it happen in slow motion. I got back up, grab a dodgeball, got right next to him and said, "Dodge this!" I slam the dodgeball into his face. After he was defeated, I saw a helicopter sitting on a helipad on the Mini-Gym's rooftop. I went inside and program it to hover near the Mini-Gym's 2nd floor. I knew other students who want vengeance on their couch's defeat would get supplies from the 2nd floor. I went to the helicopter's side door and fired the automatic machine Nerf gun and destroy the 2nd floor. The reason I'm using a automatic machine Nerf gun is because we're not allow to use real guns in school.

A beat and battered student came out of the front doors with a dodgeball in his hand and looked at the helicopter I was in. The student threw the ball at the helicopter and it hit the vehicle's tail. The Helicopter was losing control and I jumped out before it crashed into the Auto Tech Building. Don't worry, the building got repaired overnight like nothing happen.

I got up and looked at the remains of the Auto Tech Building and notice there is an underground hatch. I opened it and went inside to find an secret underground subway underneath the school. As I walk around, I saw a phone booth and went straight for it, when out of nowhere, a dodgeball hit the machine and destroyed the whole booth. I looked who threw the ball. The person I saw was a man in long brown robes, a small gold headband on his forehead, long brown hair, pointy ears, and dark sunglasses. "Hello there Mr. Boyett, I'm the Evil Elf King. I here to destroy you." He threw dodgeballs at me and I threw some at him till we ran out of them. We then went to hand-to-hand combat as we exchange fists, roundhouses, and whirlwind kicks. The villain picked me up into the air and threw me into the subway tracks. I try to get up on my feet as I heard a train coming. The Evil Elf King grab me and put me in a headlock as he said, "You hear that sound, Mr. Boyett? It's the sound of your death." I ram my elbow into his face and break out of his headlock. I quickly jumped off the rails as The Evil Elf King got hit by the train.

I got out of the secret subway and entered the M building. I looked around to find a phone when I saw the Evil Elf King alive with two other elves. He slam a dodgeball into my stomach. I touched where the ball hit and then looked at my fingers, it was blood. I fell to the ground and died.

The Evil Elf King was getting ready to leave the building when all of the sudden, I got up to my feet. I grabbed underneath my shirt and look what I pull out out of my shirt. I saw busted ketchup packets. I must of forgotten about them because they may of protected me from that dodgeball. The Evil Elf King looked worried as I ran to him and slam my fist into his stomach. My fist went through his skin. With one pull, I ripped out his green guts out of his body and watch as his dead body fell to the ground. I looked to the other two elves and they flee the building because their wimps. I entered one of the classrooms and pick up the phone and called.

The End

Tuesday, August 20, 2013